The Democrats are not a national party anymore

Just a reminder: this is what the electorate looks like now. The Dems have been melting away hoping the coastal states would be enough to win and abandon the white working class. The Dems don't even have a large block of congressmen outside of 5 states. They are dying Sup Forums and they drank their own poison to do so

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yeah but isnt at least two powerful parties GOOD?
isn't this outcome ultimately bad because now since only one remains & dominates, it can become corrupt & shitty?

Most Democrats simply didn't show up to vote. They didn't like Hillary too much and the media kept telling everyone she was going to win handily.

If Democrats turn out with the same numbers we saw during the last two election cycles, Hillary wins handily. It's really that simple. Voter inactivity helped Trump win.

Here's the map during W's presidency

here's now

the brighter colors are gained seats and the white is a runoff pending

This swing by the way has been happening each election, voter turn out has nothing to do with it. you can track the dems loss over these 10 years very easily.

is the gray area in Louisiana David duke?

It's hilarious, because for a decade or two at least, the Dems have smug and talking about how the Republicans are going to be a collapsing regional party. All while it was happening to them.

Because they think owning companies, most of the news outlets and connections means something when you've got millions of registered voters who are fed up with it.

Hell no voter turn out wasn't the problem, blacks gave the fuck up when they were being literally poisoned by democratic management. The health care middle class entry fee was just icing.

even vermont elected a republican. its only a matter of time now that all the new england states go red in a general election

>The Dems have been melting away hoping the coastal states would be enough to win and abandon the white working class.

They could probably get away with it in another election cycle or two. Urbanisation is just getting worse and worse, and North Carolina and Florida are both reaching the tipping point. Even if they lost, say, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Maine statewide, they'd just have to tip one more medium-size state to compensate - such as Arizona.

And let's not forget the continual flow of cancer coming into Austin and San Antonio from the Left Coast.

They will reform to a degree if they can't win elections, it was important to have rebublicans in power now to balance out the past 8 years of corrupt neoliberals while that reform happened. The worst case scenerio would be if demographic change in the southern states introduced by a rapidly growing Hispanic community fliped red states making reform unnecessary for them to maintain power. This is exactly the Democratic party has been aiming for with immigration reform, it's a means to an end for the rest of their agenda, in the DNC leaks Hispanic voters are talked about at length as being "brand loyal" in regards to immigration policy and southern states where thier population is largest. There is undeniably significant corruption within both parties even with the change Trumps election has brought to the GOP but a lot more still needs to be done, that tenuous balance of power you want to preserve is precisely why the democratics couldn't be permitted to hold the white house for another term while these changes are taking place. The appointment of conservative supreme court justices is also very significant in that it will curtail the Dems power if it is in fact too late to prevent the previously described demographic change which would leave them virtuallly unopposed.

Hey look, a population density map

>They could probably get away with it in another election cycle or two
except they can't if Trump's deportation plan goes into affect and stricter voting laws are set in place

It's a shame that Nevada became so Blue. I'm guessing that it's mostly illegal aliens who live there now.

Nevada's always had a shitload of out-of-staters living there.

Please, even if Trump goes full-throttle with his deportation plan, he's still going to be bottlenecked by the court system, limiting him to about half a million deportations a year.

No, even disregarding the fact that not all illegals will be deported the legal Hispanics are still breeding like rabbits in comparison to the existing population. Demographic change is inevitable at this point barring going full 3rd Reich.

Personally I believe in the natural law our founder did and that such as thing would be morally reprehensible as all human beings. Despite what ever racial differences in physical and cognitive potential we may have on average, share the same emotions and potential to feel which is ultimately what makes us human. That said I also believe a culturally homogeneous population is most conductive to a well functioning society and that there are traits which are more prevalent in one ethnic group than another. I can't justify genocide, enslavement, or suppression of a population but I can understand the imperative which would drive a people's to such a drastic measure in order to preserve their society.

t.Drunk natsoc jew

>tfw part of the 25%

its even worse since las vegas is less than 50% white now
the suburbs are pretty white though

>it was important to have rebublicans in power now to balance out the past 8 years of corrupt neoliberals
Yeah, pretty sure you mean 16.

Look, dudes, I'm not a particular Obama fan either, but let's keep some perspective and remember the absolute fucking disaster your party voted in last go-around. You're no saints.


You could drive from loving county texas to divide county north dakota and never hit a liberal county.


This is true, but Trump is very different from Bush and Obama (at least in campaign promises), and the people chose that.
I hope it works, but either way, it shows the Republicans have shifted a lot.

Trump and Bernie this year were big indicators that the issues that are important to the people are different that what the party elites on both sides want imo


America is run by uneducated morons who live out in bum-fuck nowhere thanks to the electoral system. Completely backwards and pathetic.

Don't worry, we're doing what we can to get rid of this idiotic system and leave it up to actual Democracy.

I fucking DARE them to double down on atheism.

Let's see how willing Florida and North Carolina are to vote for the Godless heathens of the Democratic party.

You mean like this willing?

>thinking nogs will turn out for an atheist like they did a fellow negro


Fuck both of you, people like you who don't understand the fabric of America and the nature of the states are exactly what have allowed federal power to run rampant and create such a dire situation. The separation of powers is essential to maintaining the stability and unity of a governing body as large as the United States over a population as diverse as ours, some of the least populated states with the lowest level of economic agency are the most resource rich, without the counter balance provided by the electoral college there would be absolutely nothing to prevent the exploitation of those states and those who live there by those in power save revolution. I bet you supprt gun control too which would make revolution in the modern era unfeasible.

How does it feel knowning even a Jew thinks you are a filthy globalist kike?

Republican party is already ideologically diverse

They could do what the Republicans do a lot of the time, and compensate for the godlessness (real or perceived) of the top of the ticket by having a more traditional, religious VP candidate. Maybe a southern black Baptist type.

>Implying Obama wasn't a unique circumstance, and somebody who greatly embellished his level of religious belief

Absolutely beautiful.

Every cesspool controlled by autists and psychopaths, who exploit the poor are blue. All of the places with any real potential are red. Its not perfect, but its beautiful.

Democrats know that in few years majority of people will live in the major cities, latino immigrants and blacks will turn southern states blue and majority of media will be controlled by them.

Trust me, they are losing now, but give it 20-30 years and everything will be different.

They're just playing the long game.

What's happening here?

>not a national party anymore
>got ~2.000.000 more votes than republicans

Totally not a national party anymore

From South to North: Niggers and Cucks

Dems rigged Florida (Boward) by hundreds of thousands. Rigged Detroit, Philadelphia. Millions more illegals voted in Cali.

>won the popular vote

Scheiss Shill Cuck lass Jamal weiter deine Freundin befriedigen!

Was ist daran shillen du Hartz-4 Unterschichtler?
Die Demokratische Partei hat mindestens 60.000.000 bei der Wahl bekommen, jetzt zu behaupten sie sei keine Volkspartei mehr ist mehr als lächerlich, Ronny.

The remnants of slavery in the south, then north of the mason-dixon line you have a concentration of mega cities.

This. Only really drastic action can avert that. A minority ruled USA is a USA that will soon collapse.

>tfw my state is 100% red



>what are population densities

i didnt know they had internet in serbia

Fucking nuke Massachusetts The whole state is blue! Even California has some red areas.

It's called a "road."
Think of it like a river in 2000BC or even 1300AD. People live near it so they can have reading access to goods and trades.

Niggers and liberals are not going to travel more than 10 miles for any one thing.

Fuck off Turk.

While we have the advantage we should flip into an empire and begin eradicating Democratic leadership from the top-down.

We won't, I know, but we should. It's a mistake not to, from an historical perspective.

Republicans would need to become more diverse. They can't survive as a white party.

In my opinion, they should focus on getting the Asian and Latino votes. Asians are mostly in middle class and don't care about social reforms and Latinos have good family values and are more religious.

Whenever someone says that Republicans should reach out to minorities, what they really mean is that Republicans should become liberals-lite so they can win an occasional election by selling out all of the traditional parts of their platform to appeal to genetically inclined communists.

That's right. Genetically inclined. Cuck.

>blacks gave the fuck up when they were being literally poisoned by democratic management.

No they didn't. They were 12% of electorate in 2016 (slightly down from 13% in 2008 and 2012.) Whites were 71% in 2016 (down from 72% in 2012 and 74% in 2008.)

More niggers and spics voted for Trump than they did for Romney and McCain.

"Nigger belt" up to Baltimore, then you have the northeast corridor with a major concentration of urban dem voters

Or you could create a system that isn't complete garbage.

> Steve: wow Joe our system is so great, that we have 2 horrible choices instead of 1!
> Joe: truly, we are the greatest democracy on God's Earth!

Imagine going back in time and talking to the first ever map maker.
Imagine telling him that you could magically use a map to tell where niggers live in any place on earth by simply glancing at a map that covers thousand mile wide swaths of the earth. Its quite impressive.

Hillary was a really hated candidate who didn't bring out the shitlib voters like black Jesus Obama did.
Trump was a really polarizing candidate as well, but as far as Republicans go he was loved more than most. No Republican in recent history filled stadiums like he did. He also came closer to winning certain states like Minnesota than any Republican since Reagan.

Point is that a repeat of this election isn't guaranteed. Whites need to vulcanize into a cohesive voting block like blacks are. The GOP needs to stop courting Mexicans and Central Americans and only focus on the single demographic who actually votes for them. White men are the conservative basis of America, and without them conservatism simply wouldn't exist.

> What?!? You think that this conservative party should focus on conservative minorities?!? Ha ha! KEK!

Great logic burger

I guess that's why Trump won huh? You dumb yuronigger.

here is proof

They don't vote for whites. They voted for Trump only because he's a person of color.


1/3rd of all Congressional Democrats come from 3 states (California, New York and Massachusetts).


>Conservative minorities

Either straight conservative policies appeal to minorities or they don't. There's no such thing as "minority conservatism". If conservatism - whatever that even really means; can we talk about that elephant in the room? - doesn't appeal to minorities in their natural state and has to be modified to appeal to them, then it's not conservative, and neither are its targets.

It's a non-starter, anyway. As I said, non-whites are genetically inclined to oppose any and every system white people erect to maintain their own racial interests. But you don't want to talk about that.

Fuck you. Slav.

hahahahahaha because he's orange

Blacks and Mexitrash overwhelmingly vote for welfare. They know that the Democrats are the party of entitlements, and their entire existence in the United States is a parasitic one.
The Republicans do not "lose the minority vote" because they truth is that they never had a chance of winning it to begin with. Conservative minorities are an extreme outlier and that will never change.

The solution is to deporting Mexicans and Central Americans. Enforce voter IDs, make voting a recognized right only of US citizens, and make it a felony to facilitate or aid in non citizens voting in our election.
The very concept of foreign leeches voting for our tax dollars is absurd. American citizens might as well start driving north into Canada to vote in their elections.

Oh wait, even Canada has voter ID systems in place.

Calexit when?

I guess that's why Trump won huh?
He won because he forced Republicans to make him their candidate.

He's a person of orange color. HAHA XD XD LULZ XD

Amen brother

Use updated numbers. Hillary is at 64 million votes, Donald at 62 million.

With the absolute stupidity and willful ignorance that fills this world, I can't help but consider this election the best thing that has ever happened in my life. It is sad but also comical that the most important thing to happen for liberty and posterity (so far), is the election of someone with Trump's personality. I can't even.

That said, Trump wouldn't have beaten Obama in 2008. Expect the Democrats to fully abandon Fucking a White Male and turn this shit into full-on White party versus the anti-White coalition. It is the only hope they have at winning at their current pace, and I hope Trump sees this threat and we get some serious voter ID laws after the Wall and deportation squads get rid of the riffraff. I also hope that a little prosperity leads to a little more civilized behavior among blacks, even though they won't vote Republican if there is a black candidate.

There was so much riding on this election, it is truly staggering what we almost lost, and how oblivious 95% of the population was. We still have a long way to go. MAGA

The more I think about it the more I see that the system cannot continue on as it is. So what will happen? Trump and his wall, if built, and his supreme court, might slow down the inevitable. However it won't be prevented. Only a radical change of course from here on out will prevent the minorities from drowning out the conservative, productive whites, and destroying the country with their parasitic welfare. Not to mention the South West may very well turn into a Spanish speaking country within this country.

>65m to obongo
>62m to the witch of izalith
when will this meme die ?

if you don't act, they continue to

you can change


if this goes viral


in this moment the timeline splits: you get this to as many people as it takes to get their operation in the light



or you don't and the ban on fake news goes through, the window shuts, and the children keep getting raped


this will go viral

this will change



if you don't act, they continue to

>If Democrats turn out with the same numbers we saw during the last two election cycles
Not true. Trump got less than Romney did but he still would have beat Obama in 2012 because of his strategy.

The Republican Party is going to split someday and form the new big two. Also, Trump is taking measures to prevent that.

turnout was pretty similar to the last couple elections though, but third parties got a lot more votes this time

Which is the most red state? Looks like OK as far as I can see

I'm just saying that Republicans are seen as white, not conservative. Because of this they loose a lot of potential voters.
They could easily get Mexicans born in US and those who came legally by targeting illegal immigrants. By deporting them they would 1. Get rid of millions of dem voters 2. get a lot of votes from Latinos who hate them.

That's the path of the next crusade.

It's the cotton belt, my dude

No surprises

multiparty systems are trash

>flag related

Let's get rid of their future voters.

There are steps to be taken to reverse the damage, but its not a total fix.
Things we absolutely need:
A wall on the southern boarder
Defund sanctuary cities
Voter ID
Right to vote only for citizens
Heavy tax fine for companies employing illegals
Illegals are deported immediately when caught
Mexico is fined(financial aid taken away) for encouraging their people to cross into our country

No one thing here is radically right in policy, and all of them have been tried before. If the GOP doesn't cuck, then the Republican dominated House and Senate can get these to pass. With Trump in the White House there is no dissenting president to veto them, and a right leaning Supreme Court would rule in favor of them in contested in court.

With those measures in place the Democrats instantly lose a tremendous block of voters, literally millions of votes are gone for them.

The second and bigger part of the issue is reversing the declining white birth rates. This isn't something that legislation can change, though we can incentivize it. Give tax breaks to "eligible" couples to have children, provide them tax credits for child care, basic supplies, reduce the cost of raising a kid. We could go even further and have the government open up a savings account in the name of every new citizen born to eligible families. Let it grow over time, investing in the market, and have the government use that money to pay tuition costs when the child goes to college.

We ultimately have to change the culture and make building a family more appealing to these lost generations of young people. Media campaigns can push people away from child rearing and they could certainly push them back towards it. Hell, women have a biological urge to have children. Their bodies scream for it once they hit a certain age.

> multiparty systems are trash
Did I say "you should have our system"?
I said system that isn't complete garbage.

Well after Trump's first turn I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

If we could get the Illegals out and make English the official language of the nation (and thus re-Americanize the regions turning Spanish) there might be hope.

Oh, and repeal the Hart Celler immigration act of 1965.
Start bringing white Europeans back into America. Plenty of Eurobros who want to avoid the impending Arab terror epidemic could move here.

That isn't helping the situation in Europe, but thats a much bigger problem to solve.
Those Muslims have to be physically removed.

I'm really skeptical of Trump.
He backed out of a lot of his promises, the whole Hamilton incident, his choices of cabinet and the minor things like blocking traffic in New York because "his son reaaaly likes his school".
He will either be the saviour of US or he will destroy it.

IIRC, if democrats lose one more state, the republicans can change the consstitution however they wish

Trump is encountering reality, and trying to cope with it.
He absolutely is the anti establishment candidate. Problem is that the entirety of the GOP is the establishment too, and they do whatever the top donors tell them too.
The Republicans who for years were always the party who were "hard" on immigration eventually buckled and started talking about amnesty. Even Bush wanted to push amnesty through. Why? Because thats what the money is telling them to do.

The Republican senators and congressmen need to understand that we'll vote them out of office for pursuing an agenda that doesn't benefit the American people, and top of the list right now is immigration. Trump wants to build the border, he wants criminal deportation, he wants to break up sanctuary cities. He still has to fight his own party on these issues.

The Hamilton thing was 5d chess. It completely slid coverage of his Trump University settlement plus it tricked liberals into attack the concept of safe spaces.

I was never enthusiastic for Trump, but with HRC or really any other Dem I knew he was the only choice left. The last best hope.

With the Dems in power our destruction is certain.

With Trump though we have a chance at averting that. It's only been about two and a half weeks. He has spoken to some moderate positions but has otherwise appeared to surround himself with many hard-liners which tells me that he might be serious about all of this after all.

Looks like the 1920s

>That south texas

Seriously, tell me with a straight face illegals don't vote lads

Oh shit I completely forgot about the university. Ok, I must admit that was smart.