What a time to be alive
The Young Roaches defend George Soros "A real fighter against hate"
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I want to watch her clean my house and then kick her in the face
TYT is going to be speaking with Satan in the afterlife if they don't turn around now. I pity them and pray for their souls. I mean that sincerely, I don't want anyone to be in hell, not even Hildabeast. God open their eyes
soros is whats left of imperialism, he is a product we never used since we decied imperialism is bad.
she's a disgrace to all Armenians
Soros is being forced into the spotlight by recent events.
The fact that the MSM is being forced to paint him as a good guy is a good thing.
Why would you want a sub-human touching your furniture and personal stuff?
You'd probably reconsider it if she actually cleaned your house
>That genocide didn't happen btw
when you replace his *globalist* views, with a national/empiric view, he would have been the perfect weapon.
Hmm, millions for tracking hate crimes. I wonder how that would be useful?
post hot ana pics
i want to genocide her
Soros against hate crimes?! BWAHEUAEHU the mans a self-admitted nazi war-criminal and stated he was neither "forced" or had any moral conflict with it! You guys are fucking killing me right now, absolute loss of credibility in so few minutes... Just ask his Jewish friends he rounded up, if any of them are still alive!
Also, the Koch brothers backed Hillary, you really cannot even make this shit up...
stop it roach. Go to xvideos and type "Arab filth" and enjoy yourself.
Way better.
>absolute loss of credibility in so few minutes
wait wait wait wait a minute
Thanks for the tip, BRICS friend
She was most likely bought by king roach as a baby, and rapped daily, so now she is more roach then Armenian.
I will make my B-Day wish today on a Turkey leg that something happens while Trump is in office to see all of Roachland destroyed to the last pebble is toppled, and not a single gene carrier of the roaches are left to plague the Earth.
soros back both sides, is a relic from imperialism, we don't make em like him any more
You're welcome
not all of Turkland tho, they produce cheap tracksuits
I love hate watching TYT
Gee, how much money did he give them?
odd how Sup Forums hates TYT when they are one of the biggest media that is anti-israel
If you believe that all of the recent "hate crimes" have been legit, this action looks generous and noble. If you see many of them as false flags, then this is Soros openly paying people to make up false flag attacks.
>Uygur’s Young Turks program, which promotes Wolf PAC’s agenda, is part of a George Soros-funded network of nearly 70 progressive media outlets — the Media Consortium — that includes AlterNet, Mother Jones and Democracy Now. According to the Media Research Center, the Soros media empire reaches more than 300 million people each month.
exactly its a sign that he has recognised his time is up, and is resorting to having to publicly defend his name. A name which was unknown to the public until The don dropped in in 2nd debate.
Theyre trying the roach route to money, as their content is shittier and low energy theyll just try suck some corporate cock in the hope of production deals.
>those giant hands
Yeah user, you're right. She makes BOTH Armenians look bad!
i already suspected she was a tranny
Just like Bernie Sanders right? supremepatriot.com
What little credibility the TYT had left with liberals, just googling him leads even the most inept of them to becoming aware that Soros is absolutely out of fucking control.
Practically political suicide.
They can start arresting Jewish interracial porn producers. Nowhere there is more hate crime, literally promoting destruction of race in flesh, can't get more anti-race and racist than that.
Bulgarian tracksuit only real tracksuit.
Liberals will forget about this as long as tomorrow they call Trump racist and call for the end of the white people.
She has no curves whatsoever. Same body type as Sarah Silverman.
They've always been corrupt as fuck. Even their Wikipedia says they can't cover costs with youtube adds and site subscriptions, and they are financed by billionaires.
Why are these faggots still around?
ajjjjj tebra! odakle si?
We are now in a timeline where socialists are approving of billionaire businessmen secretly brainwashing the public.
This truly is the weirdest timeline.
I didnt hear about this Nazi stuff yet
Can someone explain what Soros did?
They are part of the (((elite)))
What a fucking whore.
She may be "joking" here, but if you know human behavior, like, even a little, you can see that she probably fucks only niggers, hates fatties, would clean herself after shaking hands with The Sand People™, was at least once in a rich jew CEO gangbang.
Who are these roaches and why should I care?
>700 reports of hate crimes after donald trump was elected
except probably 690 of those were false flags...
all Armenians are more roach than Armenian at this point, m8.
>Part of the "elite"
>Not a useful idiot for the elite
>independent media
>the revolutionaries
top kek
How does it feel like being part of an INDIAN organization?
>Soros is a nazi!!!!
Go back to infowars Soros is a Jewish progressive activist
>being part of an INDIAN organization?
You can shit yourself with pride for one thing.
Wtf I lost all respect for TYR now
Soros admitted on camera that he loved to nation and benefit from it and he claimed that he didnt care of the consequences.
>unknown to the public
Maybe americans.
Hes infamous in europe and asia since 2000
He ratted and rounded up Jews to be deported and took their remaining personal wealth.
Was called a honorary Aryan by the nazi in command in Hungary.
How many before? 700 doesn't seem like a lot in a population of hundreds of millions of supposed bitter racists.
implying you wouldnt fuck her
Lets see, quick check of the FBI found 6,418 total offenses in 2014 (Most recent year they had) or about 534 a month. Doesn't seem much higher than that given that this has been a shitty year to start with.
And in this video support the most heinous of our enemies.
Why do you think we hate them?
I would hurl my dick up that woman with astounding force
My favorite part is when Alex takes the piss out of his own shitty supplements.
The guy is a bit of a wacko in his reporting style and conspiracy theory rants, but the guy sure does have some bantz.
I like the smug fuck.
That's just being modest when describing the man who broke the pound, toppled ukraine, stripped Hungary of all national assets and betrayed fellow Hungarian Jews to get their wealth, survive and get ahead.
He is a corrupt, highly connected, ruthless money maker who self professedly enjoys playing God.
The daily rhetoric in the News or in polical debate being broadcast or spoken about on either side is dominated by causes he spearheads in social experiments.
To know what this man knows would be as close as you can imagine to knowing the secrets of earth, and he is the closest we will ever see to the maniacal Bond villain. As in real life George doesn't host a charity ball, kidnap 00 and then tell him his entire plan before handcuffing him to a pool noodle, he strips countries of their governments, assets and wealth while sitting back doing the work of the Rothies, smiling bevause he can do anything on earth and nobody will ever be able to touch him.
And now left rallying itself behind multi-billionarie, who was crashing countries' markets for his economic benefit, plunging vulnerable population groups of said countries in poverty.
>includes AlterNet, Mother Jones and Democracy Now
now it all makes sense.
Seeing cenk beg for subscriptions in evry Video is very nicue.
that's why they are kissing soros ass
they see that pic related sells super male vitality and water filters and they don't have those, so they hope soros throws a couple of million dollars their way
this is like that bit out of Daredevil when the kingpin steps into the public eye
Everything on the left in America is falling apart.
The one the left is actually a male.
>George Soros is giving us 10 million to fight "Hate Crimes" (that we have no proof of)
>We will continue the media blackout on actual verifiable hate crimes against alleged Trump supporters in the meantime
anna is the ultimate cuck. shes armenian and hired by a turkroach whose people slaughtered hers and shes denying it just like him
i'd still bang her desu
Has anyone saved their whole 12 hour election night coverage and the meltdown video?
Cenk is trying to get the meltdown video removed from Youtube, grab it now
When he was a teenager he pretended to be a Catholic and he hooked up with an older Catholic mentor. His job was to go around helping the Nazis identify and round up Jews.
He left for England after that.
>Holocaust Survivor
He's also funding Neo-Nazis in Eastern Europe at the moment. Or was recently.
He sure had a lot of progressives shot in Hungary.
god bless George Soros
>Wolf PAC
I thought that WAS run by Cenk. So he just promotes it?
I initially assumed he was Soros connected, but didn't see anything on the interwebs about it.
But there you go.
Not surprising. The left's single consistent issue is being anti white and anti traditional western.
To them, flooding white countries with hostile Browns is "fighting against hate"
Leftist supporting billionaires.
What a time to be alive.
These """people""" have lost their """mind""", Trump's victory has driven them crazy.
I want to genocide her Armenians if you know what im saying
>she probably . . . hates fatties
She did call Alex Jones a fat fuck when he went on their set a while ago.
>Wolf PAC is an American non-partisan political action committee formed in 2011 with the goal of "ending corporate personhood and publicly financing all elections in our country"
I wonder who gets to decide on who is eligible to run and who is eligible to be financed, hmmm?
I also find it a little scary that they are a single issue institute fighting for a pretty major constitutional amendment.
If he can't buy votes, he'll buy out democracy instead.
Surely even the most loyal TYT fans will think this is bullshit? Soros is an undefendable human being.
>Wtf I lost all respect for TYR now
Cenk said he didn't want to associate himself with loser Hillary and her capitalistic ways and yet his woman is now promoting Soros. Are they going to split?
That ana kapari needs to do more assercise, shes starting to saggy droup.
>Young Turds
Pick one and only one.
Daily reminder that George Soros funds Obama, Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, Femen, Antifa, Angela Merkel, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood plus many more people and organisations without much attention in the mainstream media. Despite all of this, Soros is STILL ultimately just a puppet of a force that is VASTLY MORE POWERFUL than him - and one that does not even originate from this dimension! Also, here's an interesting video about David Icke talking about George Soros in 1997:
This timeline is weird as fuck.
Imagine how much progress we could make by killing this one kike.