>Teenager afraid of water and who couldn't swim died after jumping into canal to overcome fears
How does Sup Forums feel about this tragedy?
>Teenager afraid of water and who couldn't swim died after jumping into canal to overcome fears
How does Sup Forums feel about this tragedy?
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breddy funny
It's sad. His father should have taught him how.
At least he had the guts to try to conquer his fears.
Unfortunately his fears seem to have been well-founded.
Water doesn't shit around.
>nigger can't swim
Oh I chuckled.
His fear of the water is justified
Large bodies of water are evil, and will try to suck you in & kill you
>large bodies of water are evil
>Says the Filipino
The irony is not lost
Water is the nigger's natural enemy.
Seriously? You don't know how to swim? You decided to jump into a canal instead of going to the beach/pool/something less strong?
Natural Selection. Your retarded ass should've died. He didn't even die from drowning, probably sustained injuries from being in the canal. More than likely he slipped into a coma and his family pulled the plug. This shit is so stupid I'm not even going to look up the story.
>doesn't know how to swim
>still jumps into deep, moving water anyways on his own
I wish I could say I feel bad about this, but he really should've started with a pool or something. At least he tried to conquer what now seems to be a very rational fear though.
LOL. See ya, glad to not be ya.
>well founded
I applaud him for trying to conquer his fears but you can only be so retarded before it kills you.
>can't swim
nigger must have been twice as scared than a regular drowning person
What is it with blacks and not being able to swim? Can they not float?
Those names...
Those canals in Phoenix look like standing water but really they're going really fast. Idiots or small children try to swim in them all the time and end up ded.
>this entire thread
O i am laffin
>sensible kek
underrated post
He hit the water and started chimping out like a monkey instead of relaxing
Wish I could've seen it
Why the hell would you jump into a canal if you can't swim?
How about facing your fear of water in an easier way: go to a public swimming hall and register for a beginner swimming class. You get to face your fear of water in a safe environment AND you learn to swim. Wew.
(btw play stupid games win stupid prizes)
Former lifeguard here, it's true. A rapper at our pool tried to brave it by swimming and I had to rescue him.
Reminds me of this: youtube.com
>safe environment
>How does Sup Forums feel about this tragedy?
This is very funny, so I laughed.
But when Hillary called us deplorables, that made me very sad, so I cried.
But this, this is really funny.
He had the right idea just the wrong execution.
Get the fuck out Mbugu
>can't swim
>jumps in body of water
He was a good boy, I hope?
I thought all kids in the UK had to be taught how to swim at school
Is this no longer a thing?
See, this made me sad again because bad words hurt my fee fees, just like Hillary did when she called me a deplorable.
I wish Trump would tweet about safe spaces again, he has the right ideas
shit nigga i aint no pussy ass bich
There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity.
Hopefully he wasn't coerced, sad story either way.
A least now we can be certain he does nothing.
>A least now we can be certain he does nothing.
Joke's on you, he's now raping white angels in heaven.
What likely happened is he hit the water. His adrenaline spiked and he inhaled a bunch of water. Panic. No one there to grab him in time.
Pretty sad. that takes balls to face your fears. It's not like he put a gun to his head. He probably sees kids younger than him do it all the time and assumed the fear was all in his head and there was no real danger.
At least he tried!
Good old natural selection at work.
Nothing to see here.
Clearly he was bullied by the local racists into doing this.
Fucking white people what's their problem
One less
This is likely to be one of the only reasonable responses in this thread.
I don't think there are female angels in the Bible.
This is probably the right answer.
You're used to mohammed, memeth and ahmed, Are you shocked to see niggers with those names Sven.
How little common sense you have to have to follow that chain of though.
>be afraid of water
>can't swin
>jump into a canal anyways
Not even the aborigins in here are that stupid.
Exactly. This kid committed suicide, the cover story is for the family to save face.
Like all those 'gun cleaning' accidents, I don't believe this at all.
>It's not like he put a gun to his head.
>jumping into a canal
Probably jumped in from a height (like off a bridge or something), having never tried to swim before?
I'd say that's the swimming equivalent of putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger, to try to help you be less afraid of guns. Do it enough times and you might even build up an immunity!
The fact doesn't change, nigerino can't swimerino.
Niggers have no souls memeth, just like you.
The world lost a gas station attendant at best.
Press F to pay respects.
This. His actions show a complete lack of understanding of the world around him.
>Sink or swim
>nobody ever taught me how to swim
>I can swim just fine
What is it about non-whites that leaves them incapable of dealing with stuff like water
Why the fuck did he not just go to a swimming pool?
Poor parenting.
I didn't want to learn to swim as a kid either, but got forced by my father. Ex-soldier that used to be chief on boats, he knew the value of knowing how to swim.
You have to acclimatize before you can troll anyone here, redditfag.
I want my safe space and I want it now.
Where's Trump when you need him?
With niggers its genetic, in Africa water is filled with crocs and hippos inland and sharks and crocs on the coast. They are hard wired to not go near the water, their inferior genetics fail them.
Thanks for my (You), much appreciated!
well, who taught you how to swim? probably your dad...
Niggers are just dumb, My dad used to take to the 10 meter platform when i was like 4 and i learned to swim at that age.
most minorities don't have pools in their backyard so it's not like they can practice and swimming lessons cost $$ that can't be wasted when you're already struggling at the poverty line
>My dad used to take to the 10 meter platform
That's the top of the wall, right?
Nothing as I don't know the man.
It's unfortunate for his family.
Generally you wouldn't try this in gerneral waters and not a pool.
Errors like this are common but seriously avoidable folks.
One less nigger leeching off welfare
memeth i have two nephews stationed in germany, don't make me call them and have you taken care of, you piece of shit goatfucker.
To save society from the cost of any other dumb decisions he might make in the future.
>Girl already wearing prison attire
>I'll just jump into a steep walled body of water that I can't simply walk out of.
Thank You Darwin-chan.
Its a miracle anyone survived the Nawlins flood.
>i have two nephews stationed in germany
>stationed in Germany
What a beautiful, beautiful euphemism for "serving jailtime in Germany".
No, he really didn't. I just knew how to do it. We had a swimming pool in our backyard when I was growing up and I wanted to copy my sister, so I got in and just sort of figured it out.
Wtf those names?
>Teenager afraid of fire and who couldn't stand it died after jumping into a volcano to overcome fears
I learned to swim in a lake, public access.
To some extent. But my parents aren't monkeys and taught me how to swim
He should have brought a friend who knew how to swim
The grease from their hair rises to the top and forces the rest of their body under the water.
kek, this is my fav nig meme.
>tfw you jump in a canal to get hits for your vid only to find out twitter killed vine
As best I can figure it out, they want to be unique and not use "white" names. So, these are the abominations they produce.
Most teenagers don't have common sense. This is the same age group that will binge drink to death if not taught properly how to drink in the first place.
Atleast those names didn't survive
>That logic
It's like a person kicking a pit-bull in order to overcome their fear of dogs.
I was a teenager. You were a teenager. We made it. You have to be severely lacking in order to miss out on this many indications that it might not be a good idea.
>Teenager afraid of water and who couldn't swim died after jumping into canal to overcome fears
Oh no, that sucks
Stupid nigger.
He should have tried to overcome his fears in a pool with people near.
>3 inches of water
He didn't haveta drown, it was the fall that killed him!
I'm really not trying to be PC or anything like that but most black people live in the inner cities and don't have the access (read: privilege) to lakes or well funded public swimming places
As a minority myself (hispanic) I learned to swim with private lessons since I was like 3 and always had a pool either in my backyard or inside my house, but I'm lucky because my parents are rich as fuck
most poor white people tend to live in rural places and so have access to lakes or streams / rivers where they can at least get exposed to running water / currents and they can also buy those shitty stand up pools because even tho they are poor and their house is horrible, they own property so they can put it there
most poor black people live in the inner city and so have no access to natural bodies of water and can't just buy a standing pool (or w/e it's called) and their only option are shitty run down, over crowded, under funded public pools