It's not Bush "tier", it's literally the same faggot shit Jeb wouldve done.
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He's clearly looking to privatize education which is a good thing you mongoloid
>No education degree
>Never put her own children in public school
These are actually good things.
Also, there is literally nothing wrong with for-profit education, if properly regulated.
In the US education is largely controlled each individual state. DoE Secretary is a meaningless position. But I'm happy she is anti-common core.
What a fucking stupid cunt, if I was president I would be investing TONS into education, everyone with an IQ over 90 would be Harvard tier in education, they would all go through university and I'd repeal Obama care to divert the government subsidies to education making uni free. Infrastructure, education and the Military would be the most important aspect of my presidency
You ignoramus! I guess the board of education disappointment and failures is down the memory.hole for you.
Thinking like that is why your country is in such shit, user.
I couldn't give two shits about education. Already graduated and no kids.
How is any of the listed stuff bad?
And what's wrong with any of that?
Education can't fix stupid. An advanced degree is primarily useful to show that you are smart, and definitely not stupid. If you award it to everyone upwards of IQ 90, you're just wasting their time and money - the degree has no predictive value anymore.
She sounds awesome.
If you want to criticize the cabinet, criticize Nikki fucking Haley.
Public education is child abuse.
Obvious CTR is obvious.
She has paid millions to promote common core
Now all of a sudden she's against it?
Hello, 14-year old friend. Are you leaving Reddit for good, or is this just a temporary time killer during maintenance hours over there?
why the fuck do people think college degrees are good and for-profit is bad?
shes a jebhead pick and i fuckin hate her. your pic misses the biggest point, shes for common core
>Trump says he wants to focus on privatized education and if it was possible to abolish public schools
>Wow Trump doesn't like public schools! Drumpfags btfo!!!
Because most leftist are faggots. Bitch about how poor inner city education is but, do fucking nothing to change it and instead feed more to the problem by giving the unions more power by preventing the poor minority from going to the same school their own kids go.
I see nothing wrong here
used to be, now advocates school choice and charter schools.
source: Michigan resident here. the DeVos family almost runs the republican party here in Michigan, part of the super conservative, christian , white southwest of Michigan
Public schools should be abolished completely.
In America our education is mostly controlled at the state level. In Florida, public schools are absolute shit. They mostly teach you what to think and not how to think. Public school educations is pretty liberal be design because if you taught people how to think, they would naturally come to much more conservative conclusions, or what I call "normal".
I don't know how much power she has over education. I also don't know if I like "for-profit" education but that tends to be a buzz word, when really all that means is she is for private education, but that is nearly impossible to make everything private education because not everyone can afford it. However because most government organizations tend to be very liberal, public schools will always be shit. It's a vicious cycle, really.
So the Secretary of Education has a negative perception of the american's education system and doesn't have a degree in "american's education system" = she isn't brainwhased.
Seems like a good start if you want to reform it.
not sure if trolling or you just have such pleb-tier opinions; but putting IQ90 niggers into fancy institutions does nothing but hollow out said institutions.
>invest $200 million in Christian schools
This is a good thing, ALL public schools funded by the tax payers should provide a fundamentalist Christian education
Only those last two are not so good. I'm proud of Trump.
>not good to support Christianity
If you do not support it then you're responsible for the downfall of society
Buggery, homos, rapists, atheists, blasphemers, sexual immorality these things exist because people reject God.
This is a shit pick, alright, but I don't completely turn on him until John Bolton.
Wtf I hate Madam secretary now
>No education degree
>Never put her own children in public school
All good things.
>DeVos' brother, Erik Prince, founded Blackwater USA, a private security firm which had operations in Iraq.
>Does not believe in or support public education
>Believes that public school teachers are overpaid
>Supports for-profit education
All of these are good things op
>Schooling is a private good with postive externalities
The state should only subsidize at most to begin with, public schooling is literally a marxist meme now that we have a functioning information economy.
So Good.
I am happy she got appointed. But only because that means she is outta my state, fuck that bitch.
Public "schools" in my area are nothing more than a daycare, only the poorest went there and they did not get a free education, just a free lunch.
As for the lack of certifications and experience, this is fine by me, the current education systems are obviously not working anyway so there's no sense in learning about them unless you want to know what not to do in the first place.
The only concern I have with private schools is the risk of not failing people to keep their statistics high but that problem seems unavoidable.
Fixing education seems like an impossible task right now anyway, we'll either need generations of reform or some kind of technology to assist learning.
Wait, is anyone not at all concerned that her brother is the founder of the fucking BLACKWATER?
>she's got Betsy DeVos eyes
Education is not a right
By making education free you just devaluate education
>American public schools
The problem with American education isn't money. It's cultural. Many American kids just don't want to learn, because education isn't valued in the home (or because they live in broken homes). Throwing a shit-ton of money at new school buildings and computers isn't going to change that.
No, those guys are badass.
>public school
Are you fucking drunk?
You're literally losing potential money by not supporting the next smart kids with stupid parents.
Do you want the next generation be full of trannies and christfags who got homeschooled by their retarded femist or creationist parents?
How to fix education: abolish compulsory education. Public education should still be free for anyone who wants to attend, but those kids who don't want to go to school can do something else.
What a brilliant idea to hide education behind a massive paywall.
That will surely make US prosper and better compete against China.
> donated 9.5 million to trump campaign
lol no, the max you can legally donate is 2700
>The problem with American education isn't money. It's cultural. Many American kids just don't want to learn, because education isn't valued in the home (or because they live in broken homes). Throwing a shit-ton of money at new school buildings and computers isn't going to change that.
ding ding ding
This is the real problem. They should make propaganda to make learning cool. Something to counteract nigger culture basically - which ironically all the famous nogs where academic achievers.
then the school should act as a supplement to the home, offering things that the home can't or won't provide. But I don't agree with you at all that children don't want to learn, I think that drive is there in every kid taking the form of curiosity and interest. Whether the learning institutions engage the children is another question entirely.
You need educated teachers with proper support, a good work and learning environment as well as studies into why the education system looks the way it does
Why is it a good thing?
Private prisons are shit
>not lying
Pick 1
YFW you was guaranteed a Clinton presidency and free university so your parents spent college fund on new SUV, clothes and a trip to Panama City.
"oy vey, how will we indoctrinate the kids now, shut this down!"
Tricking the public with fake WMD's and killing thousands of civilians and US troops for oil doesn't make you a badass, user. It makes you a war criminal, and Eric Prince should face the tribunal and Shoah. Fucking kike nazis.
I'm so dissapointed in you Sup Forums. It's so obvious this is sarcasm. I guess too many The_Donald invaders came on this board. It's like the board is flooded with a bunch of retards who can't understand sarcasm without a "/s" at the end.
I ser nothing wrong with any of those points. I wouldnt put my kids in public school either. Just a liberal indoctrination camp, teaching few useful skills. That's the whole point.
Trump wants to give citizens the CHOICE of where to send their kids. It would promote diversity (oh god I m using that phrase) in programs, allowing parents the ability to choose what they think is best for their child.
From what I understand, Public School unions in some parts of the US managed to close down / defund charter schools, which hurts the poor and black students the most. Democrats are going to be mad that their slaves are going to get properly educated and make something of themselves instead of relying on them. Holy fuck are they gonna get mad.
Wow the more I think about it this is such a spicy pick. The ass hurt is going to be great. Know nothing do nothing 'educators' and their ilk are going to get BTFO. So jealous desu, the teachers unions and education establishment in Ontario are absolute cancer.
>but it's OK when they donate to the DNC and Clinton foundation
How will the negroes receive education?
>in favor of school choice
>the teacher's unions are freaking out
If she's so bad then why are the corrupt teacher's unions frothing at the mouth?
>does not support public schools
Sounds great. I was homeschooled. Fuck public schools.
Public school teachers ARE overpaid though and out of all the union workers, teachers are the biggest whiners and deserve the biggest sock in the face.
>You're literally losing potential money by not supporting the next smart kids with stupid parents.
smart kids with poor and stupid parents are likely to bear a grudge against the system and become the future communist vanguard.
>private prisons are shit
But the taxpayers don't have to pay for people to be locked up forever if the libtards whine about "muh right to life"
>Private prisons are shit
Our prison population is about 5% our nation's population. Public prisons would bankrupt the nation.
private prisons are more expensive you idiot!
Make education a free market issue
You get the education you can afford.
Public education isnt a basic human right.
Wow this totally isn't a shill thread.
>A bunch of words on an image file
Really makes me think.
It must all be true then.
>public school system is absolute garbage
>bring someone in from the outside instead of giving the position to someone partly responsible for how bad it has become
>this is a bad thing somehow
All those things in the imagine make me like her.
Public schools are a scourge that had to be propagated by military force.
That's why you will never be president you shitposting simpleton
>devaluate education
That's unpossible.
Trump university for all!
>school choice
The liberal monopoly on education is about to be shattered.
so whats my incentive for setting up a top notch private schools in shitty poor rust belt town/urban areas?
classic republicans voteing against selfinterest
You think Blackwater caused the war in Iraq? Are you insane? They are a mercenary company. End of story.
Lack of competition means a monopoly on that rural locations education market.
"How do I into small business"
Man Am I happy this Trump disaster isn't my fault
Enjoy the backlash in a few years you faggot. This has energized the left and next time you hicks won't be able to stop us.
We will.get even with you for electing Trump.
We will bury you.
>privatising education
No, that's fucking badass
Trump's education minister's brother is a world class mercenary
Uh huh.. you liberals sure are scary with all your crying and skinny jeans
Muh market
Competition in education
Because otherwise you get a public schoolsystem flooded with halfwits that need to be catered to on the taxpayer's dime.
So corporations can benefit and the Fed's can slash taxes for the rich.
Don't worry benefactors have overplayed their hand and now it is about revenge.
I have been spreading the meme Trump got the Russians to hack the vote not because I think it is true but because it delegitmizes Trump and undermines him. The more hate and opposition we can drum up to completely stop Trump, like they did with Obama, the better.
I do if we destroy the nation as long as g he Trumpers don't get their way it will be worth it. Any action is worth it.Any lie,and fabrication any false flag.
Its not. The quality of free, or public education is entirely dependent on local tax revenue. So kids going to school in a low income area are going to be severely disatvantaged compared to kids in richer neighborhoods
If schools were allowed to compete and were for profit there would be a better incentive to offer a better product (education)
She believes public school teachers are overpaid?
She got that one right.
Where I live those fucks who work only 9 months a year make 100-140K
How's that DnD campaign going, son?
public education is a waste.
Rural Gettysburg, Pa.
Public teachers, elementary schools, make 80k to start.
she sounds like a way better option than that Ree girl, who just seemed like more of the same.
So they can cut taxes for.their rich friends
Can't.wait for.this to poss off the nation.and usher in someone promising to give back all Trump has stolen and jack up taxes on the greedy rich.
Seriously, enjoy your last Hurrah rural America once.those.boomers are gone the Electoral college won't save you redness
Cannot punish rural America in 4 years.looking forward to the punitive legislation and land seizures.
yup I'm in the shitty city of yonkers next to NYC.
I don't have kids and neighbors of mine that do send theirs to private schools as the yonkers schools are giant heaps of ghetto shit.
Yet we still pay those fucks with 2/3 of yearly taxes.
>energized the left
>won`t be able to stop us
I can`t wait. I never thought that I will die with laughter.
I dont think that this is the main problem, its that you can't really fire them even if they fail to educate. That's why charters are doing better.
Demographics. The boomers are on the way out and they are a big chunk of the white population
Soon whites, like me, will be just 40@% of the population so they can't even stop progress in the Electoral college
This is the last gasp of rural rednecks. Fuck them all
You still don`t get it, do you? The left as it is today is progressive branch of the left spectrum. Progressivism is ENTIRELY a corporatist branch, all they do is to push for corporatism, nothing else.
If you think something will change then you are about as retarded as Sanders.
Get off Sup Forums, mom
>.. did Trump let us down, Sup Forums? This is Bush-tier cabinet.
She seems like a good pick - pro charter schools, pro vouchers, pro home schooling and anti-common core.
Private schools are considered the best in the country you drooling ape
'jew' nazis? that's a new one.
>US troops for oil
so where is this mysterious oil at? did it take 15 years to arrive in the US to drive down fuel prices?
Because public schools are secular humanist indoctrination camps