Former redditor here, are you guys actually racist or is it just memes?
Former redditor here, are you guys actually racist or is it just memes?
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welcome newfriend!
we're communist, don't know where you got the racism thing from
This is a Nat Soc board.
we're actually all ancap here
the ancap memes are just poking fun. we're real big on self-deprecating humour here. haha
even worse
ehh... what are some cool boards to browse then?
Nah m8 im a racially tolerant Libertarian Socialist who wanted Bernie but came to realize Trump was the better choice
I don't like blackies, and kikes are fucking filth. Prove me wrong
I heard Sup Forums is pretty good
Actually, we're all leftists. Really!
I don't like black culture as a whole and think multiculturalism is a cancer upon society but I don't consider myself a racist and don't judge individuals regardless of their skin color until they've already proven they're a stereotype
Maybe like 1% of Sup Forums is truly racist
50% of Sup Forums pretends to be racist because it's hilarious
You're already on it.
dont pay attention to those fags. pol is a Christian board devoted to purging of all degenerates under our godking Mike Pence.
deus volt
Any uh, question?
it's all just memes haha who could honestly hate nblacks haha dont be silly
We are racial realists.
We do not hate niggers because it is not their fault to be violent and unintelligent. It˙s genetics. If anything the black violence is our fault because we did not force them to practice eugenics to better their race
We are little girls.
This desu.
You lot can go wank into a Stahlhelm, it's about all you're good for.
We are all literal (literally) Hitlers. Literally.
>former reditor
what made you leave?
(also racism IS a meme)
Don't believe everything you hear friend!
Fuck off back there you faggot
what is that word? does it mean faggot?
Fucking noice m8, this is the truth.
I have worried about the future every single day of my life for longer than i can remember
I just need someone tot ell me that everything will be okay & if anything bad happens, they got my back,I'm just so tired of having to turn around so much to check my own back
When I was a newfag I was pretty racist and posted a lot, now I'm pretty tolerate and just lurk mostly.
It might also have to do with me having a better life than before, print up my frustrations here during my jobless days.
We aren't one person believe it or not
i am a realist, i use the real hard data.
You have to go back, faggot
you can't stay here man
No shit. Why do people say this? Autism? Of course Sup Forums isn't one person ya retards, that's why it's called Sup Forums and not /kevin/.
its all post libertarianism
Some went fascist
Some went farther and became ancaps
Some went back to paleo conservationism
most of us also shit post about being something we are not.
personally I just want a wall and would like the illegals deported, I would like the average man to be able to recognize the jew as a foreigner and the communist as an enemy of the state.
Die already!
your future, or *the* future?
spoiler alert on *the* future: fucked up shit will happen in our lifetime. struggles for power, death, war, poverty, all of this shit is basically guaranteed to happen somewhere on earth, somewhere to people you care about. that's a foregone conclusion - the world changes, get used to it.
now, for your future, you need to lift weights and do things that will allow you to make money. increase your personal power in this world so that you and your loved ones will never have to worry.
No, we are curators of the most esoteric art being created. Its very sophisticated. Im not sure if you would really be interested.....
I'm not a racist, but I don't want immigration and I especially don't want economic immigration.
Pol is anything but unified. That is what defines it. Between the contrarians, the trolls, the censored, and the shills, you will find pretty much every possible belief on this board.
Also, don't take the rampent insults too seriously, you cock sucking CTR nigger shill.
Nobody can tell, that's the best part.
I'm racist as fuck, but i don't speak for the rest of these niggers. Anyone who says we are all X is full of shit.
I am not the kind of racist who says ALL X is bad, I just expect the worst until X proves itself as an individual. Used to be a word for that.
>or is it just memes
Fucking BOOM.
Never thought of it like this. Amazing.
I feel that I am no more or less racist than any other person, but more willing to evidence that shows different races perform and behave differently, and that ethnically and culturally homogenous communities tend to be more stable and have a higher standard of living than otherwise comparable "diverse" communities. I love everybody and try to treat people as individuals but there's no reason to ignore macro-level information.
I just hate Jamaicans.
that fbook page is cancer lol
>tfw Sup Forums just predicted this...
The new fags are more racist (still not legitimately), the old fags are lurking shitposters who harmlessly entertain the idea of viewing races as Civ 5 colonies on turn 300.
All in all the ends justify the memes.
Why are you so fucking judgmental? Like, if people are racist who are we to call them on it? The lesson of tolerance we've yet to learn is to accep bigots for who they are and love them since we're all human beings and we all bleed red. We are LEFT, we combat HATE with more and more LOVE!
Sup Forums is a neoreactionary monarchist board
Is noticing differences racist?
I don't have any hate for other groups but I recognise that they are different, be it British, French or Nigerian.
Is it racist to notice that diversity and multiculturalism have been failed projects and that even after 50 years of government clamping down on "hate opinion" people still don't want it?
The truth of the matter is that ethnic nationalists secretly like everyone, civic nationalists and other trash secretly hate everyone.
Nah, that's neoliberal SJW types. Left combats hate with gulag.
>entertain the idea of viewing races as Civ 5 colonies on turn 300
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Most of us are actual racists bc niggers and kikes should all be killed and that's the truth.
Yes, kikes are evil and niggers need to go back to Africa
Don't pay attention to those fags, Sup Forums is an muslim board devoted to purging all degenrates under our godking kzir kahn
Allahu akbar
Fuck off kevin
You're a niggerino
for most of us, it's in between. I'm a good example. I believe in differences between the races, and that blacks are a low race and whites and asians are high races, but i also don't think it's acceptable to treat a responsible and intelligent black person poorly just for belonging to a race full of retarded criminals. Racial differences are real, but you still treat people as individuals or you're an asshole.
soros GTFO
I'm probably gonna get shit on for this but fuck it. It depends on what your preferences are really. You like anime? Go to Sup Forums. You like cars? Go to /o/. Like guns? /k/ will be fun. Got autism? /r9k/ will recieve you with open arms. Fuck there's even a papercrafts and origami board right next to Sup Forums called /po/. But since you came from reddit and your first stop was Sup Forums then I can somewhat guess your preferences. Sup Forums and /his/ are way more relaxed than Sup Forums but share some international memes. /k/ is also something to look at. Sup Forums well, fuck you do whatever the fuck you want in Sup Forums. Oh and a tip. LURK, and I mean it, unless it's an opinion about a current event like a sports game, a war or a video game, lurk before posting. Sup Forums can be very friendly, hell some boards will even have nice normal people like Sup Forums or /trv/, all you have to do is look at it through a very thick shade of glasses and it will feel friendly, why? I still can't really figure it out myself. But if there's something you are guaranteed to find eventually on each board is banter, and it's hilarious.
actually, but we don't mind other races as long as they assimilate
Other white races are shit tier compared to Aussies
Decide for yourself.
gib reparations or gtfo you lazy conquistador
where national communists
>pol is a Christian board
Sure, buddy.
Where are my Moon Man's at?!
We're actually memes and it's just racist.
You forgot
>are you a redditor And a cuck?
Le /tg/ and Sup Forums
>deus volt
Fuck, that's good. Here have some hips.
So 49% are half-racist ?
Holy shit. Is that shopped?
Try /mlp/ it's pretty good.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
Kek confirms, in the deepest recesses of our minds this question will forever haunt us.
So why aren't you back in your hive?
>nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks
I can't just leave you hanging, at least you'll know what this is.
Super racist, now KYS faggot.
Most people here actually seem to judge people based on their actions. See Dorner being worshiped for shooting cops. Sup Forums thought that tne NYPD was a bunch of corrupt shitcunts so they sided with the person they thought had a just cause.
It's just that some ethnicities tend to show shitty behavior over and over again so at some point your initial opinion about people belonging to those ethnicities will not be all that great anymore.
Reddit did, probably. It's a cesspool.
I'm actually racist.
Is what I would say if I was memeing.
If you have to ask such questions then you probably don't belong here.
Stick around though. You can learn some things amongst the bullshit.
See how long it takes for you to become a full blown holocaust denier
Sure we are, it's just realism.
Dumb frogposter
>Former redditor here, are you guys actually racist or is it just memes?
welcome to Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
yep, all racists here
That's true, in fact we are three guys using a lot of proxies