Trump's tax plan fucks over single mothers
Based Dahnald.
lol , finally .
as if they needed any more incentive to shack up
Normies get BTFO!!
wtf this is bad we're supposed to incentivize single motherhood
Thank God
Now we just need to fix divorce laws
>shaniqua votes against trump
>he takes away their gibs
Maybe they'll stop having so many kids without knowing who the father is now?
I have the biggest shit eating grin right now
Damn that bitch must be on fucking suicide watch.
>some shit about how repealing obamacare will hurt shaniqua
I'm guessing there were probably a lot of lies in this article
Single parents are typically shit anyway so I don't really care. Get a better job before having kids, retard.
>single mothers work minimum wage jobs if at all
>income tax plan allows her to keep ~$1200 of her money assuming she works full time
>Tax plan hurts single mothers!
K den
>women can take time of work anytime because muh kids
>claim kids in april and get a tax break
Spoiled whores, dude.
I'd comfort that gilf.
>Grey hair
She's geriatric as fuck, user. You can do better.
And they're huge tax breaks too. The few single mothers I know say they get 5 figure rebates.
Kek agrees
>5 figure tax rebates
Probably because they spend that much on them, kids fuckin expensive yo
Anyway, can I get a quick one sentence tldr on this?
It's insane the money in it, my mom filed for herself, claiming my sister and me in 2009 after not filing for two years and got $10,000, along with her two monthly checks of $1200 each child from my father's retirement when he died until we were 18. Also my mom's job was 40hrs sitting down on her ass so it's cake.
Women are so oppressed.
>Womens rights just regressed 30 years.
Women might have to replace the government with a husband.
Fuck he really is redpilled. He is trying to raise white birth rates and reduce non white birth rates.
>that's why he said "gilf"
This is a good idea we need less mud sharks.
Eww, I assume we're mainly millennial men, even if a 30lbs overweight motherfucker like me can get a woman in her 20s who isn't old or a whale.
good, now they'll have to find a white man that has a job and get married and have lots of white babies
sounds good to me
>Blacks and Mexicans who aren't degenerates reproduce and the country is made great again
I like dis.
This kills the single mother epidermic
Pls do it Mr. Trump-sama
>implying single mothers work
Head of household status is worth like $500 annual to your average welfare queen, and the deduction increase on kids is going to more than make up for it.
Working single mothers AND fathers with middling incomes are going to get fucked the hardest.
>implying this isn't a good thing for us
You're hitting a white woman (possibly a widow) and her two white kids, instead of a drug mule and her 13 bastards from different fathers.
>hitting a widow lady or dad
No, fuck that let Trump deal with that shit. I hope they tax the widowers too for whatever mess they are doing.
It's for the best
Good. Single motherhood is responsible for 70+% of the degeneracy in the world.
Great, we need to counter the destruction of the family.
Do not believe the roastie's lies, when she comes around to proselytize~