Like 1/3 of us have high-functioning autism, right? I'm not the only one who isn't pretending, right?
Like 1/3 of us have high-functioning autism, right? I'm not the only one who isn't pretending, right?
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Actually it's ass-burgers check your privilege shitlord.
Da jooz
I'm not sure, what are the symptoms? I have social anxiety but I have a good grasp of empathy and stuff like that.
Probably, I do at least.
You need to be somewhat autistic to not give a shit about social pressures to get into this stuff. Lots of 'alt-right' and libertarian youngsters are on the spectrum. That's partly why so many of them are male.
I haven't been diagnosed or anything
>his autism is only high-functioning
I thought I didn't have autism but..
>Pretend to be in a warzone when I'm alone sometimes
>Talk to myself
>Pretend I'm someone else and concoct a whole scenario in my head while sometimes passing up and down my room
There is absolutely no question that a place like Sup Forums will attract plenty of autists.
Autists have no social awareness, and Sup Forums is the only place you can spit out whatever absurd bullshit pops into your head without social repercussions. That fact that "NEET" is part of the standard vocabulary here should tell you what kind of people you're dealing with.
I don't have autism, but I definitely have some form of social retardation, though in my defense I'm good at hiding it for the most part.
No I'm just a god procrastinator and pol just happen to be a real distraction (for the past 5 years)
I'm schizoid. From about 19-26 years old my life was garbage. It's not so bad now though. I eventually got used to hearing voices and seeing shit, believe it or not.
No. Everyone is Chad. You're the only one.
>>Pretend to be in a warzone when I'm alone sometimes
LOL what the fuck.
I do that too. Except the warzone stuff.
Okay, how much of pic related is /literally you/, guys?
this desu
t. chad
This is me. Not even joking.
nothing wrong with some minor autism.
Autism is a positive trait, in its minor form. It enables people to remove themselves from their emotions - to some extend. It also make you become engulfed in what you are doing.
Alot succesfull people have some shade of autism. Like our friend Steve jobs or Bill gate (Mellisa Gate's husband).
>tfw you're a filthy subhuman autist
Don't remind me Ameribro
maybe you're just /imaginative/
Does anyone else talk to the mirror or is that just me? I spend around half an hour every day talking to the mirror.
Oh hey, I'm not the only one who goes soldier boy mode when all alone?
Should I just embrace my autism?
Uhh, I do that mostly to practice speech. I'm led to believe normies do it too.
Bill Gates was just a normie with good computer skills and while Steve Jobs had a ton of mental issues, I don't think autism was one of them. IMO Bobby Fisher or Tesla are much closer to the spectrum.
i do that too
i imagine myself brutally murdering nonwhites while listening to this:
on full volume
Yeah I do that, pretend I'm talking to someone important or potential gf..
Fuck my life
I went through legit testing for aspergers and they said I just had severe social anxiety.
I kind of question their results though, as the social anxiety makes it difficult to tell the truth about how I feel. I tend to just bottle up my feelings and tell half truths and simple yes/no with no followup to avoid conversation. Even if don't intend to going into it.
I could get a second opinion but the testing isn't exactly cheap.
Oh yes, I've actually been diagnosed with Autism when I was a kid.
Hasn't really affected my life negatively as far as I can attest.
>Like 1/3 of us have high-functioning autism, right? I'm not the only one who isn't pretending, right?
I'm literal WMD-grade pham
there's very few autistic people on here or anywhere else
everything with even the slightest deviation from the norm gets labels with some form of autism
everything is analyzed and labeled
the way you think, behave, socialize, communicate etc They used to called personality traits, now it's autism
if it deviates from the norm than there is money to be made from a "cure"
it's the same with kids with attention deficit disorder.
Neue deutsche Welle is a lot better.
autism is a fucking meme
just because everybody labels behavior they don't like as "autism" especially on Sup Forums doesn't mean everybody is autistic
talk about autism to a doctor or just look it up online
I doubt any internet community has more than 20% autists
I know how you feel.
Sometimes I get so fucking nervous and wired I can barely eat. Like right now. I have to go to my lecture and go through the usual episode of constant background anxiety and mini panic attacks where my neck stiffens and I feel like I'm going to fucking pass out, but I push through it, I don't let it show on my face.
A girl sits next to me, and I always plan to talk to her, but guess what I never do. What a pathetic cunt I am, I only talk to her when she asks me something and after the lectures end I basically just head home and pretend I don't even know her. Why? I have no idea, I'm an idiot. Fuck.
>social repercussions
Normies would rather run their countries into the ground than be unpopular. A matriarchal horde of over-socialized fools.
i must be an autist
will trudeau rescue me from this pit?
Feels bad man
153 iq checking in
>diagnosed with asperger's
>138 IQ
Fucking normies, they will never understand.
>150 IQ
>boogers aren't hanging out of my nose
There's obviously varying degrees of disabled
you got sauce for that?
I'm not autistic, but I'm not functioning well either.
As a highly functional alpha chad, what is it like to have autism? Like i know some of the symptoms, but how does it "feel" to have it?
I can't even stand to look in a mirror
I'm the exact opposite mate; extremely confident, fairly popular because of it, but I have no empathy at all, I find it nigh-impossible to think of how others would feel in reaction to my actions (barring if their feelings impact me significantly), I just think of myself 24/7 rather than others.
Everyone else is a fucking idiot but interacting with them makes you feel/look like a fucking idiot. It took a lot of drugs to fix it- learning to talk normally while high as balls helped a lot. Now I'm a fucking dumbass, so I guess I'm normal?
>Now I'm a fucking dumbass, so I guess I'm normal?
Sounds correct lmao
Who here got autism through vaccines?