What will it take to finally spark the race war?
The Race War
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A recount
really though? He would win in a landslide then because they would find the voter fraud
Imagine the shitstorm that would go down if they had a recount and they announced that Hillary was the winner and then they took the win away.
I don't think Trump fags would do anything. Left seems to be the only ones with balls these days
if that happened, yeah, it would be 1776 all over again, but what are the actual odds of that happening?
either way, back to the question, what would finally trigger the race war?
Might want to start by leaving your basement and doing something productive.
Arabs raping our women, blacks will have nothing to do with it
Trump fags have to work, niggers and women don't. All they do is go on protest, protesting that they don't get enough money.
>le basement dweller meme
good bantz there bong
Would not be much of a war. Whites are more than 70% of the US population. We have the money, the weapons, the intellect, and the know how.
White-death squads or black-death squads. One will come eventually and the race war will start
Nothing niggers can't support themselves if welfare gets frozen from civil war blacks will just sell themselves into slavery for food.
true, would probably relatively short, but you know as well as I do that it would be brutal, unforgiving and inhumane on both side.
Whites have more food in their homes
Blacks would surrender within three days from lack of food.
All I know is niggers would lose.
That's how I see it going down. I see blacks forming something along the lines of the Black Panthers again and will start targeting whites. Once they have enough attention from the MSM, whites will react and form militias of their own
The black side would give up within 48 hours there money would be no good and they would have no access to food
and extreme violence ;^)
>having balls
>implying that wouldn't make them more uppity and riots and looting wouldn't be country wide at that point
Blacks can buy all the weapons they want but they are still dependent on whitey to feed them blacks couldn't even loot enough to survive one week of race riots
Never as long as media portrays whites as evil and niggers as victims. Never as long as half of whites eat it up and the other half is too distracted playing video games, watching porn, and venting on pol. Niggers have been killing us for decades and we haven't done shit while niggers trash streets over the death of one criminal.
Antifa are kinda uppity lately.
a year ago what would you have said the odds of us having a serious conversation about any of this, been?
Blacks would have a vicious fight in them for 24-36 hours lots of white women being raped and killed.
But blacks would surrender within 72 hours from not being able to steal enough food to survive.
Nice trips.
Fuck antifa.
>implying whites haven't been waking up to (((their))) bullshit the last couple years with the riots
Do you talk to anyone about this stuff IRL? Do you ever just sit in a bar filled with a mostly white working class crowd and listen? Whites are slowly waking up
The white faggots in antifa would be the first killed by niggers they would be easy prey for the niggers to murder
About a Trump win being revoked or a race war?
Antifa in California use beaners as their muscle during riots. Just look at all the Trump protests before he was elected. Antifa were there, but stood back and hid behind a wall of spics.
If Trump win gets revoked white people will just start killing Jews
Every Stein and Goldberg fucking dead
Those same spics would kill their white faggot friends during a race riot
>Do you ever just sit in a bar filled with a mostly white working class crowd and listen? Whites are slowly waking up
Can confirm. I live in fucking California and I still feel this sense among whites that they know exactly what's going on.
All non-whites honestly
Some white girls I know are waking up. Outnumbered by dirty race mixers though. Not enough to start a race war anytime soon.
The mudsharks are freaking out I noticed
Not in NorCal. They're all openly communist and are pushing for a communist "revolution."
You want to know who to hang out with right now? Bikers.
What government buildings should we raid first? I'll make sure to stop on by after I get what I need from the hospital.
black widow dress? what did she mean by that?
didn't NorCal go red tho?
Federal Reserve buildings. The source of the jew in America. After that welfare buildings.
The odds are exactly 50%.
I can't wait for 1776, are the enemy ready?
this triggers the jidf
Depends on what you consider NorCal. Anything North of San Francisco isn't as shitty.
my ex gf was from a small town and I took her virginity and she always told me she'd never sleep with someone who wasnt white
she told me her grandparents taught her as a kid to stay true to her lineage
Same here.
My friend who is white and a girl in college told me the other day she would never date outside of her race.
I'm from the Bay Area. We're technically NorCal. Anything above my county went red. I'm the last of the blue area, and my town is right on the edge of the county and if were independent, would be red.
You popped Lauren Southern's cherry, didn't you?
if only user was so lucky
I'm up in Del Norte county. Redpilled as all fuck up here.
If only we could physically group up like antifa and blm with out being labeled a terrorist organization
I wish but no my ex gf was an american qt from Pennsylvania
i do miss her very much
what would it matter if we did and were? What would be the actual repercussions of such a thing?
Prepare as if they are user. Only idiots overlook their enemies.
we already are its just in slow motion due to the cucking of our civilization
The media would have to be in on it for it to work. There would need to be a person that was a good speaker to rally one side to start. Then if they fire bombed a black kids funeral that was a product of a police shooting, something like that would probably set off a lot of people at once.
First you need to petition Antifa as being labeled as one. They technically are, but nobody cares enough. Then you can march to "Keep Antifa off our streets" once people know they assault innocent people. Eventually people will openly see Antifa, especially their flag as a hate group.
>implying whites would be the instigator
Blacks are going to be the ones to kick things off. Whites are too smart and would know that if they started something it would fail because "muh racism"
Blacks are too stupid to pull off a firebomb raid. And I was assuming the hypothetical question was a race war that was fully underway with no rules.
Yeah pretty much.
I think even the dumbest niggers know deep down that if they incite enough to cause a race war, they would be an endangered species in a month.
I'm talking about what would start it
>What will it take to finally spark the race war?
(((They))) have been trying to do that for at least 2 years now, and it hasn't worked.
Most black people just aren't buying it.
Did you ever wonder why they chose NOW to bring in all of the "Refugees" from ISIS?
What IS, is, anyway?
Now please
>What will it take to finally spark the race war?
It is not that many years away.
If you are white, you'd better live in an area protected by white people's militia when hyperinflation chaos comes.
from what I can tell hyperinflation could happen within the next 2 years. Assuming Trump doesn't get wind and try and prevent it.
>If you are white, you'd better live in an area protected by white people's militia when hyperinflation chaos comes.
doesn't tell anyone where to move.
are you some kind of kike race traitor?
A decade or two.
Moved here 11 years ago.. Feels good.
if you don't act, they continue to
you can change
if this goes viral
in this moment the timeline splits: you get this to as many people as it takes to get their operation in the light
or you don't and the ban on fake news goes through, the window shuts, and the children keep getting raped
this will go viral
this will change
if you don't act, they continue to