If you start feeling sad after drinking water could it be sign that your cucked government is injecting estrogen into tap water ?
If you start feeling sad after drinking water could it be sign that your cucked government is injecting estrogen into...
PS : dont drink water in toronto , I just had a full glass and I feel like my life is over.
Tap water in Australia has over 200 ingredients. TasWater is one state supplier that has a company "open day" where you advertise to put your particular chemicals into the drinking water, at a cost of $250,000/yr. provided your lawyers can prove it's "useful". of course, this is just one of the ways governments make money here. My favourite additives are Acrylamide(floc production), Lead Sulphate(preservative), Melamine(??? for kidney damage) and Hexafluorosilicic acid(for shiny teeth and you).
Don't just look at my tin foil hat and throw me in the garbage, do your own fucking research. Tap water is the leading cause of miscarriage (17% of all cases) and low sperm count (Sperm preferentially absorb the aluminium salts and it kills them)
hate to break it to you, but it's not the government. it's women. women on birth control. that shit gets into the water supply through their urin. it's hard to filter that shit out. just like a lot of other meds.
In Tasmania alone, the settlements of Avoca, Royal George, Ringarooma, Pioneer, Winnaleah, Whitemark(Flinders Island), and Rosebery all have toxic tap water containing dangerous levels of either cadmium or arsenic. Seriously find a phone book and call a cunt, see if they can drink their toxic hell water.
Or don't listen to me, Australia will tell you it has the best tap water in the world. And you'll gladly suck a fluoride-enhanced dick before you trust otherwise.
I mean , its not that hard to believe since the cost of cleanly treating this water would be much greater. Most companies add preservatives to their products and water is a commodity , not a resource.
Also , it tastes fucking bad ? Water should taste like nothing but refreshment with no fucked up after taste. If you have ever had actual natual source water you know this.
So we cant stop women from pouring their shit into our water supply ?
Whoop whoop clean water go strayya!!!
oh, wait..
There's something in there for sure. Drinking it feels like it's relieving something, a compulsive need of some sort. And don't say thirst, it's not like that. I've had water that comes outside of the city grids and it's completely different, it just feels like drinking water. Tap water in my house is like getting a fix.
What filters should I get lads?
Should I get a filter jug or just one for my tap?
Looking for the least expensive one is all, I drink a fuck load of water.
well yeah, it tastes like metal and bleach.
a lot of people here go up to national parks to collect creek water.
It'll be expensive either way ,home water filters are a meme.
Nah - it is probably just heavy metal poisoning
Fluoride reduces natural dopamine levels. maybe it "calms you down" but it also makes your brain mass lighter, by literally killing off reward-system neurons. lead helps the process along by destroying thought-into-action neurons, drink as much as you like and you'll be too "blah I am lazy" to start a protest. that's the whole fucking point.
Great - you drink your water straight from a stream then.
Seriously though, those things are used to process the water, cause town water is like a factory. Ask them how much the average concentration is when you turn on your tap at home (or do you live at the water plant?).
If you have your own land, you can (probably_ drink your own tank water.
I dont remember getting shot
Oh for pete's sake! What is the concentration of fluorine in your water?
No it could be many things i have a thyroid disorder and cannot drink normal water because of iodine and fluoride and probably some other chemicals
It means you poo in the loo and government is making you to drink from it.
Estrogen in water is a meme , its soy in literally all of your products
Have drunken tap water my entire life and have had shit brain fog, depression, fatigue
test is 581 ng (that's actually considered high at the doctors office i went to)
am i fucked forever, lads?
4 or more stage, reverse osmosis filter. There are styles that screw right on the faucet, for if you're renting.
So close to zero it wouldn't make an iota of difference. I still drink it where I live, even though it' 3x the safe limit for copper. The point is that the concentrations of lead, cadmium and arsenic are so high in some reservoirs that fish die and it needs a damn good investigation. We used to mine the topsoil for cadmium on the west coast (search for Lunar Landscape Tasmania. rainbow coloured rivers of metal, no vegetation for miles), please understand. Not to mention agricultural runoff (pic related)
Tell the mainlander niggerfaggots to start sending some bisphenol-free water bottles our way.
I have gone keto 12 days ago. Soy is in so much normie food its fucked up. And yes the water meme needs to stop. SOY
>water meme
All children think they are low test. But acrylamide in tap water, that's worth beheading someone.
I use a brita filter box, am I safe or should I boil all my water?
Is it possible to get testosterone injections with $?
Paranoid faggots
It's all starting to make sense now, literally
>581 ng
or rather , of wat ?
didn't you hear me fucker? ALL CHILDREN ARE LOW TEST.
Do you want your shoulder-blades to knit before they've finished growing?
go have a full glass of water in a nearby city and really enjoy the taste
We don't have fluoride in our tap water.
Do you ever feel your nipples tingling ?
Do you ever feel your balls shrinking ?
Thats estrogen. And it gets worse.
>tfw finally developed gyno in the right nipple
At least lefty doesn't have to be alone anymore
So what the fuck should i drink then?
my testosterone was 581ng/ml
men back in the olden days had 3-8 times that on average, but it's considered average today.
PVC pipes leech xenoestrogens into the water.
thats completely fucked up man
Drive to the nearest rural area with significant landscape features and spot a tube spitting out water out of the forest , most of the time with a sign saying "Free Water" , it'll taste better than any tap water , store bought "natural source" water , brand water , you name it.
Ive seen people fill entire 10 liter water dispenser jugs at that kind of place.
>out of range
>no issue
yep. scene it. my cortisone levels are 6 times the "limit". after tests, they always ask me if I've been in a fight or a car accident or something. CT/MRI shows no tumours. Genetic testing came back with a clock gene mutation - apparently I do not produce melatonin.
>"doctor can u help?"
>here's some temazepam
>"no. real help."
>I can refer you to a psychologist?
>hmph. why is my stress hormone off chops? why do I fall asleep riding my bike?"
>"idk lol here's some prozac"
just kill me.
As the hardships for survival diminished , manhood did the same.
They also lived fast and died young.
Good thing we can stay alive and depressed for nearly 100 years with modern technology.
Obviously what he meant was swallow your thought killer and stop asking me for classified information