What's the best solution for homelessness, Sup Forums ?
What's the best solution for homelessness, Sup Forums ?
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and gang violence?
Bum Fights.
paid bum fights?
Work camps building a wall
Re-education through labour.
wow, who drew that? a Russian artist?
probably work camps
We need a safety net for these people; we need to respect them but at the same time we can't have these people get too comfortable either. Treat them with respect, provide them food and shelter but force them into manual labor, both to pay off part of the expenses and to keep their spirits and morale up. Use their experience in manual labor and factory work to provide them with better labor jobs.
It probably wouldn't even nearly pay itself off, but this is a government program I'd totally see myself paying taxes for if it worked.
I can totally see that getting abused by companies somehow though.
dat 'tallica album: kill 'em all
Less refugees.
Less refugees, Less immigration, less illegals jumping the border, all those things will create more jobs.
If that happens, we can even get rid of minimum wage, because labour will actually be worth something.
This. The unique thing I agree with the red cancer marxism, is that the JOB and WORK defines a MAN.
Give them a job. Make them feel spending time and effort for a living. They have been living like parasytes since kids.
I know because I am almost one of them.
Romanian border controls.
most bums ar bums by choice
but if you want to get rid of them, airborne virus? no windows to close
>"Unleash the cops to clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares? Hopefully, they will disappear, that is, move from the ranks of the petted and cosseted bum class to the ranks of the productive members of society."
But they don't want to WORK. They're just looking for the next bottle.
You have to put in effort to become legitimately homeless with no place to stay, 99% of them are irredeemable human garbage that chose this way of existence.
>paid bum fights?
That would subsidize homelessness. Did you not pay attention in neetonomics 101?
Compassion, understanding and all the drugs they need to not give up.
Basically the best solution for any human problem.
holy shit move your bad off the seat
Get rid of all the illegals and give their shit jobs to the homeless, use some of those FEMA trailers to house them at whatever town the job is at, let them work for a living with a clean place to live, learn some self respect and maybe they can pull themselves up.
Reopen insane asylums lock people up in straight jackets for a few months until they go cold turkey and beat their addictions
That painting is gay as fuck.
1. The government buys up huge amounts of land
2. The government builds commune style housing on the land.
3. The communes act as schools and homes at the same time, similar to monasteries.
4. The communes practice self sufficiency and smallholdings, brewing beer, making art, building things.
5. Whatever is left over is sold at market.
6. Communes are visited by police, doctors and teachers
7. Someday the communes will eventually be specialized. Some can even become factories, making motorbikes, lawnmowers and other machinery, maybe even things like smart phones and computers
8. Communes will give people a reason to live, somewhere to stay and generally a new lease on life
the winter takes care of it.
>hobos are parasytes
If you really believes that you are a fucking retard.
This. Though many of them would need to go into rehab or mental hospitals rather than straight into work which would be more expensive but I think ultimately worth it. A decent way to pay for it would be to cut all foreign aid and use that money as the way that nations ship money overseas and feed already overpopulated nations rather than the people on their own streets is abhorrent.
We have these already, they are called prisons.
build homes.
They should become organ donors. Problem solved and staying solved.
Stop letting chinks and banks buy up all the property so prices go back down to 5 digits.
You used to be able to buy a 4 bedroom home in Australia for then than $50,000. That wasn't in the 80's. It wasn't in the 90's. It was in 2003. You could get a cheap unit for
>Yes goyim kill anyone who does not rent my $500,000 a month studio flat!
This unironically. Works for mental illness too. Farming / gardening is remarkably therapeutic.
Came here to post this.
Getting drunk and watching bumfights is the best. I don't care if it's a lolbertarian meme.
BFK for life
Mandatory labor camps where they learn to work and be sober.
Last one alive gets a mansion
From what i know, the rather large problem with homeless is not just their situation.
Its also that a lot of them want to be in that situation. A friend of mine was a social worker and dealt a lot with druggies and homeless people. And a lot of them did not want work/home.
The biggest problem with homeless people is that they're mostly too lazy, because they haven't done anything for a long time.
So in order to do this ,
you first have to make them willing. Here, there are a few "Labor schools" where they take in homeless people and gradually teach them how to work.
I like this idea very much and it seems to work for them so far. They have working hours and start with simple things like taking care of plants, keeping their own garden.
>been homeless 4 months
Who else /homeless/ here?
Give them housing?
I forget what city started doing it but lo and behold the majority of the people they gave apartments to got jobs and moved to real homes.
That's cute but most homeless people are deranged
But then they wouldn't be able to sell those houses to Chinese investors and banks wouldn't be able to hold them as assets.
Draft them into the army.
And use them for what, bayonet practice?
What about the problem of pet abandonment?
Fuck you edgy cunts.
More housing, better access to health care and volunteer work is what is needed.
Cannon fodder.
This image is really sad when you think about it.
Having the mind of a child and being stuck in an aging body, lost in a world you wont ever really understand.
The best you can hope for is to enjoy what little time you have when you can until you die in an accident one day or someone kills you. You'll never find happiness beyond naive pursuits because you lack the capacity for them, your life will have truly meant nothing.
And libshits have the nerve to tell people that being born with non-white skin is the most terrible of all afflictions, they know nothing.
The mentally ill are truly the ones that deserve society's pity, not some good for nothing slobs who have every opportunity and yet fail to rise to the occasion over and over again.
that pic gave me feels for some reason
Institutionalize them
Holy shit he really turned his life around
You can tell the people in here who've never gone without a meal or place to sleep.
I agree, I find it upsetting.
Yeah, it's pretty sad.
literally can't even use them for that, you would need to fire them out of the cannons to get any use out of them
You need to separate the useful bums away from the ones that are completely handicapped. The ones that are able to work then must be given jobs, any job, anything to keep them away from dugs and Illegal bum fight rings. The ones on drugs and the mentally and physically handicapped beyond usefulness must take a shower in a State sponsored bath chamber
>Or, of course; Pic Related
Of course, the best way of solving this problem is by preventing people to become homeless in the first place If you can'f find a job then the State will give you one, plus housing and enough for your needs, and if you want to virtue signal then you can come to the work camps and cook for these people or do anything that will ease the weight of these institutions on the state.
>Germany wants work camps
Worried francistan?
This works very well in small communities, but it is hard to imagine it alone solving the problem.
>The detox bums become sentient and declare independence
This image always makes me sad. Just let him play with his toys you cunt.
Strongly agree and I insist that most if not all homeless we see are like this. Otherwise they are in a shelter working their ass off within the system to not be homeless.
Solution to chronic homelessness?
Don't let the homeless take you for a ride,~
God looked into their hearts and saw THE DEVIL inside,
So he cast them down lower than the dogs in the street,
But now there's homeless everywhere, gettin' under my feet...
Before you whine like a faggot again, YES, I have worked with them, and IMHO 90% them are scum who end up homeless again if you gave them a house and free money, and I can confirm this happens more often then you would think!
kys spic
They should add a sign at the entrance. Something like "working is good for you"
If they're natives recruit them for the brownshirt programm of whatever uprising nationalist party you just have. Their knowledge of the streets is going to be useful.
In Austin the homeless have nickname for the city
The Velvet Rut
Cheap labour force.
Fall in a mosque and blow up
Now I'm sad user ;_;
>What's the best solution for homelessness, Sup Forums
1. Economic empowerment
2. Control the fucking situation by limiting influx of new people
3. Develop new rehabilitation and social aid methods.
You can't fix a problem if the problem continues to be created. Much like a cancer you have to completely stop it altogether.
Once you can stop the creation of new cancer, you treat the cancer that is there or you kill it entirely.
Instead of spending money on welfare, we should be spending money on helping these people either get to the looney bin or transfer back to an acceptable life.
Don't forget the kitty.
Eliminate the elites
Sterilisation campaign + Adoption campaign
All homeless puppers are to be taken and many sterilised (many are going to stay a long time in a enclosed space together, pupper making is bound to be tried)
Give puppers to orphanages, homeless work camps, elders, anyone who needs love.
Obligate breeders to stup making useless show breeds and to start making healthy breeds
It's almost like many have un- or mis-treated severe mental illnesses that they don't or self medicate poorly and have no support structure in place.
Well played, Frenchy.
Affordable housing. Jobs that pay a living wage. Death to employers that hire illegal aliens.
Death to meth and crack dealing gangs that add to mental health problems.
No, fuck you. Society is full of people who take everything and give nothing in return. Bums are just the ones you see in the streets. There are millions more in every Western country already in their provided housing simply existing on the taxes of working people.
Same shit happened in Bananaland.
Big mafias bought enormous areas of land for very cheap, near big cities, and then sell small plots with an absurd markup.
Today people buy ~50m2 apartments and divide the debt in a 30-year timespan.
Mental asylums for the crazy, expelling immigrants for the housing market.
One like that is 1/100. The other 99 are the drug addicts prying open your car door at 3AM.
>What's the best solution for homelessness, Sup Forums ?
Caution: Opinions incoming!
In the USA, it seems that homelessness is caused in part my mental illness, substance abuse and poor decisions....I would wager that more than one of these conditions at a time is common.
I think it should be treated like an illness.
What is the solution? I don't know that there is a correct solution. A person needs to honestly feel like real help is being offered. They should be honestly evaluated and have their well being taken into consideration.
It is totally possible to "rehabilitate" some or most of these people. Some may never respond, but still should be helped to have the best conditions possible. Sure it takes time and money. Sure it won't be easy. It can be done even if it never makes a huge dent in the problem.
Gas chambers
Based Murray
well, some people believe that having a home and everything that is necessary to have a home is the problem.
Two Words:
At least in the US, many homeless people are just mentally ill. They'll eventually break a law, get arrested, and thrown in the human trash bin (prison)
Make it illegal
Kill the homeless.
>literally can't even use them for that
This is literally how conscription work, get people, give them minimal training, then send them against machine guns.
Kill the fags
Murray "Unleash the Police," Rothbard
Murray "Libertine - own no means," Rothbard
Murray "Hitler wasn't that bad," Rothbard
Murray "Fascist nice guys," Rothbard
Got hella feels from this picture.