What are some redpilled movies?

What are some redpilled movies?

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I recently found this Estonian movie called 1944, and so far it is the only movie I know that portrays Germans as the good guys and Russians and Allies in general as the bad guys. Estonia truly is the most redpilled country in Europe, bless them.

Here's the trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=zIqt9y4bhoU

Awesome I was wondering if there were any movies like this.

I mean it's a good movie but how is it "redpilled"? It's fantasy not political commentary.


Based of Howard's Conan novels. Howard was redpilled as fuck, obsessed with cultures and races and deeply influenced by the redpilled Lovecraft.

inb4 Matrix

Germans as the good guiys, or nazis?
A lot of people lump the two together.

Hell, Inglorious Basterds did the 'maybe the germans aren't totally awful' thing aside from the rapist (and Hitler himself) because a lot of the germans weren't nazis, they were dudes that were just defending their home


>To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


Das Boot, Full Metal Jacket and Zulu (The one with Michael Caine) are all good movies.

Metropolis deserves a mention with it being Hitlers favorite film. Pic related it's Moloch as depicted in the film.

When James Earl Jones tells the secret of the riddle of steel.


That's just a power fantasy dude. You might as well claim that Dragonball is redpilled in that case.

Didn't he kill himself because his mom died?

The problem is that's Conan around the beginning of his character arc. It's a movie about him going from being a, well, barbarian to becoming more altruistic.

Also Naruto. The will of fire, user. Do you have it?

Never underestimate the poetic depth of Conan the Barbarian.

That's true in a sense. I haven't really looked into Howard's philosophy to be honest.

Why does Sup Forums think of the Lord of the Rings by the way? I know a lot of white nationalists like Tolkien but I don't see the correlation between his works and white nationalist worldviews.


The Ninth Gate.

Nah I never got into Naruto. It wasn't around when I was a kid. I grew up with Dragonball and Saint Seiya.

Yeah, him and lovecraft were social retards and fanatically obsessed with race and culture.

Sound familiar?

haha yes.

It's pretty decent if you skip all the filler. Search Naruto Kai.


A regular guy becomes the president overnight and bucks the system by actually standing up for what is right instead of letting the insiders tell him what to do.

Because of the answer to the Riddle of Steel. At first Conan believes that steel gives one strength. However steel can only get one so far, as evidenced by Conan's village being overwhelmed by a superior force despite his father's superior blade and later when Conan is captured by Thulsa Doom despite his superior fighting skills. Thulsa claims that true strength lies in mastery of the flesh, both one's own and that of others. This philosophy unravels, however, when Thulsa is killed by Conan; a man whose flesh he has no power over. This is further demonstrated by Thulsa's cult instantly dispersing upon his death, showing that mastery of flesh offers no lasting support.

Finally Conan realizes that true strength, the answer to the riddle of steel; lies in one's willpower. One cannot rely solely on steel (tools) as they will grow brittle and break. Similarly, one cannot rely solely on people and one's own physical strength either as people are fickle and the body weakens over time. To rely on will is to be able to rely on one's self. The riddle of steel is that steel is nothing without the flesh to wield it, and flesh is nothing without the will to guide it. Basically it's a great philosophy about how one cannot gain mastery over people and tools without mastery over oneself first.

Sort of. Upon being told by the doctor that his mum had fatal tuberculosis he walked out of the hospital, into his car and shot himself.

Zack did nothing wrong


All Stanley Kubrick fills. Preferably Dr. Strangelove (cold war comedy), Eyes Wide Shut (occult drama with tons of nudity), and 2001: A Space Odessy (suspence?, a film about the technology of man over the years to its peak). You can rent each film on YouTube for $2.99. You have 48 hours to view the rental after purchase. Each film is long so you should watch it in a cozy setting with snacks:3

>but I don't see the correlation between his works and white nationalist worldviews.
>dark skinned, murderous hordes invading the west
>no correlation
That aside, Tolkien was pretty racist himself

William Friedkins Sorcerer.

A gritty masterpiece of desperate men overcoming incredible odds to get what they want. Completely Nietzsche in that none of them are moral and they navigate a bleak nihilistic world.

My first thought

total bluepilled yid chutzpah, pull one over on the dumb hick goys but still make out we're the good guys.


Arnie truly is better than Jesus.

The gun is good. The penis is evil.


>fake news
>media and hollywood propaganda
>creating wars
>telling politicians what to say
>kidnappings and assassinations

How do they come out as the "good guys" at the end? (without spoiling) It's a fav movie of mine too. Sure, it was made by (((them))) but what movie isn't? Red pilled film.