rate and h8
will post template in next post
rate and h8
will post template in next post
Other urls found in this thread:
>he fell for the Scottish are any different from the English meme
>kraut is a fucking faggot
no surprise here
i love you bby :*
ah yes the victim shows affection for his rapist, par for the course as a German
I've only painted places i've visited.
Isn't it time you give up your home for Ahmed and his family ? It getting cold at this time of year Hans:^ )
>hate japan and s. korea,
love/like russia, syria, uzbekistan, tajikistan, kyrgyzistan, iran and india,
This is the path you choose.
right back atcha bby
Brazil will become a superpower before india becomes a a slightly decent country.
Already pushing back the date from 2020 ?
That doesn't look good for you my friend....
Legitimate question here, what was it you disliked about Canada when you visited? We're not all cucks I promise
2030 is the true date, Cancuck.
Russian people are great, I just don't like their government that much
Just keep working the IT pajeet.
And in 10 years we can push it back to 2040!
is...is it because of the classic shitposts or?
Do you hate me.
I'm an affrikaan :3
I don't really know how to explain...
I didn't like the climate, i felt everyone was overly sensitive and afraid of being xenophobic, the women were horribly cold and lifeless in sex...
It was just a shitty experience, but i gotta admit i didn't spend that much time there and stayed in a big city.
die faggot reeeeeeeeeee
Trust me ahmed we don't like you either
Are you colour blind ?
Why do you hate wales
>Ahmed calling anyone ahmed
I hate roaches in general.
Everyone hate wales
>united ireland
ha this will never happen
>your brain on RT
I'm just asking because you used purple instead of the pink. Not much of a big deal. I was just curious.
Shut up Gook before I sail to your shitty country and drop white phosphorus on you
Yes it will
dream on paddy
>united ireland
I am just 3 lazy 5 switching default colors.
My brother is Russian that's why I gave them such a high rating and my dad is a Russian consulate
Only filled places I've been to
But why?
No, you have to kill all roaches or get nothing.
Try it you muslim, we'll do to you what we did to the ones that were here
Y U no liek Kazakhstan?
Roaches? You mean Brits?
>Calling anyone muslim
Ues roaches.
>Loves Japan
Ivan what are you doing
south africa has been promoted
I like that you start spouting memes when your own country is filled with armenians and muslim filth, its almost praying hour Ahmed shouldnt you be praying?
Also Portugal has 65000 goatfuckers registered and we show them as much sympathy as we do to gypsies. While Sweden has 451000 (in 2010).
You are losing your viking heritage, caliphate
Making america great again!
whoops wrong threada!
Its ok, its a love/hate relationship, we all make fun of each other but at the end of the day we're still family
This time with places i've visited. Malta would be green and so would Vatican city.
rate pls ;__;
b-best ally
pls dont annex
i hope i made myself very clear
yay I posted my opinion!
best ally
>Liking England's old ally and not Spain
This is treason.
A fucking burger
A fucking leaf
Finland must be the only non castrated country
My GF left me for an italian stallion. fuck all of you
Why do so many russians hate us? Is it because we btfod them and their subhuman serb monkey/turk crossbreed?
>disliking glorious finland
>disliking glorious straya
Why the love for portugal Mr town rapist?
>love France
nice proxy gabacho
Y u hate nips?
>sulista viado
>vira lata
>literally butthurt
I'm not butthurt, i'm laughing at your faggotry.
I love you too Australia :).
>H8ing Albania
Kill yourself filthy rat
its the only places i know
neck yourself
>Poroshenko: Ukraine will receive a visa-free regime, 24 November
>24 November...
>Visa-free regime with Ukraine has been postponed indefinitely. Presumably in December of this year.
Oh lol syka, OH LOL.
uhh, i think you posted in a wrong thread?
i doubt your curator will pay 15 RUB for this post, but here's a (You) for a bigger chance! keep up the good work!
Went there with a group of friends and loved it.
Also I live in pridniestrovia (frozen conflict zone) and there are no rapists here ever, i walk in park alone at night sometimes and am not bad looking girl still no one ever tried to rape. some men still do beat their partners which sucks
Why do you dislike us?