>Win election by 2,000,000 votes
>lose election
wtf America?
>Win election by 2,000,000 votes
>lose election
wtf America?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Have California
>Win popular vote while other candidate is anti- illegal immigration
>win election by shitloads of votes
>lose anyways because other candidates ally each other and their votes added together is more than yours
wtf Europe???
>>Win popular vote while other candidate is anti- illegal immigration
more people vote for you than the other guy, you lose
>>lose anyways because other candidates ally each other and their votes added together is more than yours
Elections are referendums
Popular vote doesn't work like such in most democracies worldwide
>Popular vote doesn't work
Women who have more than one sexual partner before marriage are more likely to divorce and to be terrible spouses/mothers.
Think about that with regards to the "ladies" posted above.
2,000,000 vote win
I also used to think this was a stupid system until I learned how it really worked. It's just fair and gives the rest of the country - that isn't flooded to brims with people (and illegals) - an equal chance when voting.
It's actually a really good system.
>Women who have more than one sexual partner before marriage are more likely to divorce and to be terrible spouses/mothers.
Only electoral votes count. You lose.
Next time make sure to overturn the electoral college.
>this was a stupid system
How did she win the election if she lost the election, you illiterate burger.
>Only electoral votes count. You lose.
good post
>What is a representative democracy
>How did she win the election if she lost the election, you illiterate burger.
more citiziens voted for her than the other guy
If you dont understand why USA have to have a special system in their democratic elections, you dont deserve to life in the first world. If you cant understand the logic behind it, you should probably just kill yourself...
>>What is a representative democracy
Can't stump the Trump
Damn nice proof really got him Oh so you're a pedo, disregard
>If you dont understand why USA have to have
It just sounds fair to me, unless I'm missing something that you could explain? It gives every state an equal weigh in. Maybe I'm abit naive about this as I'm not American?
>Can't stump the Trump
>~50% of the population doesn't even vote
>democratic election
>participate in election
>rules of election are clear
>whoever wins the electoral vote wins
>lose the electoral vote
>lose election
>claim that electoral college system is wrong
>claim that you are now the winner
I don't think you know what that word means.
Maybe you can go live in a country that is a direct democracy that has open borders, then.
Don't be surprised when it gets absorbed into a neighboring country within a year though.
> Pro tip, the neighboring country won't be a democracy, and it won't have open borders.
Do you really believe Maine has the same amount of population as California?
No. And that is precisely why we have an electorial election
have you taken a look at a map recently or do you just want the 4 most densely populated states to decide the election and effectively discard the rest?
You obviously never read about how democracy works more than the childish understanding of it which implies it means the people vote directly and that's it
Another this shit again
founding fathers know that someday
so called social reformers comes
bring Wealth redistribution by race and gender
Democracy = majority rule = socialism
Read The Law Book by Frédéric Bastiat
America is Constitutional Republic, not Mob Rule
>millions more people vote for you than anyone else
wow woah wee wah
>Popular vote is the only kind of democracy
Sick of this shit desu
>I don't think you know what that word means.
Go read the Federalist and save us your whining.
Rest of the world still hasn't caught up to the US system of government.
>Maybe you can go live in a country that is a direct democracy that has open borders, then.
cry more about open borders
Moar of the chubby
Special kind of stupid
>have you taken a look at a map recently or do you just want the 4 most densely populated states to decide the election and effectively discard the rest?
2,000,000 vote win
not fair because of where voters live
>>Win election by 2,000,000 votes
>>lose election
>implying immigrant votes matter (well technically they do but...)
>implying nigger votes matter (well technically they do but...)
>implying feminist votes matter (well technically they do but...)
cry me a river faggget gg u lost
Judging by his posts in this thread, OP is severely autistic and/or retarded.
We're a constitutional republic you mongoloid. We have the Electoral College just so the Bean Supreme out in California can't fuck everyone over forever.
>Rest of the world still hasn't caught up to the US system of government.
>millions of your opponents supporters didn't vote because the electoral college voted in favor of your party.
>Judging by his posts in this thread, OP is severely autistic and/or retarded.
Come on libs, aren't you tired of crying yet? Get over it. It's been how many days now and you are still crying?
looks like anzu with fetal alcohol syndrome
it's the united states
not the united people
now reexamine the map
>constitutional republic
>hitlary won the popular vote
Nope, the rest of the world hasnt voted yet, we cant know that.
Are you denying reality?
>shows up to a drag race in a econoshitbox
>Lose drag race
>b b but muh fuel economy.
Git out.
>>hitlary won the popular vote
>Nope, the rest of the world hasnt voted yet, we cant know that.
the electoral college exists so you cant win elections just by sucking up to the high-population cities with muh basketball lives matter and muh caitlyn jenner bathrooms you faggot
America is a Democratic Republic. What part of that is so hard for you whiners to understand? The system has been in place since the founding of the U.S.
Seriously, some of you are fucking retarded.
You realize that not all people in the world need english right? Wanna speak in my native tongue? Or maybe in norwegian, swedish or german? You get the point of what I said, if you did not, you must be severely autistic or something similar.
> win competition you were not having
> relevant
This thread makes me want to commit acts of domestic violence
All good though. Looking forward to passing some Constitutional amendments, ending women's suffrage is a good place to start
>Are you denying reality?
Looks like you dont know how to use green text meme lol
It’s not up for debate, dumbass. We're a constitutional republic because Jefferson and Madison knew better than to give the reins over to mob rule. Learn a book.
>current year
>America is a Democratic Republic
i thought we were a constitutional republic
>tihs thread taking the bait this hard
Soon it will be 6m votes
>Looks like you dont know how to use green text meme lol
>tyranny of the majority
Leftys want a war.
They are doing wxactly why we have guns.
no we are a republic democracy
Would you idiots stop feeding the troll.
California allows aliens to vote. That's their business, but that's part of why we don't have majority rule for the nation.
Why did nobody have a problem with the electoral college system before the election results? Really makes you think
Then take up arms, and prepare to defend the USA from tyranny. They are going to try to undermine the legal systems of the USA. We can't let them.
Wrong. You're so salty. It's amazing.
everybody hates grammar nazis.
Even regular old Nazi Nazis hate grammar Nazis.
>by 2,000,000
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. That's why the us is not a direct democracy now fuck off am have a happy thanksgiving eating your tofurkey or whatever it is that you cunts eat.
Democrats also had a problem with it in 2000 when the candidate preferred by aliens lost.
This inference became logically inescapable as soon as people began
to ascribe to the state not only moral but also intellectual perfection.
Then one could not help concluding that the infallible state as in
a position to succeed in the conduct of production activities better
than erring individuals.
No socialist ever gave a thought to the possibility that the abstract
entity which he wants to vest with unlimited power-whether it is
called humanity, society, nation, state, or government-could act in
a way of which he himself disapproves.
Ludwig von Mises
Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,977,000
Obama's 8-year grade on economy
>Why did nobody have a problem with the electoral college system before the election results? Really makes you think
>>by 2,000,000
You CTR cunts need new bait.
Muh popular vote. Sage.
>Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
wow that's fucking deep
>there are people who think the US is a democracy
for the last time, it's a republic you fucking mongols
What the fuck.
>for the last time, it's a republic you fucking mongols
Representative democracy
You guys should try our system and end up with a 6 party coalition to get a majority
trust issues - the gif
3 million votes stolen by illegal immigrants
A republic is a form of democracy retard. You're both.
Suck it up, Buttercup.
>Who cares if we are playing blackjack? Look at my hand, it is a royal flush. Gimme the money