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Mein neger.

That is because like 90% of the population has/does/will smoke weed.

I mean from a purely economic point of view you are shifting the black market into something that is regulated, controlled and most importantly taxed.

Trumps are business people and legalizing weed is a good business decision from a Government point of view.

Where you draw the lines on legalizing drugs is a different question (Heroin etc).

Then he's smart.


The black market is mostly brick weed from mexico.

He's right though, you can make an absolute fucking killing from taxing weed and it cuts down on shady dealings.



Totally accurate

kek based

That stat might be accurate for millennial cucks

Good. You can smoke weed and still hate the knuckle-dragging coons.

>Where you draw the lines on legalizing drugs is a different question (Heroin etc).

You don't

The war on drugs is a cancer on small town (aka white for you Sup Forumsacks) America.

We almost have everything we need to succeed far beyond anything inner cities can offer.

>no federal overreach dictating the pace of learning, this will allow rural schools to excel

>no war on drugs ruining our towns and removing the potential from many of our young people

That's a good point, if you can actually force weed dealers to operate in public then you can get them to cooperate with laws like "don't sell to kids".

I fully expect marijuana use among young people to decrease once it is legalized. In many cases, it was easier to acquire marijuana than it was to acquire booze.

I used to really like Don, Jr., but I've genuinely lost a lot of respect for him after seeing this. Being pro-legalization is one thing, being a pot smoker is another.

"No drugs.
No alcohol.
No cigarettes."

Highly disappointed.

It's shaping up to look like Trump Jr. is a Libertarian.

I hope that doesn't bring a certain stigma with it, as the modern Libertarian party is full of gun-grabbing cuckold retards.

Make America free again.


prohibition, like socialism, was tried and failed miserably

>no war on drugs ruining our towns and removing the potential from many of our young people
or, you know, just don't do drugs :^)

Pull your head out of your ass faggot.

Eat shit, you irradiated gook. Pull the doobie out of your fucking mouth. Or are you an English teacher? Either way, go fuck yourself.

Alcohol is for degenerates

like 90% of people bro whoa lol weed xD

To add to that.

I don't know many dealers who only move weed. Maybe weed is their big cash cow, but they've always got connects to other shit. It was my weed guy who hooked me up with Shrooms, LSD, DMT, XTC, and Coke.

Marijuana might be a gateway drug, but it doesn't help that currently, to get it, you'll be associating with people with access to harder shit.

I'm not saying legalization will stop pot smokers from doing harder drugs, but it will make it so that new smokers aren't meeting the people who can get them the hard stuff.

Actually, prohibition worked in part. Alcohol consumption rate in USA has never reached the level it was at pre-prohibition. It "failed" because it wasn't enforced hard enough.

Moralfags like you need to stop posting and go back to r/atheism and circlejerk about how enlightened you are

>A libertardians face when you say weed should be legalized
>So we can tax it

He pretends to advocate stealing from people, so no.


You actually accomplish that by forcing the dealers to operate in a way that you can regulate them.

Making weed illegal is dumb as fuck.

I understand if you don't want to smoke weed, but trying to prevent others from smoking it is a horrible idea.

Reminder that only friendless sad virgins and future school shooters are anti-weed in 2016

that makes me smart

jk weed is gay


>statist cucks and numale fucks btfo

Say it with me faggots:
>Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
>Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
>Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
>Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
>Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
>Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
>Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck
Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck

did this dude just admit that government regulations work?

What the fuck is that flag?

Thank god. I was getting worried trump would prosecute states

t. roastie mongol whore

More people in the US smoke weed than browse the internet.

weed here is so taboo only nigger tier gangs know where you can find it, oslo is a shithole full of cocaine though.

Dear God, the lack of logic is astounding. Implying that atheism is anti-marijuana when they're overwhelmingly associated with a libertarian or liberal mindset, or that circlejerk isn't total pro-marijuana DUDEWEED territory. For that matter, morals are often associated with religion, so your comment is pretty fucking stupid to begin with.

In any event, whatever you say, you faggot degenerate. I hope that you get run over by a drunk driver.

a daring meme synthesis.

Sup Forums is a libertarian nationalist board, get a warrant you fat fuck

For sure.

Bruh, if you need to go to "nigger tier gangs" to get your bud, you really suck at getting connects. Talk to that dude in the rave's bathroom my dude.

>libertarian nationalist

Trump is "100%" pro medical marijuana and didn't rule out the idea of legalising recreational use when asked. Sessions takes a much harder line though, so who knows what's going to happen. My guess would be a continuation of the current system, where it's basically left up to the states to decide and there's a gentleman's agreement that the feds don't raid them.



tl;dr lmao


Everyone knows a dozen weed dealers

Every weed dealer, while not necessarily being "bad" themselves, inevitably knows and associates with at least some "bad" people

Weed is the way of normalizing evil and degeneracy through a seemingly harmless babystep that really blurs the line between heaven and hell

>1 life
>random length

Stop telling people how they should enjoy their life you faggot

>oslo is a shithole
That's all you had to say, the rest is pedantic.

lol rare xD

pot smokers like to muddy the waters and pretend like weed smoking is universal because they deep down know its a sin

It's laughably arrogant to assume you know the best way to live and that your life experience is all you need to know about the world and your lifestyle is the ideal.

>literally never mentioned in the bible, has roots in ancient jewish and arab culture
inb4 ((((()))))

Whats Sup Forums's beef with weed again? I mean, I dont smoke anything (scared of getting smoking related illnesses) but I know people who do. Some are successful people some are irredeemable losers.

I would say its on par with alchohol, but I would feel much safer around a bunch o potheads than a bunch of drunk wankers.

So yeh, whats the deal pol?

Moralistic newfags.

Illegal weed:

>Niggers and scum down the street make all the profit
>Projects and gangs continue to be fueled by drug money

this is the only argument i need for legalization

Only in cool countries

>Marijuana might be a gateway drug

It isn't though. If you want to talk about gateway drugs then the vast majority of people will either smoke or drink before they do anything else, so these are the actual "gateway drugs" or do they not count because they're legal? If they are excluded because they're legal then you could legalize any drug you seen as a gateway drug and suddenly it would cease being a gateway drug based purely on its legality. It's one of the worst arguments I've ever heard and I hear it constantly.

Basically if people want to take harder drugs they're going to take harder drugs and no amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that. I'm not one of the "DUDE IT'S JUST A PLANT LMAO!" crowd, but the simple fact is that these huge blanket bans they come up with are a complete waste of time and do nothing to stop anything. So-called "hard drugs" are banned, but it doesn't stop people taking them. Guns are banned here, butt that hasn't stopped gun crime and in fact has made it worse. Murder is 100% illegal in every country (assuming you're an every day goy), but you better believe that people are still being murdered.
People will do whatever they want to do and no amount of people suddenly making whatever illegal isn't going to stop that. So you end up with either a compromise or continuing to fight a war you can't win.

>Weed dealers sell weed for nickels and dimes while shifting copious amounts of narcotics that they're making mad cash from so it really makes you question why they would bother selling weed in the first place

Are you genuinely under the thinking that dealers, of any description, go around streets trying to "hook up" kids with weed in the hope that they can push harder drugs onto them in the future and make even more money from these harder drugs? If so you're the exact kind of person Reefer Madness was aimed at. What a naive person.

bible says to stay sober and that even being drunk is a sin but you think marijuana is ok which isnt mentioned because its so extreme and obvious witchcraft sorcery back then


According to Sessions, he's a degenerate for smoking weed. Imagine saying that publicly about your bosses son.


Lol poo

Any drug being abused is degenerate, it doesn't matter from alcohol to opium.
If you need to use a drug daily to get through life you've got a pretty shit life.

However, I'd much rather have people smoking pot then popping pills.
The difference is obviously there, less crime rate with pot, less desire to cause physical harm to others.

It's not a hard concept to understand, pot should be legalized, but that isn't an excuse to be a stoner.

>I smoke recreationally on my days off
>has never once caused an issue in my life

Lot of people on here need to stop telling people how to enjoy their lives, I don't really like weed but I don't force my views on other people, I mean, it's kinda petty too be honest just let people enjoy their lives in whichever way they want


wait, he fucking right.

if you put high taxes on marijuana poor bastard will stop buying it and will only be available to ill people who really need it

holy shit it was so easy all the time

>poor bastard will stop buying it

umm no. marijuana smoking is expensive as fuck while its illegal and they still buy it

the bible says a lot of shit. not an argument.

Not an argument.

im actually not even certain that marijuana existed 2000 years ago

mankind might have created this modern abomination through selective breeding and pagan rituals where they try to see what plant messes with their brain the most

really sick sick thing to do smoke marijuana

In populations where alcohol was made illegal, suicides sky rocketed.

People need a form of escape or they WILL escape.

have you ever smoked marijuana before?


I have a garden and zero interest in marijuana myself, but I know first hand that it treats my mom's chronic pain well enough that she could quit using prescription opiates, and that's more than enough reason to grow some if it were legal.

alcohol should be legal but you should get a fine/ticket for being drunk past a certain limit

but in the case of marijuana there is no partially being high, people use it to get high!

drinking alcohol can be used for dinner without the intent of getting drunk

no and its not related
i dont care what it feels like even if its the best thing ever

its a sin to the creator
christians dont smoke weed

but a lot of normalfags degens do and they promote it and act like its normal

>being against weed legalization


Christfags are so fucking disgusting. You make me sick.

>implying he's wrong


We have really weird weed laws. You can sell as a coffeeshop and buy it. But it's illegal to grow it which means coffee shops are forced to buy it from criminals.

Weed is going to be used wether it's legal or not. Why not tax it? It would create less weed users rather than more I think.

In Catalunya (Spain) we managed to kind of fix the marihuana problem. Spain has a very long tradition of pot smoking, pretty much everyone here smoked it at least once and there's a lot of daily users. You are allowed to open up a "private smoking club", which is basically a private space where you can sell/buy marihuana and smoke it inside but you can't take it outside (everyone does anyway) and you can't sell alcohol or any other consumable product, only weed. Thing is only members can buy and you can only become a member if someone who is already a member endorses you. Marihuana here is now of a much better quality and there's hundreds of strains to choose from. So weed it's not legal per se, but there's certain control about who consumes and who sells.

That way ilegal dealers can sell directly to smoking clubs and consumers can buy without all the worries. Problem is this system has been abused in the last years by some smoking clubs that still sell alcohol or allow anyone to become a member, specially in Barcelona where tourists could simply go to any smoking club and become a member instantly, like it used to be in Amsterdam many years ago.

It's not ideal but at least it works, only 21+yo can become members and there's no illegal act for those who act responsibly.

Don Jr. isn't president, and he disagrees with his dad on some things. For example Donald Trump would never hunt because he doesn't like to hurt animals; Don Jr. is a big time big game hunter.


Who the fuck doesn't browse the internet these days? Who the fuck hasn't browsed the internet for at least the past 5-8 years?

great America is gonna have its own Weedman

Trump Jr. is right, the crime rate would be significantly reduced once the government gets proper regulation enstated.

There is a huge market to be had with the 420 culture.

This is correct whether you like it or not, using things that make you hallucinate is Sorcery 101.

>christians dont smoke weed

nice trips but it's not that simple and you know it. Maybe if they were so stoned out of their mind all the time that they were completely useless. I've known people like that. It's probably a lot of other things that make them non-Christian moreso though.

I voted Trump and we should abolish the war on drugs and legalize it all. Seriously why the fuck would I care what people kill themselves with and why should the government steal my money for their sake?

>what people kill themselves with
says the guy in the gated community and stable job where he has a hedge against drug induced ghettos

Canada BTFO

Why steal my money to stop a degenerate from sticking himself with a lethal injection? You should have the right to kill yourself and the right to stick an AIDS syringe in your arm to trip to death.

and what happens to the neighborhood when all the people are living like that

you get theives and single parents and violence and homeless and all the problems

you get a 3rd world country

ur being ignorant as fuck as if you would live in a 1st world country with a resemblance of peace and stability if it werent for the ordinary guy who isnt a drug addict

>tax it well
Not my president.

So you want to steal my money because they're retarded? Heroin doesn't have to be illegal for someone who isn't retarded to know it's bad for you.

If you dont have autism and have a relatively normal social life its pretty much guaranteed that you will smoke weed at some point.

Who the fuck cares if he smoked it in college. Theres a difference between potheads and people who tried weed occasionally.