**name the generals thusly:
>#MFGA General /frpol/ - X EDITION
frog/pol/ General thread about the upcoming French Presidential Election, 6 months countdown.
We have to save France and Make France Great Again #MFGA.
Youtube channel which will cover the campaign and presidential election by translating the campaign in English: youtube.com
Video example : Marine Le Pen endorses Donald Trump
>Does Marine have a chance?
Marine consistently achieves ~30% in almost every poll.
>What's the plan?
>capitalize on Hillary's #ImWithHer, both in the US and abroad in France to try to stir support for Le Pen (and try to soften her image)
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#MFGA General /frpol/ - MORNING EDITION
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Also, French MSM narrative of the week :
Remember how pretty much everyone here was calling Juppé "Ali Juppé"?
Then, i am proud to announce that we are now considered backed and paid by Moscow:
>"Extreme-right-wing networks, linked to and financed by Russia have launched a violent campaign on social networks, and especially on Twitter. A few days prior to the republicans they started to support Fillon and to strikes out at Juppé particularly on the topic of Islam."
(Source: Did Putin trolls helped Fillon?)
Witness Juppé's butthurt. He's done and the left-oriented MSM don't like it either:
(They baptized me 'Ali Juppé, the great mufti of Bordeaux' that's disgusting! )
"A hashtag #AJ2017 tranformed into #Ali2017, numerous photo-montages of Alain Juppé wearing a turban, a beard or a djellaba... This is too much says Juppé's clan."
How did the (french) Alt-right created 'Ali Juppé' ?
(((Askolovitch))) special:
"The alliance between the fachosphere (french alt-right) and hardcore sarkozists in order to eliminate Juppé. They aimed at conflating Juppé with the muslim brotherhood, in order to play on people's fear and islamophobia. It worked."
Republicans primaries: To counter "Ali" Juppé, the alt-right is voting for Fillon.
Juppé used to be one of the good guys...
Zemmour of the day:
Tonight's the debate. What will Ali Juppé come up with this time? I'm betting they're gonna waste a whole hour on:
>muh 500 000 civil servants
Yes, I guess his angle of attack will be something like:
>We need more nanny state power
>We need more grants for muh diversity
>Fillon is the new Thatcher
I intend to watch it live on Daniel Conversano's YT channel. So it might not be as boring. The stream will start around 2020.
god bless
Btw, link to Danny's channel, between 4 to 10 Vids a month, plz suscribe, that guy may be quite helpful.
Where the fuck is everybody? Stop wanking to anime and post more memes!
On est au boulot.
Le pen is a literal fascist, and she has no chance of winning.
You really don't understand anything about memes
Thank you for your comment Tyrone.
Didn't know this guy; seems pretty based. Will follow his stream.
normie americans are asleep
Bump for a free Europe
I think he was one of the guys behind Boulevard Hitler, too much "nazilol"to be taken seriously. He is good for the meme but a little weak from a political view.
My thread got deleted because I was trying to convince full-blown racists that blacks and arabs are okay as long as they integrate themselves.
I bet an old janitor felt threatened by the arrival of new janitors and started to mass delete non-racist posts so that he wouldn't get demoted to an average user.
I'll stay with you fellow French guys instead.
>He's very interested in the meme concept
>is affiliated with Blanche Europe
>has quite a respectable amount of followers on FB
>is in contact with guys from the Daily Stormer
>is globally trying to develop a steady white/nationalist network trough Europe.
>I think he was one of the guys behind Boulevard Hitler
Pretty sure he wasn't. Was nazilol at some point but he's getting better.
PS: I'm not shilling for Conversano, but i really think he might be useful at some point. Plus he's doing some good work atm.
Wrong meme here buddy.
Le Pen is a closet socialist.
Jean-Marie is a neo-nazi.
Marine is a socialist with softened neo-nazi opinions.
Marion is a neo-nazi.
Since 40 years the majority of arabs & blacks in France have proven themselves unable to integrate. They don't want to and they will not.
Fully integrated arabs and blacks are based desu but those are
looks like somekind of muffugga bix nood abreviation
You guys give up too fast, I'm sure the majority of them can become proper citizens if we give them proper education. Many of them already are, anyway, check outside your window and tell me what this black woman is doing.
This is not their land, they belong to Middle East/Africa. I don't have to wait or fight for their "integration". They have the same access to education than anybody in France.
Why do you want them to become proper citizen? What's the point in waiting to have 50% of fully integrated non white/european in France?
I know him personally ;^)
so did all you frigs learn perfect english just from the internet?
do you speak with american accents?
are you completely up to speed with neetspeak, but other aspects (getting a haricut style vocab) quite poor?
>do you speak with american accents?
No, we speak wiz our typical french accent because you brits won't understand us ozerwise.
Is our english that good?
>Republicans primaries: To counter "Ali" Juppé, the alt-right is voting for Fillon.
Absolutely ebic
>Marion is a neo-nazi
ohhhhhh :DDDDD
Brazil is count on you too, freunuchs. Let's make the world a better place.
Don't disappoint us!
>Let's make the world a better place.
OK, can we shoot your citizens?
I will not and should not have to go out of my way to integrate those people. It has to come from them. All I'm seeing is the vast amount of evidence of the non integration of the majority of the immigrants.
Since you kill only the bandits and corrupt, fine by me
i often read his papers to suffer and feel alive again
We don't even kill them, because human rights and shiet...
Rappel quotidien que la France n'est qu'une Wallonie oversizée et plus pourrie
>t. Dutroux
Kick out the Sand niggers
En dehors de la Bière et de Léon Degrelle tout est supérieur en France, qu'est-ce que tu racontes ?
I could never understand the animosity of our colonies towards us...
>Plus de bougnoules
>Plus de musulmans
>Plus de socialisme
The last time i went in Belgium, the ratio shitskins /natives was really impressive...
4% muslims in Wallonia (7% total in Belgium)
Meanwhile it's 10% in France (at least, since you can't have official stats lmao)
belgian jokes
>you can't have official stats
So where did you get this 10%?
>Plus de bougnoules
>Plus de musulmans
Tu es au courant qu'en proportion de population le nombres de musulmans est quasiment le même en France qu'en Belgique (écart de 0.6%) ?
>Plus de socialisme
Sinon pour tout le reste on est supérieurs: architecture, littérature, théâtre, musique, peinture (les flamands se défendent mais les wallons...), gastronomie, paysages, histoire, etc. Tu serais italien ça se discuterai mais là...
The fact it's illegal to do some stats doesn't mean some people don't do it anyway, do your own research, hint : drepanocytose (sickle cell disease)
Also I went through Paris this summer, St-Ouen-l'aumone & Cergy-Pontoise : 95% blacks and muslims in the streets
bretty gud
i cannot concieve of ever being able to understand french so well i can understand your internet l33tspeak
Will Marine Lepen cuck her elector just like Donald Trump is doing it? I bet yes.
No wall, no mexican paying for it, only 2 millions illegals deported, no jail for Hillary, no waterbording for terrorist, obamacare going on, etc etc
> cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
>Paris, St-Ouen-l'aumone & Cergy-Pontoise
lol nice holydays you got there, this is what I call a safari!
I live in Auvergne, try to visit us next time.
Hey Francebros, national-catholicism when?
>Ywn bump into Marine on the streets of Paris
>ywn apologise profusely and have her laugh it off
>ywn go into one of Paris' many cafés with her, having pleasanrt conversation over some lattés and crépes
>ywn find out how much you have in common
>ywn be invited back to her place to continue the conversation as the café closes early due to a strike
>ywn kiss passionately outside her door
>She will never whisper sweet nothings in the langue d'armour in your ear
>ywn make sweet French love with her on the sofa
>ywn fill her womb up with your Aryan seed like your Norman forefathers did
>ywn wake up in the morning with her draped on top of you
>ywn stand by her side as all the muslims and Jews are expelled from France
>ywn love her for the rest of your life
Why even live?
>I live in Auvergne, try to visit us next time
Funny thing, that was my destination, but I had to pick someone on the way in Paris
l2english weak cuckold
>imagining her moans
chewbacca btfo
This can be a good way to recruit libs
Play Hillary's woman card
We should continue this narrative
>Screencapping a post without KEK's blessing
In terms of probability it's Fillon > Le Pen > Juppé.
Check 'em.
Your list doesn't make sense. It's either Fillon or Juppé. But I get what you mean
I find myself agreeing with both of you and I'm confused.
Can't Stop Le Pen
Imho, it boils down to the question: Can integration be achieved through education?
I believe it can, but we need to eradicate leftism from the education and the medias.
Why does Pepe have an Eastern Orthodox cross on him?
Yes but what if that education is seen as indoctrination and therefore rejected, leading to more communitarianism?
It's a cross of Lorraine, the free france WWII symbol
>what if that education is seen as indoctrination
Love France or leave it, basically. Zero tolerance.
Most far right people don't love France and its values, yet they don't leave the country.
Thanks for correcting the record, now fuck all the way off.
What are the typical French values that far right people don't love?
Before answering that, notice the word "typical".
No, they love France. They just hate what it has become
Tolerance of Homosexuality
Openness to foreigners
Openness to other cultures
Disdain for autocraties like Russia or Syria
Rejection of racism
What is "France"? What gods decide what "France" means and what are its values?
You realize no kess than 100 years ago french values were already completely different than what they are now?
Are you for real? I don't visit news websites, I totally forgot you morons even existed.
These are not my values. These are modern french values.
Do you really believe that so called far right people want to kill homosexuals or cannot enjoy foreign cultures ?
>literal fascist
>no chance of winning
so she's just like trump
I believe most or at least a decent part can't stand homosexuals and think others cultures don't have their place in France
>Tolerance of Homosexuality
People are tolerant when homos doesn't shove their sexuality in everyone's face.
Debatable, maybe for you France started in 1789, for me it ended.
>Openness to foreigners
You can be open to foreigners when your country is ethnically homogeneous. Feeling like a foreign in your own country doesn't open you to the "others".
>Openness to other cultures
Same as above.
>Disdain for autocraties like Russia or Syria
lolwut again.
>Rejection of racism
There is so much confusion on the subject, i see the current racism as a violent response (without too much thinking) to the violence of immigration.
I'm going to imply you're serious, just for the sake of bumping the thread, and answer to this
Marine Le Pen
>Tolerance of Homosexuality
FN is full of fags, it has always been.
>Openness to foreigners
How French people are more open to foreigners than Spanish, Brits, Italians etc. ? Not a typical French trait.
>Openness to other cultures
Same thing. Not a typical French trait.
>Disdain for autocraties like Russia or Syria
Who are Philippe Le Bel, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Charles de Gaulle?
>Rejection of racism
Who is Gobineau?
>maybe for you France started in 1789, for me it ended.
And then you made my whole point..
France, for far right people, is the country in which they have been raised and where they were taught it's values through their own education. It's a point of reference, an ideology if your prefer that is linked to their personal experience.
Angrywhitemenistan looks better that what we have now...
Then you shouldn't call it France but "the part of France that is far right"
I asked you what you consider to be typical French and you gave the same answer a German, a Swede, a Brit, an American or any western country's leftist would give. Stop lecturing people on what is France and it is not.
France. This shit is actually happening. The odds offered by bookies mirror the Trump/Clinton odds at the same period out from the election (April right?) In fact Le Pen has better odds than Trump did. The Guardian seems to think if the center right guy (Fellon?) is up against her, she wins. I missed hte boat betting on Trump and Brexit. When I get paid I'm going to put some monies on.
No, because that definition also applies to other people. It's just that their personal experiences and education are different. You can call it "traditionalist values France" if you want.
I'm not lecturing you, I'm just saying you're hypocritical on calling out people for not respecting "french values".
What you want deep down is to impose your own values to France.
marine will win