>Trump lost by 2,000,000 votes
Trump lost by 2,000,000 votes
Other urls found in this thread:
3 million illegals voted
But won by almost 70 electoral points
im sorrry but who is the 45th president?
you have a funny definition of losing
>Trump won the election
how much is 2,000,000 in a country of 325,000,000?
0.6%, it's fucking nothing.
>implying everyone voted
you mean just like here where they bus people, falsely fill in ballot tickets and vote multiple time? AND EVEN THE FUCKING DEAD VOTED, IT'S THE SAME IN YOUR COUNTRY WITH SOCIAL DEMOCRATS, FUCK YOU
>Dead people have turned up as voters in Romania. If voter lists are not up to date, people who died in the previous year can vote.
>2 million more people in California voted therefore the results of every other state must be nullified
Impossible, there were only 538 votes available.
>> 99999999
Trump won by -2,000,000 votes
>implying everyone who votes gets counted
Madam Clinton.
>implying any implication was made
Your tears are so salty they could easily be condensed into pill form.
They really need to let state make voting laws. Aka making having a job a requirement or being over 21. Or not having a criminal record. Also Jews shouldn't be able to vote im sorry. They have way too much money to have an opinions.
Trump won.
You mean won by -2,000,000!
The Nile isn't just a river in Egypt huh?
>making having a job a requirement or not having a criminal record.
You realize that Jews would just hire 30 million niggers for a single day and then make being a white male a crime because whites are racist.
Thanks India I was wondering when they would get that check.
That's already happening?
So you are just going to enslave all the millionaire great grandfathers and such to perpetual labor after a lifetime of hard work?
>They really need to let state make voting laws. Aka making having a job a requirement or being over 21. Or not having a criminal record. Also Jews shouldn't be able to vote im sorry. They have way too much money to have an opinions.
States do make voting laws. Many states do prohibit felons from voting. Jews should be allowed to vote, but people with money should not have more influence than others.
No he didn't. 3 million of hillarys votes were from illegals. Trump won by a landslide.
it was 6 gorillion votes
those votes belong to dead people
thanks soros
Literally this.
Even if we include the 3,000,000 illegals that voted as official votes, should California really get to decide who the president is every 4 years?
As big as they are do they get enough contribution, though?
The way the electors are split up doesn't that put each california voter at 1/5th the value or worse than some midwest rural states?
Its not like they can just leave and isolate themselves, they can barely bring in enough water as it is now.
I wonder how the Founding Fathers would react if they saw what voting in America was like today
>What the fuck you retards - not letting the farm equipment, breeding cows and Spanish rape babies vote was a feature, not a bug
They get too much contribution.
California + New York are worth 1/3 of the electoral votes needed to win. Wyoming is worth 1.1% of the electoral votes needed to win. They get plenty enough representation. Plus, those faggots flood other states and swing them blue. When you hear analysts talking about Arizona becoming a purple state in 2020 or 2024, a large part of that is because of all the Californians moving there and voting for the same policies/politicians that made them flee California.
Hillary got less than 50% of the vote, and libertarians would probably have Trump as their preferred choice.
Subtract about 10 million from Hillary's total.
>dead people
>people who voted multiple times
All that rigging and she still lost. Top kek, she is seriously the biggest failure of all time.
Good. Fuck California, fuck illegals and fuck liberals in general. I hope the libs lose every fucking election from here on out by only the electoral college. Just increases the liberal tears.
Yes with king obongo basically saying "lol shit on laws! yo illegales come out and vote for hillary or no more gibs me dat." congrats no really congrats :| what a achievement from the hilldog and obongo truly a genius move.
Three fifths rule is still in effect bruh
lost by femtosecond
This. Also two million is like two tenths of one percentage for America.
The founding fathers were all white supremacists and elitists. If you didn't own land you didn't have the right to vote.
Is that the kind of country you want to live in?
Either he won. Also 3 million illegals voted in this elections.
Wow. Wtf?
Typical Jew, always jewing the numbers
Nothing good comes from allowing nonwhites and women to vote
Lost what, shill? He's the goddamn president
Lol! This fag is still in the denial stage.
Doesnt say much.
U can lose florida by 1 vote and win all the electoral college votes. U win 3=4 states by a small margin and get the total sum of ec. Winner takes all is truly a farce system.
Kids dont vote. Why do u count the kids.
And only registered people can vote.
Wrong timeline bud.
Dead people may be registered but how can they vote dickwad
Thats how a constitutional republic works.
Ask the Democrats that friendo
Actually trump won by -2,000,000 votes and that makes it so much more delicious
Californians dont count I guess
How is that not funny? I thought this was the best possible outcome everybody was rooting for - max butthurt and trump is president.
Hopefully Trump finds a way to gerrymander the shit out of the electoral college for next time so democrats cannot win it ever again no matter what.
Nice trips, what don't you understand about /ourguy/ won?
Electoral voted are.base Don population dummy. With a minimum of 3. Just like house representatives.
>know that Nigger McFaggot is registered to vote but died last year
>go to polls
>"Hi I would like to vote"
>"Name please?"
>"Nigger McFaggot"
>"Ok here is your ballot Mr. McFaggot, I can't ask for your ID to verify your identity because that would be racist and sexist according to liberals"
That's how you can rig voting with dead people
Ur a liar conservicuck
Stop tunig in fox news
Taiwan represent!! Based Trump Taiwan supporter
Fuck china
How can your voting system possibly be this shitty? What the fuck Murrica?
Why not a constitutional republic with a proportional system.like in maine and nebraska. More fair
AYY Wooooo put the brakes on friend I'm just telling it like It is maybe reddit is more suited for you.
Well when it's run by banks it kinda makes its own rules ya know.
Yes. People invested in society. Do you really believe some illiterate welfare brood mare's vote is as informed as yours?
Greg philips is a liar. Look at is twitterfeed. That guy is unreliable and he is a nobody
This shits so annoying the USA is fucking huge. You cant allow people in one little part to decide the policy for everyone else. Electoral college is a great solution.
Yeah I'm sure this will catch on
>Pukes internally
The Military recruiting office called. They said they want you back at the job and are willing to double your pay
Thank you for correcting the record!
.05 cents has been deposited into your account!
Is this excluding the votes Hillary received from illegal aliens?
>trump lost by over 2000000 ghosts and aliens
left has fucking /x/ on its side
You mean won by -2,000,000
But still became president-elect. That makes the leftist tears that much better. The mongoloids can't accept that we are not and never have been a direct democracy.
But Trump has a resurrected god on his side
It may not sound nice but that's the way it is. Enjoy your new president & Happy Trumpsgiving :*
We're a Democratic Republic, not a Direct Democracy. Having 5 cities vote for you with significant immigrant populations doesn't give you the presidency. Uniting the most groups and separate interests of the country does. This is a system that was set in place as the only way to win the presidency, and Hillary failed at it. If we had a popular vote based system, then the cities would run everything else.
Oh snap
Its okay, the votes of farmers in the middle of nowhere should decide who the commander and chief of the worlds largest military and economic power is.
You're right. Numals, illegal immigrants and women from California should determine such things.
Farmers in Kansas aren't obliged to waste all their farm's water thanks to corrupt long term water contracts that have create a state water crisis, so farming might not be the best way to try to sell California.
maybe that god is going to laugh about you very soon, because all he cares about is 'the lulz'.
embrace jesus,
the true saviour of america
Remind me again who fought and died to found this country?
>farmers and other rural fucking white males
>inner-city nig nogs, spics, women, cucks and other leftist scum
>Madame Popular Vote
>Trump won
You don't get to run the cuntry, california
>I missed and
No. Clinton lost by 50-something electoral votes. Popular votes doesn't mean shit.
>only registered people can vote
Not in commiefornia
And don't forget the tens of millions of nonvoters who were sure that Hillary would win and didn't bother voting. This has got to be the end of Trump's campaign.
fuck you nigger -sal