Scientists estimate white race will go extinct in 2200

>Scientists estimate white race will go extinct in 2200

How can whitey compete?

they also predicted Hillary 2016


Oh fuck

They're wrong.

some scientists say global warming horse shit is real

engineering is important
not science

Still true. With that recount, Trump will lose for sure.

>Scientists estimate white race will go extinct in 2200

No they haven't.

someone translate what teh qt is saying?

Money. No whites working to pay for taxes, blacks because even more poor than they already are. Whites no longer donate to Africa, then Africa starves.
No whites to grow food, hell everybody starves.

Being shit on for who I am when I've done nothing to anybody makes me want to actively destroy these cunts. I just wish they would know that.


They can't. The BBC was made for white pussy. It's programmed in their genetics.

Black guys
>Larger dicks
>Fun to be around
>Interesting conversation anytime you want
>Nicely dressed and groomed
>Crack jokes all the time
>Will take you places
>Broad social spectrum
>Know interesting people you will be introduced to
>Behave like real men
>Smile on their faces most of the time
>Can dance and cook
>Chills in the school

White guys
>Tiny dicks
>Socially awkward
>Inhibited socially
>Prefer to stay home
>Hate to dance
>Sad faces
>Often have either anger or anxiety issues
>Shoots up the school

>white race goes extinct
>never reach the cosmos
>humanity ends on Earth

Literally what will happen and the biggest reason why I'd be concerned if whites went extinct. The only other race that cares about space travel are Asians but they're still inept at it. You think muslims will EVER give a shit about reaching new limits in space instead of their stupid fucking book?

All it takes is for one stray comet to hit us, it's happened multiple times in Earth's history, multiple times all life was eradicated.

>what is a constitutional republic

"I'd rather take 10 big black cocks than 1 small white cock from an afd (right-wing) voter"

alt-wing BTFO yet again

Based redpilled white girl.

I'm a scientist and I predict that all of those scientists will be extinct by 2200.

She would rather fuck 10 BBCs than 1 micro dicked AfD voter.

Look up her Twitter, she's Champaigne leftist trash

This. Thank you.

whats her name?

scientists are idiots:

global warming will drown and starve most nignogs and dirt people.

Yay, the election is over so now we get anti White cuck spam again.



>a billion people will magically vanish in 200 years

sure enough she does. I'd rather 10 big titties then 1 pair of small ones. who doesn't?

>big black cocks

By 2200 all humans Wil be exstinct. Our robot overlords will see to that.

Tell that to the Egyptians and Romans.

This woman is at least 8/10, regardless of what her body looks like. Call me a cuck or faggot, but I would pretend to support her and hold her views just so I could hold her bosom against my head.

>tfw qt's help me sleep at night better than spooks.

too much ass

Its in the picture you dumb cunt

So she'd rather take 10 big dicks than 1 tiny dick? Ok that seems reasonable. Why does race or voting preferences are added on? What's the dichotomy here?

Her statement makes no fucking sense AT ALL

We need to control women in every aspect of their lives. They make terrible decisions, like creating hideous and dumbed down mixer children.

Nuclear annihilation. Humanity deserves it we let communism exist.

the fuck kinda name is that?

They can't. Once the white women were sexually liberated from their diglet whites, they saw what true leader and alpha was.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Just because your women choose to be with us shows that your men have a bigger problem that needs addressing.

>This woman is at least 8/10, regardless of what her body looks like. Call me a cuck or faggot, but I would pretend to support her and hold her views just so I could hold her bosom against my head.

dude, I have seen so many bad ideas spread because of this. you really shouldn't - or at least do it for someone who will not age as bad as her.

Same could be said for the minorities of this country who don't cause trouble but are cast in a broad stroke of hate from whites.


She's a spoiled rich kid. The only thing you could do to get her back on track is to slap some sense into her.

I hate cucks like you who enable these whores

All i got from it

Btw Caucasians statistically have bigger penises Than blacks. The biggest real penis in the world belongs to a Russian.

Women are brain washed via liberal media and porn. It is prOven that the blacks in porn mostly use prosthetic penises that look, feel and even function as a real penis. Also penis enhancement surgeries are very common too. This gives women unrealistic expectations.

Control the media, and you will control our women again.

Oh noes, some whore who probably already fucks niggers won't touch me peepee. Sad!

Lol gtfo omega shit

Purging and Lebensborn.

I'm pretty surprised Germany doesn't have its own word for big black cocks.

Then they should tell their people to stop acting like cunts before something does happen. I'm not wanting a race war, just want everyone to get over their stupid shit.

Ohh so Slavs are "white" on Sup Forums now that they need to defend the size of their penis.


Wtf is this picture about

I guess you guys don't understand women. You misunderstood. I said pretend to hold her views, that does not mean hold them for very long, only until she becomes emotionally dependant. Once that happens, you slowly start administering the redpill and her love for you will make its effects spread faster. Within a few months, you have an 8/10 who cannot remember a single thing she believed in before she met you.

Ya'll niggas need Kierkegaard

I think she deleted her

yah can't find it
guess that comment didn't work out to well for her


Yup. She pretty admitted to the world that she's a whore

Sooner than that.

Once whites reach a demographic minority below 40% in their own countries, that's when the real mass genocide will begin.

Whites will be hunted and killed by the millions. It's the what the Jews want, and they always get what they want.

>Italians and Egyptians don't exist anymore


*pretty much

Fuck my life



we've had enough of "experts"

Italians aren't Romans, and filthy mudslimes aren't Egyptians.

>the race who discovered DNA and who actively uses gene resequencing will go extinct.

No. If anything other races should be terrified we don't cleanse the genepool with our advanced technology.


A race rests on its women. Dump cave bitch, fuck latin or asian.

Not before we give everyone autism with our vaccines

So hilarious that we're so superior to everyone that "scientists" are know predicting when we will be extinct. The human race would be nothing without us

This makes me so angry this was posted in my country :( I want to deck.

...what the fuck Hans, you're always in for some weird autism shit.

We have most of the nukes. We'll just fuck the entire planet and bring all the muds with us.

hmmmm not sure if I'll bother being cryogenically frozen then.

there aren't a billion white people.

Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created

Pointless mate, the human race shall go extinct. Might as well blame on le darkness

Luckily the white goyim is going to be replaced by muslim nigger, so you will gassed again (for the first time)

>no source

Are Russia, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Britain and Ireland, and 160million white people from the USA, Canada, Australia all gonna vanish in 200 years?

How about 300 years?

It will be alright if by then, we manage to raise the general education level. Obama proved that black people can be civilized too.

We will leave planet earth to the niggers and subhumans and move to another 100% white planet. If that's what they mean with vanish.

>been around since dawn of man
>suddenly 300 years down the road our ongoing 16000 year history
>all vanish

Sound right to you Bub?

At the rate women and men are mixing with other races, I'd say it's a real possibility.

Only niggers predict the world 200 years from now

>its a (((scientists))) present wishful thinking as fact episode

It's some rich bitch and her instagram is full of white guys, not a single black. So calm your fucking tits.

I think you are unable to score with women and you are using this posting exchange as an opportunity to let your feelings of frustration and inadequacy out and are using reckless emotional based reasoning, again being hyperbolic to compensate for your poor social skills...

And to that, lose weight, speak strongly and go get drunk and find a girlfriend.

Not interested in dealing with women's drama desu.

>total amount of whites, this is including muslims and questionable whites: 1 billion

There is 1 billion people in India alone. 1.5 billion people in China alone. Nigeria is projected to have 1 billion people by 2100.

White countries with open immigration WILL be swaped and overrun with non-whites.

>projecting: the post

>white race is going extinct
>yknow Id really like to help out and even though my ancestors fought bloodily for my right to be here I just can't put up with naggy or bitchy women even though every male on my side of the family has done that same thing, almost ritualistically

>just can't be bothered to lol! I'm too important and unique :-3

Millenials everyone, don't you just love the new face of the future of the human race?

>all resources on earth will be left for nogs
Is the White man the savior of planet Earth?

I already have a son though...

>Scientists estimate white race will go extinct in 2200
This is like how everyone was saying that Trump was destined to lose, but on a bigger scale. They just want to bring your morale down and stop fighting.

thank fuck for australia. dont worry goys, we will keep the white race pure. good luck with the hordes

Unlike Niggers Asians are smart and there's 854 million Indo-Aryans in India as well. There's more whites then blacks in Africa. Open immigration won't be a problem with people like Le Pen or Frauke.

How about raise your fucking mixed-mongrel baby instead of posting on Sup Forums

I have a big cock. Unfortunately its white.

Yes but what does it say?

Payed hookers like the Slavs on blacked don't mind the race they mind the dick size.