"The Trump train is already off the rails"

In the past year Colbert has become absolutely insufferable but what is even worse is that smug leftists take his opinion and cherrypicked quotes as fact. Just read the fucking comments I can't believe they live in the same world as I am. It's all pure hate and cynicism.


Other urls found in this thread:


>"The Trump train is already off the rails"


What's pathetic is he is taking over the late show, but it's still the colbert report

what a pussy

>10 minutes of smug non coherent rambling.
what did he mean by this?

At least he played a persona on the Colbert Report that was enjoyable. Now he's just being his own shitty self.

Don't worry Stephen knows he is destroying an iconic show. He has to live with the fact that he is a talentless hack and a soldout whore. Think about all the dick he had to suck to get where he is only to watch it crumble around him.

>trump train is now flying into orbit at light speed

I suppose it is "off the rails"

>already off the rails
>hasn't even been three weeks since he was elected

Sure. It's reasonable to judge a President this harshly before he even takes office. Surely this isn't even remotely biased.

His ratings suck no question about it. He was way too much influence on youtube though. Hope he gets cancelled soon.


A genuine example of a dimwit.

He is very feminine. Like a grandmother.

Anyway, I liked it;

>Having to go full buttmad because your news divisions got smacked down by Trump


>Attend meeting where you promise to keep everything off the record

>Immediately leak everything to the media

They just keep digging the hole deeper. I love it.

>Physical mockery of the Attorney General

Worked well with Trump.

>Making fun of his name

Drumpf went over well.

>He's a racist because of his funny name

Makes sense.

>He's not sending Hillary to jail!

Gee. What a monster.

>Trump Is Going To Do What He Says!


>Trump Isn't Going To Do What He Says



Shitlibs grew up getting their news factoids from comedy shows. Pretty funny how these comedy shows aren't labeled as fake news.


Why does America pretend that being lectured by a bitter liberal on which opinions you should have counts as comedy?

Ive always liked him and the show. Skipped this opening monologue after reading the headline, though. He's the one getting off rail since the election. Sad.

Great video, funny and insightful. I bet these talk show hosts are secretly happy with Trump's win because now they're getting 4 years of great material.

I guess he's going after the "snarky college liberal" demographic. I honestly can't imagine who else would enjoy listening to this fag night after night.

He's implying

good shitpost Moortugal

Thank you

Wish he'd bring back the Comedy Central version of Colbert to provide a counterpoint to his "real" self.

Here's an idea: someone has been leaving rude right-wing comments all over Stephen's social media accounts. Unsure of why, Stephen sets up a camera in his house to see what's going on. In the middle of the night, Stephen wakes up, takes his Captain America shield down from the mantle, sleepwalks over to his computer, and begins trolling the internet as his conservative self.

It's the start of a long-running Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde style series of skits.

Yeah! And even weirder is how people believe every wacky thing he says, even if it sounds completely nuts! "Build a wall" - oh wait, that's Trump I'm thinking of.
Sorry. :-(

god that fucking smile after a 'joke'. kys colbert

It's amazing how little personality he has without a persona to hide behind. Mediocre in every way.

That would also perfectly portray the role reversal of the left and right in terms of foreign policy and trade. If you look at the Romney debates in 2012 you'd think he was a male version of Hillary.

2 weeks after the election and media is still spewing bullshit

If you morons would get off your ass and produce real results instead playing around with memes then maybe they would see the world differently.


Worth watching.

Colbert admits he knows nothing about politics and he only pretends to know about it (roughly one minute in)

You start asking yourself why he talks so much about something he only pretends to understand and the reason is, of course, he's just a mouth

He's just a tool for the people above him that use him to spit propaganda on young people.

The saddest part is that I'm aware that he knows this fact, and he manages to sleep knowing he's nothing more or less than a tool that can be disposed off the moment he's not useful anymore.

>take bright funnyman
>take most legendary late night show
>put them together
>get complete fucking liberal echo chamber garbage
What went so wrong Sup Forums?

Been wrong about everything since his show started, and he's still wrong about this.

The guy is such a pathetic piece of shit, really ought to be surgically paralyzed from the neck down and left alone in a room all day to think about his life.

>Trump is going to build a wall, deport illegal immigrants, repeal Obamacare and imprison Hillary.

"Oh my god, what a monster!"

>Trump isn't going to build a wall, won't deport illegal immigrants, won't repeal Obamacare and won't convict Hillary.

"Oh my god, what a monster!"

wtf is wrong with these people. you'd think they'd be happy to hear that Trump isn't doing the things that are offending them, but now they're actually hating for not doing it.


Jews were involved