Reminder that the only good nazi is a dead nazi and that each one needs to be strung up and lynched.
Reminder that the only good nazi is a dead nazi and that each one needs to be strung up and lynched
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Ya I got no use for fucking nazis but I ain't up for killing people over their political beliefs either.
Good goyim. Get these Nazis
Nazis watch out!
>killing people over their political views
what are you, a fucking nazi?
I've insulted them , I've called them racist , I've called them bigots , I called them all sexists and ignorant, I've even called them uneducated and out of touch and stupid . But no matter what I do , I just can't get them to agree with my political opinions.
This is what happens when you leave neo-marxists in charge of educating the young.
Virtue signalling IS the only meaning in their lives. A liberal cares about what makes him feel good and superior at the present time, not about the future.
Why do you think so many of them ruin their bodies with piercings and tattoos?
Liberals you see in the streets and on social are media are useful idiots, they are all unconscious instruments to further agendas by those who manipulate them without them realising it, shaping their world view because they're weak minded. I don't even intend that as an insult to them, it's more matter of fact observation.
White Leftist have mastered the art of cognitive dissonance and self deception.
What's the liberal end goal?
They're Jewish tools, useful idiots... while Libshits think they are creating their own heaven of equality on Earth.
The elites want your power and money. They want your freedom. They want absolute submission. They want a new world order. The people who buy into the far left are pawns who don't think things through.
A globals world with no borders and a brown stupid race-mixed underclass of servants to be ruled over by a wealthy elite of Jews.
Red menance is just pure evil on earth, their supporters are first to spill the blood.
I know :)
I'm curious does Antifa go after religious fundamentalist who blow up people too, or they just like hassling anti-immigration protesters? I haven't seen them bash any islamist yet.
Daily reminder that autistic weenies like this are your average antifa member.
>being this retarded and hypocritical
Reminder that Antifa got BTFO by white nationalists earlier this year when they tried to crash their protest.
friendly reminder that your kind will be gassed first when the nationalistic revolution comes around
Daily reminder that Antifa are a bunch of jobless statepuppets and that no one take'em seriously.
Souce for your BBC pic plox.
Good goy. Promote Islamism and fight racism.
Reminder that hate and violence is whack, yo.
5 years
I'm not a Nazi or a white nationalist, but antifa can go fuck themselves.
you're worse than nazis desu senpai
When the Second Red Purge happens, you'll be the ones dragged out onto the street for being ignorant tools of the bourgeoisie scum
Antifa are just a bunch beta fedora edgelords that think wearing a bandana makes them ebin revolootionarees.
Hu Ha Antifa.
You are just whining little shits who attack in a group and try to beat up people and scream at police that they are scum. But when the evil "nazi" fights back you run like little girls and hude behind police. Literally waste of air.
Reminder that the reds are shitting themselves right now.
under rated post
the only good ( ) is a dead ( )
do they even know how they fucking retarded they sound
You are the new nazi, so kys.
Maybe communist?
>Using violence and intimidation on people democratically and peacefully expressing political views
You mean like actual Nazi's.
antifa: summed up in 1 quote
hey Morgun
Too bad for them they'll never actually organize any coherent strategy to make any significant come back.
Look at their genesis, the French Revolution, it was a fucking mess, they mostly ended up killing their own; moderates first, then whoever on their own fringe they didn't like.
it's all downhill from here, and at a faster pace than before.
y'all heard about Richard Spencer getting doxxed? seems like the uncensored post has just about disappeared from the internet...
emergency hormones? wtf
You leftists will be gassed.
kek they are into full blown panick mode
If Hillary had won, these guys would have eventually been used as brown-shirts to silence conservative protest.
Maybe you should treat fascists with the same tolerance and kindness you SJW assholes always demand from others.
>emergency contraceptives
Kek, so the enemy are trannies and degenerates? I'm so scared!
The Stocking up on Emergency contraceptives implies that they foresee a market shortage, That would only happen in a war zone. They don't want female combatants getting pregnant
Here OP, please read this. It's really wordy, but you're a smart person and you can handle it.
tldr: both communism and fascism are tyranny, and you're being a tool
But Antifa are communists, literally globalist socialists, instead of national socialists.
I want both of these fucking socialist scum to die a painfully slow death.
>even in war, leftists can't stop thinking about sex
It really is game over for them as soon as SHTF
>Reminder that the only good nigger is a dead nigger and that each one needs to be strung up and lynched.
>emergency hormones and contraceptives
Really constructive to spend money on retarded shit that has no combat application.
My concern is how much loss of life and damage they will inflict on America before getting taken out.
The guns and training they are receiving do
Die antifa scum
>t. commie
fuck leftists
Damn I didn't know my state had ANTIFA or Nazis.
Training and real combat situations are two different things, it will be really funny when they see their friends brains splattered all over them, thats the moment they realize its real and they will wish they wasn't there. I guess hard drugs could overcome the fear, but that would reduce combat effectiveness. There is no option where they win, they just die.
the sheeps on it again
wtf! I hate white people now!
Why? What is your reasoning?
>be strung up and lynched.
You're thinking of niggers silly
>emergency contraceptives and hormones
Boy, it's going to be a long and hard fight against the revolution
Literally jewish drones. Hard to believe this wasn't created by jews. It is even eritten jewishly.
Fake and gay.
I feel they are being thrown away in this manner as a statement. The lefts final "Fuck you" before it falls into irrelevancy
>My concern is how much loss of life and damage they will inflict on America before getting taken out.
Based on the fact that they get PTSD from shooting "le big evil assault rifle 15", not much
>Sup Forums become the actual liberals
>Sup Forums also become more and more jewish
the real jews are black israelits, Sup Forums, Ethiopians, rastafari, mormons
the media/elite are the "fake jews", calling out "fake news"