The Young Cucks are openly supporting Soros! Could they have shot themselves in the foot harder?
The Young Cucks are openly supporting Soros! Could they have shot themselves in the foot harder?
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Soros, Pizzagate, and the e-mails are all a false flag and you are all falling for it.
nice pushup bra you dumb Armenian cunt
What is there to explain? Do you really think for even a second that the FBI documents talking about a group calling themselves the "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" was anything but a fucking honeypot designed to attract curious minds and crazies to distract you from what's really going on?
You people claim to be red pilled yet you never stop to question your own fucking shit.
What's more likely, that Clinton and friends order a lot of fucking pizza and enjoy sharing pictures of family and friends or that they decided to openly talk about a pedophile ring in "le coded messages" on the same fucking e-mail address they use for state business.
Come the fuck on people.
Goddamn the desperate bux begging by Ana and Random Black Guy was cringe worthy.
Maybe Cenk could fire half of this useless staff and turn a profit that way.
>shilling for Clintons still
Bill Clinton meet his judgement soon.
Why? People who already think like TYT have no reason to hate Soros. Maybe if there was some sort of campaign or if someone would simply spread the info what he did in WWII and all the havoc he's responsible for.
Clinton has literally nothing on her schedule, she has no political life anymore, it's over, there's zero reason anyone would be paying shills to do anything here.
Listen, there's this thing called confirmation bias, it's when you only look at the things that support your theory, and disregard everything else, it's what flat-earthers, moon-landing deniers, and every other conspiracy theory addled moron does.
Just because you're right once doesn't mean you're always right, you people have passed the line of reason at this point, you're hungry to uncover something, so you LARP this bullshit, but the sad thing is some of you actually buy into it, some of you actually swallow this bullshit, and those people, sadly, are probably going to slowly go insane.
How long until you start wearing tinfoil hats and filtering the fluoride out of your water?
God, they seem to not even be aware how hated Soros is among the right. That video title triggers me, as if he's "just" another billionaire among many.
>You're going to lose the election. The polls confirm this. You're autism and stupidity don't change facts.
>The vote is going to be recounted. Why else would there be 50 threads an hour spammed about it? Your conspiracy theories don't hold up. Hillary will be president, and accusing people speaking the truth of being shills won't change that
Where do your think we are?
Wouldn't that logic lead into a path of nihilism, which in turn leads to lethargy, inaction and losing all hope?
I'm sure anna could get her feet behind her head, so it could've been execution style.
>Shadow Government
>False flag
>Calling others tin foilers
Do you have a newsletter we can subscribe to?
Is it about teh joos?
He's hated among the left in Eastern Europe. Wish a passion.
Cringiest shill comment of the night
>drinking the fluoridated jew
"""Hate crimes"""
Does that include fake ones? :^)
hating on soros is a hate crime
>Not knowing what a Shadow Government is
>Calling others retards
okay then
You guys are too far gone. Well, good luck with your investigations, I'm sure they won't lead absolutely no where and be completely dropped the second the next big "spooky secret shadow government" scandal happens. And I'm sure THAT investigation won't be dropped the second the next one comes up.
It's just really sad that you people can't see how easily manipulated and pathetic you are.
i heard that TYT is funded by soros
>call themselves the "Shadow government"
Cliche but your point?
>insisting it's a false flag
>claims it's to distract
That's a smokescreen, not a false flag. You clearly don't even know what you're talking about.
>Beating around the bush instead of answering the fucking question
I'm losing patient and this is the first line of text, user.
What did you mean by this?
>Implying we should be more introspective
>Implying we're not introspective already
>Implying we need introspection to understand what is happening around us
>A lot of fucking pizza
Yeah. "Fucking" pizza. How many friends do they have at this alleged party? Enough to warrant sixty THOUSAND dollars of fucking fast food? You're daft.
>le coded messages
When was the last time you played dominos on a pasta or pizza? Does taking a picture of a little girl and saying "I love chocolate cake" hold contextual meaning to you?
You're a fucking idiot.
>Do you really think for even a second that the FBI documents talking about a group calling themselves the "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" was anything but a fucking honeypot designed to attract curious minds and crazies to distract you from what's really going on?
I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.
He funds black lives matter, the fabricated 'refugee' crisis, SJWs retarded groups, the anti-Trump movement and globalist politicians. He also funded the topless hookers of Femen, before they planned a demonstration in Israel, at which point their funding was cut. He's not a businessman, he owns no businesses and creates nothing. The only people he employs are career politicians. He makes money by virtue of having money, and several times in his life he has profited hugely off of insider trading that has resulted in thousands of lost jobs, particularly in third world and developing countries where the existence of such industries is the difference between life and death for hundreds of thousands of people. He wants to create one nation with no borders incorporating all territories on earth with no individual sovereignty, with a single government dictating terms to the entire world. His goal is the destruction of nationalism, national sovereignty and western culture, which is how he plans to achieve this. Basically he's a no-borders globalist Jew living up to the stereotype.
>Too far gone
>George Soros is fake
>Shadow Governments/Secret Cabinets are fake
>This is to stop you from finding out the TROOOF
Let me guess, Lizard People?
Ayy Lmaos?
>"spooky secret shadow government"
>Basic government procedures and management protocols that have been in place for decades are "spoopy"
You really are a retard.
Have you seen what's happened to their likebars over the past year or so? Most of their audience don't think like they do. Cenk used to be a classical liberal pretty much, but since they went after Sam Harris their comment sections have been full of anti-TYT sentiment. They really exposed themselves with that particular smear campaign.
Hating on him for being a jew could be considered prejudice but not a hate crime. For it to be considered a hate crime, there'd have to be clear motive that my assault (and yes, I'd need to physically assault him for it to be considered a hate crime) was racially charged.
Meaning, I'd have to have said something about him being a jew, in order for my physical attack to be considered a hate crime. Otherwise, it would just be assault.
He could insist it was because he's a jew and insist it's a hate crime but that could get thrown out, since there'd be no evidence to suggest it, if I just came out and socked him one.
I could then defend myself and explain my rationale. He-said-she-said cases are often thrown out, so it would end up a simple assault/battery case and not hate crime.
Liberals slinging "hate crime" is a sign of their lack of understanding for their own buzzwords OR their overuse of such words in order to press how SEVERE they consider everything to be. Hyperbole isn't unnatural but it's considered childish - like a 9 year old LITERALLY DIED from getting a spanking. They didn't actually die, they just didn't want the spanking and they want everyone to know how awful it was, so we feel bad for them. Liberals are fucking children. In the case of pizzagate, it's literal.
THAT is how you properly use the word "literal".
Not an argument
You're not a voice of reason
That's all you had to say.
This is unbelievable. The Young Turks don't advertise I bet they get their funds from Soros too.
Qatar and now Soros. I don't follow TyT so I don't know who that dindu is but I bet he's one of those phony BLM members who visists Soros shills and gets direct depost from them.
I too am doubtful but I don't believe its a false flag just coincidences, however Soros is a problem for the world and nobody can deny that
> there's zero reason anyone would be paying shills to do anything here.
e'cue me, but the pqid shilling hqs never stopped :
> David Brock gathering donors to ‘kick Donald Trump’s ass’
> The Clinton enforcer is launching Koch brothers-like donor network to rebuild liberal power.
There is a difference between a jew and Shlomo Shekelstein de Rothschild.
Soros is basically one step below the Rothschilds and other (((families))), and it's worth it to list his crimes in totality.
Their Wolf Pac campaign is funded by Soros.
The end of goal is a coup d'etat to change the Constitution just like in Canada.
Damn, do you think he'll let them suck his cock now?
Most of the Left have been tools for elite globalist like Soros for a while. This is why all the "hate" organizations attacked Brexit. They are all funded by globalists. Hell, I know this is /pol, but most jews in Britain voted for Brexit, whereas many Jewish organizations called it racist. The ADL doesn't actually represent the interests of Jews in general. It represents the interests of its donor class. That is why the ADL also attacked Trump for going after bankers in a speech. These liberal organizations are corrupt through and through.
Two types of losers embrace George Soros conspiracy theories: American right-wing extremist morons, and Russians & other Eastern-Europeans who are allied with Russia. Aside from these folks, every other decent human being appreciates a real billionaire philanthropist who promotes truly progressive causes!
>that dislike bar
Their subcribers are rebelling.
He's wrong on Soros, but Za gate is legit fucking dumb.
Stop mucking about Nigel, you know we know you know about your ID, I can sense that stupid grin from here.
Want to tell that to the families of the dead cops that BLM nigger in Dallas killed?
>"He is a holocaust survivor himself"
Nice try, Soros. Very nice try.
>Soros is a false flag
You obviously know nothing about the guy.
I mean, technically that's how he survived. Still counts!
Well shit, we may as well say Adolf Eichmann was a holocaust survivor too.
wtf I love niggers replacing whites in Europe now. Thanks based Soros.
You really have no idea what he has actually admitted to doing around the world do you?
these fucking Soros threads on an infinite clickbait loop.
fuck me Sup Forums is full of retards now.
of and fuck off kikes