White Women brings up a valid point, Black women gets triggered
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This doesn't seem right. Everybody knows black people are intelligent and thoughtful.
I just got here from Reddit so I'm going to assume this is just alt-right hate mongering.
I sincerely thought better of you Australia. Wow!
Why are black people so racist?
>black people don't want to talk to white people because white people are right
Because of an inborn tendency for tribalism
Tribalism in the political sense, an extreme idea of "us" vs. "them" not actually based on actual beliefs.
A good example of this is the microstate Saint Kitts and Nevis. It's a microstate consisting of 2 islands, each island has it's own "tribe".
They have the same political ideals, the same religion, same family structure and everything, however they are from different islands.
On one island they only wear red and on the other only yellow, they seriously kill people for being from the "wrong" island, even though their ideals and values are EXACTLY the same.
This kind of tribalism is overwhelmingly more common in black societies than in white societies.
Van Jones is a piece of shit.
((Goldberg)) What an ugly stupid nigger. She should move to canada. What a worthless cunt
I want to set myself on fire after watching that.
I can't watch these clucking hens.
Why are women so stupid?
"White" chick is Jebidiah Beliah or however you spell her name. She used to work on Fox. She's Jewish.
Why is Alexis Texas on this show?
>Queen latifa talks shit about wikileaks being a shitty source
>makes claim and doesnt even give source
It's not the point of who said it but that is was said right guys??
that old "white" hag.. I know a jew when I see one.
>a panel of women discussing politics
Why is this even a thing, America?
it's snoopy goldberg you ignorant
>the only remotely level-headed ones are the three attractive ones
The only thing I'm jelly of them.
lel this nigger
keep bringing up racism
fuck off stupid nigger
the jews was black just like the ejiptans
What was it?
This horseshit is on television during the day when men are at work. For some reason there are people who think it's relevant.
Whoopi Goldberg.
I always wondered about this... is she a black Jew?
>pic related
>For some reason there are people who think it's relevant.
Wrong, it's women watching them.
Why are blacks jumping on Trump ?
What has he said beside good things for blacks, n what did the nig mean when he said this was a white vote against Obama ? Was he running for a 3rd term ?
Can someone explain why blacks are against Trump ?
I don't understand when people say that they don't care about the wikileaks leaks. Wtf? No one said that they weren't true. DNC tried to slide the conversation to how the leaks might have come from Russian hackers, but that still doesn't make them untrue. Has wikileaks even released anything that has been proven untrue?
>marry the producer
I think Goldberg is a stage name
I couldn't look it up in 5 seconds on google but I cbf
She is Italian. Chilean, and Lebanese.
Don't forget that the Mainstream Media has been running hit piece after hit piece on Trump ever since he announced he was running for President. They've called him racist, sexist, bigot, they even go as far as to compare him to Hitler.
Naturally, the average unassuming asshole is going to eat this up like it is the absolute truth because the NEWS said it and the NEWS wouldn't EVER lie or try to push an agenda RIGHT?
>someone said this
>I'm not telling you
With evidence this good...
so white it hurts
pretty much this, desu
wow american tv.
Just denying wikileaks credibility gets you off all the emails?
Only when you're some 'righteous' nigger like this or Denzel.
>I sincerely thought better of you Australia.
they are just a bunch of vapid spinsters who think their opinions matter. nothing to see here.
anyone know where whoopie got that fly ass scarf?
make vaginas great again?
Why do people keep clapping for poopy goldberg?
Video is to hard to watch.. coukdnt get past 2 mins.. goldberg seems like least annoying desu.. fucking birds cherpin.. horrid.. fuckin op is a faggot for even taking that shit in
So whens that nigger moving to Canada?
There's a major psyops we can do here...
we just need to 'accept' that black people were decendent from Egyptians..
Let them take pride in their ancestory..
and then promote how the egyptians kept jewish slaves.
They will then feel so proud that they kept the most successful class in america as slaves. (It will feed into their 'we flew to the stars while you were in caves' bullshit).
Once that happens, this will trigger the prideful jews, and then the jew will ahve to shoot his own attack dog.
Because he has support from alt right and racist group and hasnt slated them at all... racism in america isntouch yfor blacks.. even with how racist they are.. they have been conditioned that why like whites have been conditioned to be weak and whiny cunts
no.. white have neanderthal in them.. actually i think these abos do too.
>goldberg seems like least annoying desu.. fucking birds cherpin.
you didn't get to the part where she was "black people know this and that blah fucking blah, and white people need to listen to us".
and that fucking applause on every SJW line. Like a bunch of redditors upvoting.
the only redeeming value is that out of all of them, one appeared to have some sense.
oh, and no mention of all the clinton corruption being the CAUSE of the fucking investigation
boohoo FBI rigged it
Can I get a summary? No way I am watching all that garbage.
Godamn, who's the qt with the sensible points?
"We support feminists and others"
Should have known it would be that sort of divisive tripe. Thanks, Australia.
Pretty right wing girls makes my benis grow, halp ma
>as long as they don't have to live near it
Not that i give a fuck about a bunch of cunts chatting utter shite but do any of you remember when the big ugly black gorilla thing used to try and be a sexy women in films back in the day?
That was some funny shit kek.
I bet her co stars still remember the smell.
>valid points
My sides.
Goldberg talks about trump winning and thinks there is racism. White women wants to argue that it's not because of racism.
Gooldberg answers that she isnt labeling anything just saying that it feels like racism and says she cant talk about this with white people because they make her feel like she makes no sense.
Goldberg wanted to talk about her feelings and not argue about anything. She said you can't argue with her because that's how she feels and she does not want to argue wether or not her feeling come from a disturbed perception.
because it's a studio audience and you get invited to clap
>On one island they only wear red and on the other only yellow, they seriously kill people for being from the "wrong" island, even though their ideals and values are EXACTLY the same.
Age of Empires IRL
Maybe they should just, get over it
They dont irrc
Black people have practically zero
I love how Jedidiah is basically the only intelligent one. Whoopi can barely make a coherent sentence
Everytime I see Whoop Goldberg talking about race I think of this scene:
Is she fat and eating cake while speaking?
But Jews lied about the slavery too.
Same woman?
I'm not watching 8 minutes of that shit, someone give me a timestamp of the minute.
Jews, man
>I sincerely thought better of you Australia. Wow!
t. person who has never spoken to an indian on this board before.
As a black man who voted for Trump, I am definitely not look forward to Thanksgiving dinner.
This is actually a really good summary.
>no president has ever been made fun of before
>Obama is the only president who was ever compared to a money
Why are blacks literally retarded?
The white liberals have been just barely tolerating nigger behavior for a long time now
Even while promoting them
If nigs start vocalizing too much and acting up, white support of negros could vanish
Because ...
despite all his protestations to the contrary, he's willing to separate the human wheat from the chaff muslims, Hispanics), which is a total break from the reigning ideology of radical equality.
Blacks know they're chaff in most people's eyes, so they fear that /underneath/ the happy talk they're vulnerable to being more openly seen, and treated, as chaff.
Quality bait tbqh
A few months ago i would have agreed with this poor woman because white privilege and we don*t understand them. HER FEEEEEELINGS
Good thing i came back to Sup Forums, leftist media can really cloud your mind
And yet if only we had a smidgen more of that tribalism of theirs we would never have opened our countries up to brown people running away from their own failed attempts at civilization.
Thanks for watching it so we don't have to German bro. I have to say, you Germans are probably the best posters on this board. ... Of course :)
Their problem is they assume everything is about race. You heard what she said "it feels like it's x". It doesn't matter what it actually is or the fact that it's entirely a personal problem that she unjustly feels a certain way.
I am not ashamed to admit the amount of time I spent in my teen years watching the View. I blame Hasselbeck
What sort of "racist" person would trust a nigger to park their car
>I sincerely thought better of you Australia. Wow!
How dare you insult based and white Australia like that, shame on you. Haven't you ever heard of curry bashing before?
(((wynona rider))) is a good actress. too bad she threw it all away to become a mentalist.
So black people can just "sense" racism now, and we go along with it?
The one lady was basically trying to tell Whoopi
>your feelings are stupid because they aren't lining up with reality
whites are racist by default, and the only thing you white allies need to do is stfu + listen
7 minutes and I haven't seen a good point by a white woman.
Get off Sup Forums , whoopi.
Actually she changed her name so she would get more call backs for role auditions because she knew kike casting directors would see (((Goldberg))) and she would benefit from their nepotism.
Blacks are jew-wise for the most part.
I only watched the view the day after the election. It was glorious.
>there are people who actually watch this show weekly
That "guy" higher up, who said Obama would be parking his car a few years ago?
That "guy" is Hillary Clinton's husband you deceitful fuck! It's a Bill Clinton quote (Whoopi got it slightly wrong)!
But No, she wants you to vote for Hillary anyway, because vagina...