>Homogeneous White ethnic nationalist country
>Low crime, low incarceration
>Diverse multicultural country
>High crime, moderate incarceration
>Diverse civic nationalist country
>Moderate crime, high incarceration
>Homogeneous White ethnic nationalist country
>Low crime, low incarceration
>Diverse multicultural country
>High crime, moderate incarceration
>Diverse civic nationalist country
>Moderate crime, high incarceration
Other urls found in this thread:
Explain dis.
I am of Scottish, German, and Japanese blood, but my allegience is with America.
>Homogeneous White ethnic nationalist country
>Low crime, low incarceration
It's almost like no one disagrees with each other in an echo chamber of white people
Swedens and arabs are the same species. Hamsters and fishes not.
HA yup.
Diversity = conflict
The point is that there is no such thing as magic dirt.
If I was born in Japan I was never be Japanese because I am a European.
is that pic a joke to show how stupid white supremacists are
The Tea Party was an honest attempt to get all races on board with civic nationalism, small government etc. Non whites rejected it. Hence Trump.
if this picture is actually serious because its made by a kid that thinks his 12 year old logic is smart he should grow up make a better comparison like
this is a lowland gorilla.
he was born in the mountains
this lowland gorilla is now a mountain gorilla
Good one.
Here is another (OC actually)
(I learned it needed to be more simplified)
Good idea. Do you want to create it?
>tfw have argentinean mother and have 25-10 percent indian genes
>sympathize heavily with alt-right beliefs (ethnocentric)
>look white, have WASP name, have been treated as a white individual my entire life and culturally have always been treated as a mid-western middle class white person
>ethnic nationalists and ethnic purists hate me
>civic nationalism it is then!
Why attack the symptom of societal decay and not the doer?
the (((doer)))
Idk if you look White enough you will prob not be deported.
Are nearly all Southern Europeans
>and have 25-10 percent indian genes
10-20% is fine with me. Unless Whites get down to a very low population then this is isn't a problem. 500 million people can handle a small amount of non-native genetics.
If Hasan identifies himself as muslim/arab - anything not swedish, we beat the shit out of him until he does.
That's the point of civic nationalsm.
It won't last. Even Russia will be overtaken by Muslim birthrates eventually. Or you will break apart, Balkanization as it is called.
I'm glad because I was profoundly disturbed by people saying I was part of the demographic decay whilst supporting demographic revanchism, and I know for a fact I have native genes, around ten percent, but I look utterly white Germanic with Mediterranean influences (I look Russian).
Rather than deportations or some mythical day of the rope, I consider the concept of demographic revanchism the only policy in which ethnic nationalism could integrate its beliefs into the political sphere by the way, things like tax incentives for people whose grandparents were born or lived in Australia or the US so it did not seem entirely racially based.
>X was born in Y
>X is Yish
Doesn't work like that. A muzzie born in some London ghetto doesn't have the cultural values a Brit does. He doesn't act or sound like an Englishman. Civic nationalism has nothing to do with birthright.
White people = evolutionary predisposition for guilt = limited government
False dichotomy. There are nations and cultures who easily and effortlessly co-exist, and there are ones who don't. There are countries where different nationalities have lived together for centuries, and ones getting massive immigration in recent years.
If you mix these to make some generic point, then no matter if you are left or right, you are basically a shill.
I'm all for deportation and some type of cultural revolution.
I don't want to leave ANY openings for this to happen again.
If we don't go hard enough we will just find ourselves back in the same position 150 years from now. Fuck that.
We need to fix the symptom, the cause and engineer it so it doesn't happen again.
I meant only in the beginning. Demographic revanchism in the beginning when representations of nonnatives cannot stop something more direct.
Stop making these threads. You keep getting btfo. Civic nationalism is great. Australia was built on it, so was every other great nation or empire. Get out of here you dumb cunt
>Australia was build on it
>english, irish, welsh, scottish, scandinavian, italian, greek are all the same
L2history you retard
Barton was also responding to the kanakka trade and shit like that in Queensland which was contentious at the time
The problem with Hasan being considered "Swedish" is that people know him as a Muslim first, not a Swede.
>Had White Australia policy from the moment of federation
>only fully ended in 1973
We sure as fuck weren't civic nationalist mate.
What then happens when Sweden becomes majority Muslim?
if you don't act, they continue to
you can change
if this goes viral
this will go viral
this will change
if you don't act, they continue to
both parents indian. born in aus. brown skin. brown name. love the west. live western ideals. would die for western civilisation. am i ok?
Your kids may be, third generation generally does the trick if both generations before tried their best to assimilate.
22/33 terror plots were 2nd and 3rd generation lebs
You sound cool to me.
That's because Muslims everywhere are Muslims first and nationality second.
You would be happier in India.
i go back once every couple of years to see family. i definitely wouldn't be
And when you look into them you always find that the first and second generation did not assimilate, mostly arabs and other mudslimes.
Eastern asians and northwestern indians have historically done a good job at becoming productive members of society.
>Civic nationalism is great. Australia was built on it
Yeah, civic nationalism that said white British Englishmen, white British Scotsmen, white British Welshmen and white British Ulstermen were all capable of living in the same country.
Crazy idea, man.
No. No you are not.
You are a shitskin. This is an indisputable fact. You may be a great bloke, a top mate, and an all round champ. But you will never be Australian. You will always be a shitskin.
What matters now is that you accept that you are a shitskin.
This here is debatable but I think you need to breed with a white austalian woman. Amd your children need to be encouraged to breed with white australians.
Continue this for a few generation until the shitskin percentage works itself nearly out of the bloodline.
Now most people would say fuck off and die ahitakin, and i semi agree. I dont want to see racemixong of 3rd worlders with beautiful whites.. But if you are really a top notch aussie bloke then i can get behind it.
Problem is most people wont know you. They will just see a shitskin with a white and be disgusted, or impressed with how progressive your wife is.
I have a great friend who has a white dad and a curry muncher mum. He looks like a bit of a hitskin, but he is literally one of, if not, the nicest blokes ive ever met. Absolute 100% champion.
Hes married a white girl, and in his case i couldnt be happier.
>civic nationalism will fix Detroit
>people with a standard deviation handicap in terms of IQ belong in modern society
It feels like we've gone full circle. I have work to do.
They get more radical with each generation. Especially when their numbers are allowed to grow. Expect all the Turks to get more radical once Islam is a majority in Germany :D
>Eastern asians and northwestern indians have historically done a good job at becoming productive members of society.
>Population of india 1380 million
>Population of Australia 24 million
Yeah how about no. The more we let in the more they want to bring over.
The genetic distance between a Bantu and a Nunga is greater than between two *SUB*species of chimp.
Genetics shape behaviour and culture.
Have some help.
Building destruction
Thanks, brother.
Disagreements between white people are usually not violent. And most homogeneous white countries are indeed safe. Some are not, but they probably tried communism. Not the real communism, though, am I right?
>six gorillion years under """"democrats""""
I was definitely not advocating for opening the floodgates - results of that can be seen in Germany and it will be a hell of a challenge to reduce the current (officially 5%, my calculations 8%) foreigners to a healthy level, but I was talking about that one indian immigrant in this thread.
Australia had some hickups historically but generally had quite reasonable immigration policies compared to other western nations. Thankfully, Big Australia has failed, but those that are already in your country need to be assimilated as quickly and effectively as possible to avoid friction.
We define people as being "swedish" if they were born in sweden.
We do NOT define things that are in aquariums as fish.
well fuck thats a little disheartening.
Life is disheartening.
Life is not about making YOU as happy as can be.
Life is about children. And that does mean everyone has a right to breed.
You care about Australia? Like a true Australian. Then you need to follow my advixe, or kill yourself and not breed.
Im for you breeding and follwoing my advice. Other pol users would advise you kill yourself.
That pic is retarded.
Sponges aren't fish, whales aren't fish, etc.
Keep deluding yourselves stormlets.
Countries need to be majority (90% minimum) ethnically homogenous, and allowing a certain amount (10% maximum) or skilled labour and love-immigration. That's humane, that's still homogenous, that is the way to prosper.
So a Rottweiler growing up with Border-collies is now a Border-collie?
My Dutch blood (Frisian to be exact) goes back to the year 700. My whole family line can be traced back to two provincies, and a little bit out of Germany. I am probably the whitest of white Europeanic aryanic blood you can imagine, but I make no big deal of it here on Sup Forums, it's not as if I am superior to all of you.
Seems they need to move some 'Republicans' in and kick out all these 'Democrats'.
Once they are here Indians will want more Indian immigration. It's just what happens.
Chinese are more of a threat. There are a of them too. They could easily conquer us just with demographics.
well certainly your post is what i intend to do anyhow. was merely commenting on the fact that though i would give my life for my country, and the broader west (in fact beginning training for reserves in 3 weeks), i would not be considered a member of the nation.
Hasan is such nice Swedish guy just like brothers Muhammad and Ahmed.
If you can't accept what you are, you can't change yourself in what you want to be.
You can fall for a "blue pill" and continue with being semi-assimiliated shitskin or actually get assimilated. That includes mixing genes with whites.
I don't support it, but it's either that or gtfo from the country.
My aunt lives in AUS, she has a aussie husband and daughter born from him. And she said numerous times (and remember she is as white as slav can get) that she often feels out of place and if not for her work and family she would always feel alone and alienated.
99+% is more humane.
That's awesome and don't let everyone ever tell you otherwise.
>Once they are here Indians will want more Indian immigration
Which is why you should stay true to your prohibitive immigration policies. As long as they are a minority they don't make the rules. I'm pretty sure we are on the same page here.
Again, I was just saying that as far as the second generation indian in this thread, assimilation is a good thing.
THIS. It's all about identity. Tatars and bashkirs are assimilated for example, because they allways was tatars first.
> tatars, bashkirs
Don't fool yourself.
If you aren't a semi-russian with dark eyes and poo skin, you must know how racist and tribal they are.
Kalmyks are the same. Try visiting Elista, you'll get my meaning
So a 80-90% white person would be fine in the US?
Wtf I hate hamsters now
that last point is interesting. i haven't really felt that, considering I grew up here, was surrounded by whites my entire childhood, and in uni currently as well as where i work.
>tfw your country is more tribalistic than nationalistic
Visited Kazan a lot of times, very pale, blue eyes. Not a single problem.
To immigrate there? No, in my opinion the US has enough of a stable population as it is, immigration should be kept to a minimum - Uniquely talented individuals that are needed.
If that person is already there though, cultural assimilation must take place. If I, for whatever reason, was to immigrate to the US I would make sure to improve my clap and learn to ask people how they are doing without expecting a response.
>Homogeneous White ethnic nationalist country
>Low crime, low incarceration
[citation needed]
Are poles white?
If so ww2 disproves your statement.
Are poles not white?
If so why is the homicide rate in poland lower than in belgium?
> As long as they are a minority they don't make the rules.
Americans Hart–Celler Act was continually lobbied for by a certain minority until it passed.
Some minorities can and have changed the immigration laws.
>Are poles white?
>If so ww2 disproves your statement.
Of course they are.
And no it doesn't. Why do I have the feeling you are about to reply back something incredibly stupid about ww2?
>>Diverse civic nationalist country
>Most powerful country in the world
I live in a echo chamber of Mexicans...
People here disagree with each plenty.
Thats what you get for living in an ancap society
You make it sound as if the Obama years haven't been full of liberal and SJW echoing...
>liberal and SJW echoing...
alongside a separate but equally loud chorus of conservative and reactionary echoing
Those are still racially Europeans and culturally part of the larger sphere of Western Civilization.
And you're telling him HE needs to study more?
incredibly stupid as in germans murdered the shit out of poles?
Doesn't sound like 'low crimes' to me
The American cheers and tells everyone to adopt his poison as he descends into a 3rd world country.
No shit, this is what happens when corruption buttbangs Mexico and creates borderline civil war and an inevitable complimentary refugee crisis. Wish the Bush administration had assisted their neighbor rather than invading Iraq in a harebrained scheme. Obama didn't help either, but by then it was too late.
Civic nationalism is the vehicle to bring the centre ground to the right and from there make greater achievements.
Still think memes present valid arguments?
Wow it is almost like the Nazi's weren't White nationalists? LOL
low crime is civilian crime. Are you misunderstanding on purpose?
>white people dont disagree with each other
You kind of proved the point. A person typically agrees with a person of same race
The Hart–Celler Act was passed in 1965 by (((Emanuel Celler)))
But yeah I have no love for Bush or the (((neo-cons))) either.
> t. SJW
This multicultural civic bullshit is for the colonies. European countries need to be cleansed.
Where do you think you are?
>7 years ago
Fuck...time flies.
You're still Indian, how is this hard to grasp?
Yeah no shit, that's what we WANT. An echo chamber of white people got us from the airplane to the moon in half a century.
>Wow it is almost like the Nazi's weren't White nationalists? LOL
Yeah it's almost like white people kill other white people too. LOL
>low crime is civilian crime.
Are you ignoring the crimes commited by the government on purpose?
>Rape is a disagreement
Who the fuck cares about space, moon or airplanes!? All that wasted money could be used to feed the children in Ethiopia and to give girls education in Somalia.
Native Americans hated other NA tribes. When a foreign wave took their land, only then did they try to unite. Whites were like NA then, only now are we unifying dumb kraut
>It's almost like no one disagrees with each other in an echo chamber of white people
>Believes that all disagreements involve violence, murder, theft, and arson
How stupid can you get? Dear Tyrone, we disagree a lot on even the most minor of shit and we call each other names plenty, just take a look at Sup Forums where we call others a fucking retard for stupid shit. Do you know the difference though? We're not dumb ape niggers and don't commit to a life of crime outright murdering somebody for having a different opinion.
white nationalism ain't ethnic nationalism
that's how it translates itself in Europe just like ethnic nationalism in Sub-Saharan Africa translates itself to black nationalism but in naturally multiracial countries race based nationalism is fucking retarded