Refugees rebeling in Harmanli camp in Bulgaria
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look at all those poor women and children
They made the video private.
Holy fucking shit.
Look at the 4:45 mark
After hurling hundreds of rocks at the police, they fucking niggers put their hands up in the air.
>"We're peaceful! We're peaceful!"
fucking hell. The whole lot of them should be sent to the ovens
video is private
Fix the link!
Harmanli sounds turkish.
Just shoot them all, I'm practically begging you.
You know what to do.
(((someone))) is instructing the rapefugees how to look like poor victims
what would happen if they were to be gunned down?
Here is a working link.
Sup Forums really needs to take a look at this.
Watch as the rapefugees start fires and throw hundreds of rocks at the police.
Then in a single second, they all throw their hands up as if they are peaceful protesters.
Its astounding.
not comparable to what fans do at local-league football games.
You americucks literally have no idea what a riot looks like. Now go play with your guns kek.
of course its a german cocksucker that rushes to defend these sandniggers
How are those Sharia courts treating, Jerry?
>foreign army invades a city
>we send the police
Where are the tanks?
It's time to die
Remember, its racist to deport them.
We need to come together to integrate them into our society!
> this video is private
You working for Jewgle, looking to collate info on Sup Forums?
you could see it better in the one that was taken down.
But its around 4:30 in the video thats still up
lol i love europe news
you idiots are ruining your continent
>you idiots are ruining your continent
>forcing invaders to live in camp away from population
As if we have any, lol
see The video just got locked down, paranoid tinfoil cuck.
>letting millions of invaders into your continent
>"Don't worry they're a walks away from town"
Try not to get Culturally Enriched this New Year's Eve, patrick
Nothing to see here folks, just peaceful refugees playing baseball with the police.
they risked their life crossing a sea to get to Germany where they would get 2000 euro and a free house and blonde women to rape , instead they ended up in Bulgaria surrounded by gypsies lol, i would riot aswell desu
>The video just got locked down, paranoid tinfoil cuck.
Then why was I invited to log into the video and watch it?
Why they didn't use that water tank? I would just smash them all.
It wasn't locked when the link was posted. It got locked afterwards.
Are you retarded?
Because the rapefugees would just say that they were peacefully protesting.
MSM would paint the police as the aggressors.
Funny how ameircan police are hosing some protesters near a native american shrine that has to be demolished for oil pipes right now.
Except I think the police are the bad guys there, and the construction should probably go around. Am I getting MSM'd?
The construction is nowhere near sacred land. There's no fucking sacred ground. Its just some stupid chugs looking for dosh accompanied by some bused-in rent-a-crowd wannabe anarchist leftwing shitheads who all need to be fucking gassed. So no, theres nothing at stake in Dakota and the cops are the good guys in that story. Now that's established, what's your country's response to rioting shitskins? You going to set the dogs on them? Fill them with lead? Please do.
>Now that's established
Claimed, not established. Post proofs.
>what's your country's response to rioting shitskins
Rubber bullets, water hosing, yelling at them, begging the germans for mo money fo dem programes.
The real question is what will my country's reaction to the civilians arriving there with bats, knives and hunting rifles be. Hopefully the bloodlusted civilians don't get in trouble.
Its kind of completely different considering that the natives are actually natives. They aren't an invading army that roams the streets enforcing their ideals and raping women and children.
Natives don't do much to the rest of America and generally stay within their own land.
good throwing hands on all those women and children
seems this batch has not only engineers, doctors and lawyers, but baseball players as well
>They aren't an invading army that roams the streets enforcing their ideals and raping women and children.
Neither are the escaped prisoners who set fire to a dumpster and threw rocks at armored policemen.
They are a loud, impotent force, and we are raging because they are allowed to exist, not because they are a threat.
Yeah, our batch mostly contains military aged men, probably deserters from the armies at war in Syria and Iraq.
Always the best for Bulgaria.