Why don't millenials watch sports?
Why don't millenials watch sports?
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Why watch millionaires fling a ball around in a pointless gamrr when I can fuck ur mum in the cunt? Cunt. Cunt? Cunts.
Why would i watch someone doing something i could do myself? Only exceptions are stuff like the Red Bull Air Race.
"E""Sports""" are even more retarded.
> I'd rather play a sport terribly than watch someone do it better than I could achieve
Why not both?
Some brain deads kicking a ball and act like they are dying so they get extra points. FUN!!
I think they're boring
Sports aren't about sports anymore. It's about billionaires recruiting people for their team and who offered the best contract.
Fun fact: Nobody on football teams are from the team's state or city. They're drafted from across the country, if not other countries. Louisiana's players are fucking Haitian.
Unless you're making bets, watching sports and rooting for your home team is a waste.
>he thinks watching sweaty niggers play with a ball is manly and fulfilling
Because the Jews did 9/11, Gas the kikes race war now.
millenials are inherently low-test
Why would i care about how others do it? If i'm playing it terribly, i should try to get better instead of watching Advertising Ball.
video games are better grandpa
who says they don't watch sports ?
>i'm a millenial but not a normie
grown men mostly googles who play with a ball-ball. for some reason this is still a thing to have pride in 17 years into the 21st century. wew m8. now thats what i call a QUALITY hobby lads
Busy playing games/watching anime/shitposting here. No one has time for sports.
this bretty much kek
>hey user what do you like to do for fun
>oh I like to watch virile young men engage in strenuous physical activity
watching sports is literally for fags
because we watch eSports
Its shit.
Football (american and soccer) are the opiates of the masses.
Rugby is decent. Cricket is boring. Tennis is good.
Basketball is nigger tier and why the fuck is it even a thing.
Baseball is just complicated rounders and i'd say its even more boring to watch than cricket.
I guess hockey can be entertaining if a fight breaks out or someone gets fucking smashed.
No one cares which city is which anymore.
>user why do you play video games they are for children!? Come here and watch the tv where a bunch of grown men are playing a game meant for kids.
Video games? Sports are boring as all fuck and we have better outlets to compete in.
Well theyre all nu males
I honestly rather watch a Starcraft 2 match than a football match at this point.
>ho no, he touched me, I'M DYING HERE! QUICK A RED CARD FOR HIM!! AARRGgghhhh
Golf is more engaging to watch than NASCAR and baseball.
And that's not me being a pro-golf enthusiast.
The dumbest sport about hitting a ball and then finding it only to whack it into a hole is more entertaining than Turn Left or Crotch Scratch.
I watch ESPORTS instead desu
A lot of us do we just refuse to pay for it
The only sport I watch is the Sup Forums Football/Soccer Cup
[spoiler]Why is Sup Forums so shit last cup? [/spoiler]
Because its a waste of fucking time and the major sports networks are huge cucks. I would much rather play sports and get some exercise than watch a bunch of niggers hopped up on steroids chase a ball around. Ive seen some fat, loud, annoying fuckheads sit and watch sports hours on end and do nothing productive. These same fucks that use their sports team's logo to partially identify themselves as an individual.
Its fucking stupid and our efforts could be much better used elsewhere. Do you know how much a fucking stadium costs?
>t. 22 year old EE major
Because all sports except for Hockey have become feminized. You're a leaf, you should understand this.
Fuck off dickhead I watch Raw and Smackdown every week.
they're rigged
>panem et circenses
Because they're boring.
>Why don't millenials do what boomers do?
Here's what's changed since the 1970s:
-NES/etc in nearly every western household from 80s onward
-home internet in half of houses by the mid-late 90s
-smartphones common from the late 00s
Before any of this, you couldn't just sit inside and expect something interesting to happen. You had to go places, and these places had limited stuff in them. You could go to a bar or disco, to watch a bunch of retards getting drunk and acting drunktarded. Or you could go to a stadium, and watch people who actually care about their lives doing the thing they've put their whole lives into doing.
Gridiron and baseball had a special charm in the 20th century, now long gone as every_single_thing gets blurred out with political preaching and the loss of identity making different places gradually less different over time. Stadiums are a much less important part of daily life, and the NFL is losing a lot of love thanks to Colin "nine straight losses" Kaepernick.
Simply put, MLB + NFL used to serve a purpose in people's lives and now they don't.
Besides obligatory NZ rugby, I like to watch our national hockey team. Well, the women's team anyway. Some of the girls are pretty cute
because they no longer understand the spirit of the game nor the team spirit nor spirits in general. Spiritually dead
I don't find what is so fascinating about any sport.
Sure it must be alright to play and get some exercise.
But it's like watching guys exercise. Kind of stupid and gay.
I can't connect with the team tribalism bullshit never have never will.
I can never make any male friends because all they care about is how strong or awesome this great guy is on their favorite team. How they are going to win so hard.
It's pointless and gay I can't even lie and pretend to enjoy it.
Sup Forums is the closest I got to male friends because of sports.
Why do I care about some big black buck who sweats and runs around.
What the fuck is wrong with people
Fuck, Sports. More importantly...
I like e sport
Dude down the street has a raider flag hanging over his front door, and it's the largest flag in town. He probably couldn't run the length of a football field if his burgers depended on it.
Because it's retarded.
Because E-sports exist
I don't mind sports if I'm actually at the stadium but I don't enjoy it enough to keep up with it on TV
NZ is obsessed with sports and I was a big kid so people tried to get me to play but I just never got the appeal and would rather play video games and watch anime.
That's a huge part of it - people don't have tribes anymore. People don't have any kind of real identity anymore in the developed world, which makes sports teams pointless. From the moment sports TV was more than just live games, the only people who truly cared about sports did so to let them feel like a winner without actually doing anything.
Why does anyone watch sports?
You know back in the 19th century before tv and telephone when there was fuck all to do, if your town had a sports team it made sense to go to the game, you met people and it was a big event in a world with very few of them.
But today? With all the other things you could be doing with your time, why on earth would you sit your butt down on the couch and watch healthy, athletic people playing a game? If you like the game then find a parks and rec team and play it.
That's a lot closer to the real 'going to the game' experience and a lot healthier for your poor overstressed heart user.
I used to watch Formula One a lot until Mike retired. After him it just stopped to be interesting for me. I watched it since the late 90's until 2006, if I missed a sunday or a qualifying I would slap my mom in the face and kick my dad in the balls. That's how much I used to like it.
>Fun fact: Nobody on football teams are from the team's state or city.
This bothers me too.
So who else is hoping the 2017 patch for SFV is just what Daigo needs to get back on top with Ryu? I know he's past his prime and he wasn't the hottest shit in IV but I just want to see him winning majors again ;__;
>watching someone else throw a ball around
watching sports makes you more of a cuckold than people who watch porn
>Why don't millenials watch sports?
It's boring watching some over paid retards passing a ball around. Now if they released a starved panther or other big cat onto the field at random intervals, it would become more interesting.
Could have stopped at the second cunt myt
I think you have to play it to enjoy watching players better than you. I don't even know the rules of football and for me it's just pointless running around a large field. If I could recognize strategy opponents are using to win I would have had much more fun.
I mean, MOBA streams are rather popular, because there are a lot of people who play them and they want to improve or just want to watch the perfect execution of something they usually do.
If sports were popular activity, watching professionals playing would be more popular too.
Yuri on Ice is the only anime I'm watching this season
Good taste bby ;)
They're more entertaining to play than watch.
Gets it.
Bongistan is obsessed with soccer*, despite us being total fucking shit at international games.
F1 was good until it got too "Safe" and all this "don't pass your team mates" shit.
BTCC, British/world superbikes and MotoGP is still pretty based. Proper stuff, none of this premiershit rolling around on the floor crying over a stubbed toe for £50,000 a week bullshit
>*we invented the term soccer before you drop your tendies everywhere