Is the Spanish Civil War a perfect sign of whats to come?

Is the Spanish Civil War a perfect sign of whats to come?

A full war between the left and right?

Other urls found in this thread:–Papineau_Battalion

that jew looks like a faggot

>spanish civil war
>war between the left and right
this guy

It's a Spaniard, moron.

more like south africa

Is that a girl?

I can't tell but whatever it is it's qt

Yes she's a 17 yo grill

do they all look like jews?

>Having dark hair and eyes makes you a Jew

It's a grill btw.

Other way around, Ashkenazi Jews look like Southern Europeans because of all the Italian convert semen injected into Jewish vaginas.

basically the same

>literally not knowing the difference between ashkenazis and sephardim

Ashkenazi Jews intermixed with Italians on their way to Germany and Eastern Europe.

How would it even be a war. The leftists don't even have guns.

No once Trump is sworn in the left will take it directly in the ass


1. Communists then actually fought.
2. Our nationalist leader already won.
3. The Spanish Civil War was brought on by several factors, including the end of a monarchy, and both sides being supplied by allies (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc)

Although it is a nice example of commies getting slaughtered and the fascists/nationalists winning, it's not going to happen. The left today are complete pussies when people fight back so even if a war did break out it wouldn't be very long.

In addition, a war between the left and right is precisely what Soros wants.

If it like the Spanish war the cucks protest like now get everyone off guard then mossad troops come in Killng the good guys then they kill half the cucks that were the protesters

Whites are just sitting home with our guns waiting for trump to get sworn in
While commies are out protesting losing arms

>war between left and right
>"right" wins
>proceeds to implement a leftist economic policy that holds the country back two decades behind their western european counterparts
>little investment in education leaves an unqualified workforce
>major companies under state control
>high taxes



hmmm... imagine if the left had actually won?

>we will never be fashy bros with Spain ever again

Feels bad man

>Whites are just sitting home with our guns waiting for trump to get sworn in

Because we've won.

an American civil war would be on par with WW2

Brown people have legally been buying more guns recently. There was an article posted here earlier, up to 4x as many of them are arming themselves.

nu/pol/ thinks they are just exercising their rights because nu/pol/ applies white thinking to brown people.

>leafs fought for the leftists–Papineau_Battalion

>we've won

We've had one small victory (assuming it pans out) in the past 60+ years of pro-immigration, pro-leftist faggotry. We haven't won anything you idiot.

There's no fight left in the average person. At this point it's a victory by the ballot of none at all.

>an American civil war would be on par with WW2


>Brown people have legally been buying more guns recently.


>We've had one small victory

You seriously just summed Trump's unbelievable victory as "small"? What kind of retarded fucking cucked world are you living in?

>What kind of retarded fucking cucked world are you living in?

It's called the real world. Trump is a civic nationalist, and unless he does something drastic to boost the white birthrate in the United States, you are still demographically fucked.


320 million in people with 300 million guns with intervention by Russia, European forces, and possibly even China on American soil and this wouldn't be on par with WW2? Yeah, ok kys


And brown people don't like white people in case you haven't noticed. You can sit there and try to apply white thinking to brown people and say that it isn't the case, but it just shows what a multiculturalist cuck you are.


Wow user, he won a presidency. We have them every four years. Stick around, you might see a few more.


Many British men joined the Spanish civil war. If you fought the left openly in a winner takes all capacity I would join you.

What was it then

c I mean quarter of republican forces were fucking literal ancaps

>and both sides being supplied by allies (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc)
fun fact, in the end Stalin threw all the Spanish commies under the bus because they didn't agree with his super murder state idea of communism.

Open civil war in America would start WWIII. Other nations would instantly get involved.