I am just reading this story with picture of Faggot Swedish couple in Visit Sweden,and it starts like
Big, strong and feminist – this is a prevalent Swedish masculine ideal. The modern Swedish man is progressive and does his fair share of housework. He changes diapers, gets up in the middle of the night to feed his baby and stays at home for at least 60 days of parental leave.
Modern Swedish Men are Feminist
Other urls found in this thread:
Any explanation from Swedes how this shit started?
feed the baby? does he lactate? or do swedes really not breastfeed their kids? no wonder they are so retarded.
It is common in Sweden for males to try to "train" their nipples to lactate by having babies suck on them for months. This is not a joke. plug "swedish men breastfeeding" without quotes into a search engine.
>Reading propaganda
>Accepting it as truth because Sweden yes meme
Bloody hell dimitri
I hate de Niro so fuck much now
Ruskibro, we are at breaking point, this will culminate some type of race war either way. Every normie hates what's happening, people are just to comfy.
The only real question is when it will explode.
Brexit and trump means the pendulum is going right and it hasn't stopped, this is just the beginning.
I'm just trying to earn as much money so I'm ready to go Batman and end the corrupt globalist establishment.
This is how it started
Falling for Jew bait, nice one guys.
Use that money you're saving to buy a firearm and a couple thousand rounds or ammo.
This is the country where people are forced to use """""gender neutral""""" terms under their fascist regime
>The New Totalitariansis a1971book byBritishauthorRoland Huntford. Huntford analyzes the political and social climate ofearly 1970sSweden, and argues that it resembles abenevolenttotalitarianstate in the mould ofAldous Huxley'sBrave New World. The main thesis was that the Swedish government relied less upon the violence and intimidation of the old totalitarians than upon sly persuasion and soft manipulation in order to achieve its goals. The influence of the state and official ideology were the most visible in the most private of matters, where little or no consciously “political” control had stretched before.[1]
>At the time, Sweden was a nation controlled by theSocial Democratic Party of Sweden, which had ruled the country's government for over 40 years. Huntford argues that this had led to the complete dominance ofsocialistthought at all levels of the government, including the bureaucracy and the judiciary, which were all controlled by a powerful interconnecting network of Social Democraticlabour unions, lobby groups, and partisan organizations. He also points to the fact that these networks made it very difficult for non-socialists to achieve any position of real power in Sweden, but noted that few Swedes seemed to view this massive politicization of their state with any concern.
>The New Totalitariansalso analyzes Swedish society in a broader historical context, arguing that since the country bypassed thefeudal systemand has always been a verycentralized state, Sweden never really developed a civic culture that championsindividualismlike other countries ofWestern Europe. He thus argues that the country's political culture and institutions are very much the product of a unique socio-political context, and thus not applicable to otherwise comparable Western nations.
>At the same time he analyses how sex was being “politicized” by design from above. The changes in the sexual behaviour of the Swedes was a matter of official direction. Sex had become the vicarious passion of a society otherwise trapped in boredom and the “engineered consent”.[2]
Sry I'm on the phone so the copy paste got messed up
>He changes diapers, gets up in the middle of the night to feed his baby
wtf is wrong with that?
no wonder your people are dying Ivan
hard to raise more than one kid when the men do jack shit except drink to oblivion daily
No wars, we got too comfy. Combined with a leftist agenda this is what happened.
On the bright side none of the males my age I know are feminists.
Lel no.
Ever been there?
Ever read any news outside of propaganda echo chambers? Actually you're Russian so probably not.
The pendulum is swinging hard, I live in Stockholm and the younger they are, the more anti multiculturalism.
Problem are the baby boomers who were naturally hippies and lived the most prosperous and stable times.
Women are still women and still idiotic as ever.
too little too late
good goy
Am I supposed to wallow in my despair? Leave the country? Wtf am I supposed to do?
I was born too late
Take a guess.
Yeah this is true, I live in
and even here men are not into feminism and multiculturalism, I think it's because a lot of young men are engrossed in internet culture, playing league/dota/browsing Sup Forums changes your perspective a bit I think.
Girls on the other hand are as you say overwhelmingly leftist
I'm beginning to think Sweden would be the perfect Sup Forums country, we'd just have to kill all the inhabitants and rapefugees.
Far better than a stupid island.
you are supposed to network and take power by force, elections are useless.
>"The devil assumes the personification of the jew"
Stay and work to make it better without becoming a retard natsoc. They are just as bad as the sjw left desu.
Your government does need to control immigration better than it has been, and work on integration and assimilation. They shouldn't be able to come to any country and live by the same shitty ethics, and culture that made their countries so shitty in the first place.
You need to import young people or the future elderly are fucked. As long as they are thoroughly indoctrinated, integrated and assimilated I fail to see the issue, and that's really what Swedes who care about their countries future should lobby for.
Moving to Sweden to be with my girlfriend very soon. I'm looking forward to it. Work has meant I haven't been able to but that's pretty much done now. I'm sick of us both having to commute constantly to hook up.
>forming an opinion based on SWEDEN YES! Threads
What city and where exactly will u live
Thought about starting a lobbying group for economic nationalism.
Best way too get all sand people out of this country is by making the condition for citizenship hard. Has to have a good job, no subsidies for 8 years, have to learn the language in a year etc.
Money is the fastest way to change a politicians mind.
just kill me mr meatball
I don't want to be too exact for privacy reasons, I'll be quite deep in the countryside north of Vesteras
This is the sort of thing I actually like the idea of, however I personally think the race thing is irrelevant as long as they conform, and you'll win more Swedes over if you drop the racism.
You'll also be a better person imo.
Oh shut the hell up, you're the reason we're in this mess to begin with.
If the conditions aren't met, you will become an illegal immigrant and be arrested and deported.
Also we will pay all settled refugees for moving back to their country.
Västerås is ok, just find a good neighborhood. But it's not dangerous and close to Stockholm. Eskilstuna is fine too.
If you say so matey, I forgot I was in charge of Sweden's immigration laws.
I know it's hard to understand. Lets just say it's all genetic and kick them all out! WHITE POWA
What do you do for a living? Probably a cashier at at Netto or flipper at Max burger.
Or a professional dick sucker. I'm going to go with that since there's a lot of your sort in Sweden.
Cheers, I'll be living well outside of the city, around an hour and a half drive away, my woman works there.