Are we about to witness the balkanization of the USA?
Are we about to witness the balkanization of the USA?
No, are you insane? Americans are too weak to fight each other, besides, what the fuck do civilians with pea-shooters hope to do against the US fucking army?
If a civil war broke out it wouldn't be police officers you'd be fighting, it'd be generals, tanks, airplanes, the same systems and tech that Americans so often say no one in the world can beat.
Fuck it, let them try to rise up, it'd be hilarious to see them shutdown so swiftly.
Never gonna happen, and you split it up wrong
Stop this meme
>implying our armed forces would fight/kill our own people
If north Dakota ceded from the union they would have one of the worlds largest nuclear arsenals with worldwide capability.
What can generals, tanks, planes, and troops do about that?
Don't underestimate what people can do.
It will be soon. We just need a spark and all of United States will go up in flames because the population is armed to the teeth.
In this retarded scheme, the Northern States would easily reconquer the continent
our military is retards, deadbeat highschool dropouts, criminals, and gangbangers anyway. they couldn't give a shit about that white middle income family to save
You forgot to change the dick of the states into fluorida
Didn't California just officially put in the request for a ballot initiative regarding secession? If that happened and we also got the state of Jefferson, I'd be ok with taking the hit to gdp if it led to a return to federalism. Sup Forums should meme this intro happening.
These should be the borders for North America
>what the fuck do civilians with pea-shooters hope to do against the US fucking army?
Ask all the doon coons in the Middle East. Now apply that to pissed off Americans who actually know how to shoot, and number in the millions, not hundreds of thousands.
A referrendum that won't actually result in anything even if it ends up on the ballot, yes
Anyways no way in hell it would split up like that over this election. Almost every county outside of major cities votes red. And in the northeast where there's a lot of blue, except for NYC I haven't seen morons losing their fucking minds over the result like on the west coast.
is there a PDF on this out there?
>If a civil war broke out it wouldn't be police officers you'd be fighting, it'd be generals, tanks, airplanes, the same systems and tech that Americans so often say no one in the world can beat.
This is the most fucking blindingly stupid, historically ignorant, and laughably illogical argument any faggot on this board has ever made. O can't believe how many utter retards like you apparently think our military is made up of invincible robots that answer directly to the President.
Probably because New Yorkers don't give a shit about most things.
I hope so, senpai. Otherwise why have I been stockpiling munitions and supplies?
Oh look its this post again
>Being this absolutely retarded
The Army isn't going to shoot their own friends and family just because some panicking politician asks them to. The Army IS the American people you idiot.
A massive portion of the Armed Forces came from that white middle income family you're talking about.
if we can meme ourselves onto the Jefferson State timeline I'll do 40 keks every day
>mfw Utahfag
You fucking idiot, Idaho and Seattle would not be part of the same state.
Not all civil wars are rebel vs government action.
Its easy for Americans to see it this way because or most prolific and serious war was this way.
Militias are a growing issue in this country. And they don't all have to be anti-government for this to be a problem.
A civil war can be triggered by two minority factions fighting each other, and the rest of the country and government may end up having to take sides to contain or resolve the issue via "might makes right"
this. the American Civil War is not the way most civil wars go down. Usually, it's not one organized mass-defection of states and provinces that attempt to declare their independence.
Usually they're internal divisions or factions with a minority or plurality of support amongst the general populace, that draw other groups against one another; you see this in pretty much every major Middle Eastern civil war of this decade.
During the cold war, both the US and USSR caused a lot of civil wars by taking relatively minor insurgencies or movements and flooding them with weapons to the point where they were dangerous despite not having particularly high popular support and lacking any legal power.
Oh boy an excuse to post my autistic map
>leader of Cascadia
Comeon now Sven
No. We are taking it all back.
Let's document these motherfuckers.
>The lower states have all the military equipment but the northern states will win
I'd love to look at it. USA hasn't had shit happening to it for 150 years while we had too much of it, and would be extremely satisfying sitting here with a basket of popcorn and watching americans learning how the real life looks like.
That said, I don't believe it can happen. Whoever runs the world now won't allow it, as the global security risks from the ownerless nukes alone would be tremendous. Not to speak of the global economy that would crash and bury the rest of the world.
>Our military is retards
>military is retards
>is retards
>Border State
Learn history before you post retarded maps.
The last confederate General to surrender was in Oklahoma.
Being a territory not capable of seceding does not mean "border state"
>Arizona and New Mexico are Mojave
Haha what retarded Jew Yorker made this pile of shit?
>Ignoring that it was Injuns high offa their minds and wanting to keep their slaves
Just normal savagery from the muttlands
>implying the indians friendly to the confederacy didn't attract confederate veterans to settle there
In addition to the confederate featherheads, we were settled by Arkansans, Texans, and Missourians in the late 19th century.
We're southern in literally every way possible except having actually seceded, because we were a territory still.
>id love for Americans to see what the real world looks like
Buttmad pinko faggot upset because he got the shitty end of the Cold War and is stuck living in an oligarchic corrupt shithole
I'll tell ya buddy im living in the real world here in America and its fucking great. Our dollar is leagues ahead of the ruble, out police aren't as incompetent and painfully as inefficient as yours, we don't have secret police FSB up our ass, we can criticize whatever the hell we want, all the while having housing cars and food plentiful and cheap, gas too! And we can have guns too! Free food as well, can you imagine Ivan?
But it's okay, curl up and have that popcorn whilst staring out the window at the endless commiblocks, it's probably the only luxury you people have.
Add KY, OH, TX and FL into the confederacy and you've got yourself a winner
yeah so? are there any other united states militaries you know of? it's singular, cunt.
How do you make these?
sustains itself how?
>part of "greater Wisconsin"
I like it. Get cucked Illini fags.
This map is so off.
>Missouri, Iowa, Indiana as northern
>NMand AZ as similar
>lumping all of New England with any midwestern states ever
>west coast states being wholly homogenous in culture
Figured a foreigner would post this stupid shit
Upon exspansion of the The United States into the west, a large portion of the continant was called "Oregon Country", and many people left the eastern USA to along the Oregon Trail
Also, Oregon is the best state in the union after Texas.
I'd make that trade.
probably yes
non homogenous societies only exist with Authoritarian regimes