Has technology made millennials lazy?

Has technology made millennials lazy?

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No it overloaded them with entertainment and mindless things.

Fuck is she wearing?

>omg le slutty gaymer gurl that is a cute xD guy again

what happened to steveo?

I don't know, but it seems to have made the girl the OP posted look stupid. What an idiot.

Never mind lazy. It's made them change genders.

and to answer your question. yes and no, in majority yes. they rely on it too much yet don't research things enough. it's fine because Sup Forums and whoever talks about stuff enough until everyone else does.

overall it does make them more lazy they don't learn to how to do anything without a gps imagine giving them a map and a compass?

it has good and bad mainly bad because of social media use, pointless app games, and youtube drama. whatever it is, it's distracting people from the truth. communism something something subversion man

Is it gay that I find her cute

It cost the Nazis the war, and its making the west week.

We need to focus all of our military budget into making power armor a real thing, and only using melee weapons.

The problem with today's generation is you can kill from over a thousand miles away with the pull of a trigger, the flick of a switch.

Go back to where you got to see a man face to face before you killed him, and we should be able to fix ourselves.

Technology has made us more open to propaganda than ever before in history.

The internet was the best and worst thing to ever happen to us.

Only if you find her benis cute

Does the pope shit in the woods?

It's a character from Overwatch.

No way she has a benis

I'd blink her butt, drop a bomb and recall IYKWIM

>Has technology made millennials lazy?
No more than TV and radio made boomers lazy, or industry made the generation prior lazy.

The trend of civilization is to give us more leisure time. Why wouldn't you want your grandchildren to work less and do more with themselves?

she doesnt, shes soe penski hehe

No, its made us more efficient. We don't like spending too much time doing things, because there are other things we can be doing with that time.

Wanna talk about lazy? Lets talk about boomers who sit on their ass watching cable TV filled with commercials all day. At least the internet allows us to create content and have choices over what to watch.

She's cute, who is she?


>that accent
well, thats that

>Has technology made millennials


Fake and gay


Based Conan over here


lazy and stupid

Nigga what is this shit?

No, but it has made Baby Boomer crazy and entitled



Technology and being spoilt with participation trophies and this idea of "not ever doing anything wrong, it's all a learning curve" kind of mentality

Post some D.Va you faggots.

90% of humans are pleb tier crude, glib, useless feeders. any improvement has come from an extreme minority.

Joseph NTR'd
Slide this

Was there a meeting that decided she was going to be Millennial Girl or something?

How to spot a dumpsterfire 101

It cosplays


That's spot on. Impressive.

Yellow fever wins again!