Drumpfkins BTFO
Drumpfkins BTFO
January 20, 2025
When the Washington Post admits it's biased
Probably when he backpedals fully on the wall thing, which he's already started doing.
Probably once they get pay raises, tax reductions, and lower insurance premiums
That'll really piss em off
How long before the non working class realizes Hillary was just lying to them?
When the Washington Post stop attacking him, I guess.
>pay raises, tax reductions, and lower insurance premiums
I'm sure he'll deliver on all those promises, just like every president before him delivered on all their promises. Oh wait...
When he disavowed the alt-right. That should've been a wake-up call.
Woah there buddy, don't drop all those arguments on us at once like that.
probably faster than they realized the democrats were
no he hasn't
>Fuck whites in college admissions, especially poor whites
>Call poor whites racists and worthless
>make fun of white trash constantly
>Make being white a liability and a valid policy disagreement (ex. FBI is full of white men)
>Ally with big banks
>ally with most corporations
>run on a platform of corporate welfare (clean energy) and attack industries that employ working class whites (oil and coal)
>Use identity politics to quash any real economic reforms
>Simultaneously claim Republicans are evil for rejecting small tax raises while neglecting to point out these small tax raises are insignificant (corporate wedge issue to fool idiots)
>Attack Trump supporters specifically with tons of pseudoscientific and meaningless statistics, most being outright lies (Reuters poll, NY Times studies, FiveThirtyEight bullshit)
>Promote violence at Trump rallies by funding operatives
>Promote violence at Trump rallies by funding radical anti-American latino organizations in California
>Claim that working class Republicans are dumb
>fence in some areas
soon it will be a fence in all areas.
after that it will be a metaphorical wall.
"Well we did this this and this so the wall is no longer needed"
watch it happen.
It'll probably happen around the same time when the New York Times completely admits that they are a leftist propaganda organization who's sole goal is to subvert and destroy white western civilization.
>Trump is the most dangerous thing ever, givn his positions. We're all gonna die!!!
>Lol, Trump is a liar. He's not gonna keep any of his promises.
Pick one.
>"Well we did this this and this so the wall is no longer needed"
People will be happy if he just follows the law and provides ICE with the resources they need to fully enforce border security. People just want results.
Oh I agree with you, I'm simply saying that the people that think he's going to do everything he said are out of their minds. He said what he said to get votes, he's no longer campaigning, he's running the country now. He has to shift modes and that means backpedaling on some of the outrageous shit he said, like locking Hillary up, it just isn't going to happen.
Still better than Hillary in any shape or form.
>Whole campaign was founded by the elites (wall-street)
>Pro BLM
>this just in
>Trump hasn't yet named SCOTUS appointees, leading media to speculate that he will appoint Obama to replace Scalia
pack it in guys
we lost
> a president acts presidential
>washington post
Might as well make use of a shill thread.
why need a expensive wall after miles and miles of dry desert where you wont survive annyway.
also learn the concept micromanagement.
HA HA HA HA that fucker hasn't managed a thing in his fucking life. He has people to do that for him, he even admitted that himself.
Jesus Christ you people are so gullible.
was better
thanks for Clearing The Record.
>White people are the worst
>Save us, white people!
that is probably the biggest tl;dr of why we have trump unt brexit
When is CTR finally going extinct? You're becoming seriously annyoing you deranged pricks
Libtards, please keep doubling down on your idiocy. It's fucking beautiful watching you fall apart at the seams.
White working class pleb here.
The Other Guys (tm) don't even try to hide the fact that they are going to fuck me raw. At least Trump has the courtesy to act like he cares about us.
nobody suggested that you can't macromanage your micromanaging, just that it needs doing.