>$15 million to fun recounts
What did the url mean by this?
>1,000,000 votes
She's doing it for attention, and gibs. Just like Sanders, this is a moneygrab.
I was all for Trump but now I see it was all rigged for Stein since beggining... m-madame President
Jill Stein just conned a bunch of leftist idiots. Must have taken notes from Bernie.
whats up with polish shills these days?
More like (Shit)Stein amirite ?xd
even if thy somehow reversed Wisconsin and Michigan (which already recounted and verified their votes), it wouldn't matter as Trump would still win
They would have to reverse Pennsylvania where he won by 70,000 votes
look at all these drumpfkins in complete shock about what is happening before their very eyes.
Cant believe that the hippie granny is going to govern us all, we are honestly fucked... I guess we have to go green now
Fuck Yes, I was for her since beggining pol-bros and now after discovering she has polish roots I'm confident she will be great president for us poles!
>15 million buckaroos raised
>costs literally 0 buckaroos to file paperwork asking for a vote recount
>mfw (((((Stein))))) just jewed a fuck ton of cucks out of their parents hard earned money
>mfw recount will only solidify Trump's victory and make him also win the popular vote
It might be a chess move.
Make a lot of noise about Trump possibly rigging things, focus on the states he flipped, then go "Oh gosh, we found massive amounts of voter fraud and it's all traced back to Clinton!"
what if.. what if they recount and Trump wins even bigly-er?
Won't happening, it's not an audit, they know what they're doing. They just do a "recount", regardless of where the votes come from.
what do you mean by this?
I'm afraid that they will rigg this for Hillary
Yeah, no, buddy. Hillary is about to steal this one.
Democrats don't have guns. how the hell would the steal from us?
"We've uncovered massive voter fraud in support of Trump"
"In light of the evidence, he is disqualified, Hillary is President now."
"She won the popular vote anyway"
You remember Timothy McVeigh?
yeah but they would die? Do they not care about this fact? If they stole it from Trump, so many of them would be dead within the first week it wouldn't be worth it to them.
You GIGANTIC *ucks aren't going to do a single fucking thing. Every liberal knows this about you.
This is true, because you can't do anything about the fact Trump will be president. Keep crying.
If it could happen, you would have a bloody civil war, how long it would last I don't know but there definitely would be one.
We're talking a lot of dead people in Federal buildings, because the U.S. is not even remotely hardened against actual terrorism.
You should realize why the Feds played with kid gloves in Oregon. People that live on a diet of talk radio conspiracies with access to fertilizer.
Sup Forums in general and Sup Forums in specific has became pretty well-known in polish Internet recently. It is even mentioned in mainstream media from time to time probably more so than in the US.
I hope this answers your question.
>be leftist
>want socialist anti establishment candidate
>donate a few thousand dollars to brag about on reddit
>he ends up giving all the money to the establishment candidate
>be months later
>trump won
>angry and want to go protest
> can't leave your job at Starbucks to pay for your gender studies degree
>see Jill stein raising money for a recount
>donate thousands more to jill stein
>get conned yet again by another Jew
>can't get a refund because you donated it
> trump is still the president and now a few months pay is gone
>America is still made great again while leftists still chuck money at Jews
she's not doing it for attention, she's been bribed by the Hillary campaign to do it
the fix is already set up in those 3 states a recount will show Hillary winning
If the third party people would actually get some dudes into the congress then great
There's election laws in place that require money for a recount. For every percent over it's extra money because it's a stupid claim and the state wants free money.
Most likely thing that is going to happen is the state takes the money and then files an injunction while slowly dragging on litigation because there's no proof of actual hacking.
Why are liberals continuing to push these stories?
I'll tell you why. It's to undermine the Trump presidency and convince the leftys the election was stole so they'll continue their song and dance well after he's inaugurated.
Tbf you guys would have been bitching like crazy if Hilldawg took the electoral vote.
No refunds
Stein it up baby
Stein took enough votes away from Hillary in Wisconsin and Michigan so that Trump won these states. Check the totals and see for yourself.
Okay and give the Johnson votes to trump and magically he wins again.
Playing hypotheticals is pointless