They've got the funding for Wisconsin.
Now they are going for the Big Brass Ring: all three states voting machines will be audited.
Diebold 2.0 will be uncovered.
They've got the funding for Wisconsin.
Now they are going for the Big Brass Ring: all three states voting machines will be audited.
Diebold 2.0 will be uncovered.
Other urls found in this thread:
What do this think is gonna happen if it ((somehow)) works? Hillary take the presidency after conceding?
Excellent. The Clinton machine and the DNC's fraud will be exposed.
>this think
they think*
In English Ivan remember where you're posting
How do you commit fraud to lose?
Obama literally told illegals to vote and dems lost, you can cheat and lose.
Stop getting your news from facebook posts
Explain this, maite.
So are they actually going through with it, or do they just have the funding necessary to request a recount or whatever the fuck?
Encouraging legal immigrant children of voting age that they can vote without risking their illegal parents being associated with them and deported.
It's worded poorly, just like that "You didn't build that" line back in 2012. I'm all for bashing Obama but it would be duplicitous for me to complain about Trump being taken out of context then not say shit about King Nig suffering the same fate.
They have the funding now for Wisconsin, both the filing and accounting fees.
Onward and upward to Michigan and Pennsylvania. That's why there is now a new figure to raise.
Holy shit I hate mouth breathers
>children of voting age
Mate get off the piss
Children of Illegal Immigrants, Immigrant Children.
As many 4channers discovered, you can't just rock up to the polling station on Election Day. Theres a little bit more involved in it than that.
Illegal immigrants can't just go and vote.
To be fair Obama passed laws that were later repealed that allowing Illegal Immigrants official documents (Drivers License and such) that can be used to register to vote.
Also that varies from state to state, county to county.
They can in states where you dont need ID
>failstralia says something
sorry mate, too busy enjoying freedom over here in trumpland. go lose another war to some retarded desert turkeys
>retarded desert turkeys
Kek. Happy thanksgiving burger
Stage 3: Bargaining
Yes you can you lying fucktard, just look at this shit
Also Trump is probably fucked here, this is probably the best time one could legitimately fix an election. Lets be honest they're not going to cross reference every name on every vote to weed out the illegal votes that there inevitably will be, but i'm sure they'll just happen across a few more crates of Shillary votes sitting in some cupboard somewhere.
Unless you get a Gore scenario where he is sworn in before the recount (which seems unlikely given it's 2 months away), i would say we're going to be looking at a civil war in America folks.
>a few more crates of shillary votes
Dat denial. Even when you're wrong, its someone else doing it.
There's video evidence of Hillary supporters stuffing the ballots everywhere.
drumpflings on suicide watch
Why would anyone agree for a recount just because they completed a fundraiser?
>there's been some disagreement and dispute and-
>go lose another war to some retarded desert turkeys
How many wars in the Middle East have you lost so far?
>muh shillary
Cry harder
Leftists shat their pants and rioted for like 2 weeks when their candidate didn't win. What the fuck do you think militia are going to do?
Ain't gonna happen, new mansion will be her number one priority.
Because once they provide the money for the recount and accounting the state authority has to comply
Watch polling stations in "those places"
>What the fuck do you think militia are going to do?
Have delusions of grandeur and going out in a blaze of glory and do nothing like always
But Jill was /ourgirl/ and said Trump would be better than Shillary
Why is she ramping now?
You realize there are IDs here right and responding multiple times just makes you look desperate?
> The deadline for filing for a recount in Wisconsin is this Friday, November 25th
Probably dead in the water.
No she didn't
Greens don't like election fraud
I always think of more to say
>dead in the water
It is 6am Thursday 24th November in Merika. They will probably file it in 4-6 hours. A day before the deadline.
Thanks for playing time zones, go back to your bundy & coke.
>17 posts by this ID
wew lads, what a fucking faggot
I thought recounts weren't going to happen?
I work with a bunch of Koreans, they all HATE the Japanese. What's up with that?
they can in California
Why exactly is she calling a fucking recount?
>NC had one-stop voting
Love some things about this state, that included. Just randomly walked in, they checked my ID, and I got to vote.
How the fuck should I know? Ask them.
Mathematicians have found statistical anomalies in counties that used voting machines vs other counties paper and optical voting in 3 states: Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Trumps victory in these states is razor thin. 30,000 in one, 9,500 in another.
I would but all they can say when not complaining about Japan is Ning nong Ching chow
Speaking of North Carolina:
the woman is specifically talking about illegal immigrants (and goes so far as to say she thinks they deserve to be called citizens because they contribute to society) when asking her question
sure obama isn't outright encouraging illegals to vote directly, but the fact that he didn't challenge the premise of her question when giving his answer functions as a stamp of approval for illegals who want to try to go to the polls
30000 is not 'razor-thin'.
Just saw a report on this on (((the news))) and they said she'd still have to hire a bunch of lawyers and shit and even then they quoted less than a 5% chance of it actually happening.
It's more of a publicity stunt than anything. "Hey kids look at me, I was With Her. Now vote for me."
Friendly reminder that Stein can literally do nothing about this no matter how much money she raises, and that she's just scamming people of their money
children of illegal immigrants who aren't born here are still illegals and not eligible to vote, the leftist euphemism for this is "dreamer"
anchor babies have the franchise, "dreamers" don't
The election is RIGGED!!! Hahahahha
Michigan used paper ballots, there is no voting machines.
It's fucking nothing, literally.
Mathematicians... I hate these guys
It is an incredibly small margin to win by
There is a reason the Clinton folks didn't actually pursue a recount but Jill Stein is.
>force a recount
>massive democrat fraud is unveiled
>Trump wins by an even bigger margin
>thousands of DNC members go to jail
>Green Party now relevant as Democrats abandon party in droves
She is playing 6D Dungeons and Dragons.
We choose not to use nukes in the Middle East so we are losers
Who's to say this investigation might not be fucked as well? Just because it's funded by the people doesn't mean the investigators they are paying will be fucking clean and unreachable.
The filing fee is 1.1 million for Wisconsin.
The lawyers will be another million+
The 2.6 million they have so far raised covers this.
This is all explained on the fundraising page so you should learn to read.
>can no nothing
The due date for filing has not been reached, so she can.
silly bernouts will never learn
>massive democrat fraud is unveiled
I wait your vlogger video as proof for this claim
>literally everything is a con
>literally everyone is out to screw you
RIGGED!!! Recount!!!
Depends if GOP can file any lawsuits to prevent it. All they have to do is delay it and the legal costs will expand rapidly.
This day and age you never can tell.
All I'm saying is the security of these things can't be confirmed just because "LOL WE MADE THE CITIZENS PAY FOR IT XD"
says the guy begging for a recount because of "le rigged Russian hackers"
in my county they didnt even ask to see my ID
They aren't illegal or an immigrant, they haven't committed a crime nor immigrated. They are American by your definition of an America (born in the USA). there is no law against being born in American
However it shouldn't stop the parents being deported and it's up to them whether the kid goes or stays
Hahaha, exactly!
i don't think "funding" can just allow you to have recounts
otherwise Trump could have had all 50 states recounted repeatedly, if he had lost, just through his wealth
hell, Al Gore would have paid for the Florida recount through wealth
there is no way in fuck, that they aren't going to try and tamper the machine back to status quo.
But hopefully, if there is ANY Honesty left in humanity. They will get the machine as in and can prove the machines were tampered with
The kids should be dumped in the ocean.
Could you please quote me saying anything like that?
>Diebold 2.0 will be uncovered.
>tamper the machine back to status quo
Jesus fuck who let a Maori use a computer?
Diebold was not the Russians
Diebold was the Republican election officials
So once again where did I accuse foreign influence?
You're a literal faggot
>state files injunction demanding proof
>get dragged out for months
>lefties bankrupt themselves while Jill Stein profits
Underage children will leave and then we'll pass a law saying that they need to prove they were actually born here with several pieces of identification in order to be admitted back in
Naturally these pieces of identification will be all but impossible for them to acquire.
You lost. Get over it.
Stop being such a little cunt.
>I ask for evidence
>You provide something that is not evidence is provided
>it is pointed out this is not the evidence requested
>evidence is again asked for
>You respond with insults
I win again.
How does she profit when all the money goes to filing and attorney fees?
Remember screaming that if you didn't win it would be a conspiracy and you'd get violent?
You can in some way count the publicity as a form of profit. If this has any impact whatsoever then she gets even more exposure making a 2020 election feasible.
In a state of 6 million people, not it is not
And Trump is ahead by 60,000 in PA so even if somehow magically WI and MI were for Hillary the PA lead is insurmountable
Also what's to stop Trump from demanding recounts in states he lost by a narrow margin like MN and NH, or even demand investigation into illegals voting in CA?
Just worry about your own Abbo politics.
Remember when everyone in Melbourne was gassed for being an insane retard?
looks at flag. Hey shut your fucking mouth or better yet cut your fucking hands off.
>It's worded poorly, just like that "You didn't build that" line back in 2012.
Except that was exactly the point of his speech. He is a socialist.
california has motor voter law which means when you register your car you're automatically registered to vote
For supporters of Hillary Clinton, the post circulating on Facebook and Reddit offers hope. The Justice Department, it claims, is “tallying calls” from people who want an audit of the 2016 election. And given the small margins that Donald Trump won by in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, a shift of about 55,000 votes is all that would be needed to change the outcome.
The problem is, it’s bogus. The Justice Department doesn’t count up calls to determine whether it should launch an investigation. And they will not initiate a national audit — or force particular states to recount their results — based on the volume of outrage they receive from voters.
Jill Stein just raised the #Recount2016 goal from 2.5 to 4.5 million after morons actually donated the $2.5 million.
Wait a second.
The 2.5 Million were ONLY for Wisconsin?
PaaHAHAHAHA I guess Stein supporters are even easier to scam than Bernouts.
Holy shit, 2.5 Mill for just ONE state.
She has truly earned the name