Clinton mysteriously did worse in ballots where electronic devices were used to vote.
I'm not saying there was any hacking, but considering the situation, i think it makes sense to have an investigation and a recount of the votes
Clinton mysteriously did worse in ballots where electronic devices were used to vote.
I'm not saying there was any hacking, but considering the situation, i think it makes sense to have an investigation and a recount of the votes
>the idea that the american election can be rigged is ridiculous
It's not ridiculous, but no one should say it's rigged without any evidence, like what trump did.
You mean she mysteriously did better when libtards were allowed to count the votes by hand.
It's part of that vast right wing conspiracy
>ballots where electronic devices were used to vote
/r/equesting Michigan voting method screenshot
it's not rigged, you're just losing
Systematic opression
>implying Clinton would have lost if drumpftards didnt rig it in his favour
yeh nah
this is a vast left wing conspiracy threatening our democracy
>Soros knows we know about his rigged machines
>he rigs them to switch votes for Trump
>pushes the whole "Trump rigged it" shit
>fools everyone into thinking Trump rigged the election
>protests intensify
How do you recount electronic votes? Press F5 and voilâ Clinton actually had 80k more votes, sorry about that buds.
That's not how it works and you know that.
>cares about fairness of elections
>illegally annexes land on a daily basis
>ethnocentric society
Stop pretending to care Chaim.
it's bullshit famalam:
our democracy elected Hillary Clinton
over two million votes and growing
Wasnt it the other way around? Trump did better in places were there was no electronic voting
Still, an investigation into the situation wouldn't do any harm. just to be sure
What are they going to do when this doesn't go in their favor
We aren't a democracy. We are a republic.
It's a democratic republic, dumbass. Our democratic republic elected trump. California and New York don't dictate our president for good reason.
Michigan only has paper ballots and has been recounted like 4 times
No but most of the voting machines were in rural areas
Guess which areas heavily supported Trump
This whole recount nonsense is an extension of liberal tears, nothing more.
Don't get tired of winning yet. We've just started.
we use scantrons, so paper
>Clinton mysteriously did worse in ballots where electronic devices were used to vote.
Funny, cause I remember them bragging about the exact opposite before.
>electric voting fails
No way!
>Clinton mysteriously did worse in ballots where electronic devices were used to vote.
Because these machines were used to disenfranchise republican voters in the first place by installing them in places she was going to lose. The intense scrutiny of the republican voter due to Clinton's fraud made them double check and fix their selections. There were hundreds of reports about this on election day.
The 2016 election vs democrats and shitlibs reminds me of the endless arguments with my ex girlfriends
> lefties think Clitnton will win
> deny voter fraud
> Clinton loses
> totally voter fraud
>Our democratic republic elected trump
obviously not seeing as it was hacked and all
Except theres no evidence of hacking at all, it would be a waste of resources
The US SHOULD have democratic elections.
In your current system, a vote from alaska worth more than twice as much as a vote from california.
people from california should have a voting power that is equal to the voting power of people from alaska, not less.
Anyone, and i mean ANYONE who protects the shitty and arbitrary electoral college system, is either an hypocrite or retarded
Please have the votes recounted and investigated so we can find out just how many illegals and dead bodies voted
You fucking shill faggot
Don't forget to sage this shit bros
Feel free to pay for it.
Shut up oven dodger, they can fraction the voting even more than it was.
To find evidence you first need to have a proper investigation into it, genius.
Wouldn't mind a fair recount. Guaranteed Trump wins by millions.
Sure, just make sure not to get your hopes up and don't start crying when nothing comes out of this. Some time in the near future you'll have to come to terms with the fact that you lost. You can't keep staying at the denial stage.
>The US SHOULD have democratic elections.
Not true, they should have a rightful monarch.
As should you.
>pretending to be Greek
wow, did he really avoid the popular vote so he could win?
Only if they did recounts for states that have incredibly weak voter ID laws. E.g., California, NY, et al
Say it with me, lads: President Donald J. Trump.
>MI had paper ballots and it was called for trump yesterday and they already recounted.
>PA has voter ID laws
Stick a fork in it, this one's done.
People in California have much more voting power than alaska, it's called 55 electoral votes vs 3. No one cares about kikes who don't understand our system.
They just can't accept it, can they?
Would they be doing this shit if Hillary won? I highly doubt it.
This was debunked in 5 minutes days ago.
>soros owned machines
>he decides to help trump win and then show the world the devices were hacked
>civil war ensues
fucking jewing son of a bitch
More like a certain primordial god of darkness manipulating energy to make the election fair.
Because it couldn't have been because people didn't want her.
No, it doesn't make sense.
2 million dollars is something our country shouldn't be spending on fucking vote recounting.
In the future, we need to go back to paper ballots and have ALL STATES enact a voter ID law. Only then can we audit the vote.
But why investigate when there is nothing suspicjous
> stuff paper ballot
> "oy vey, we did worse with electronic voting"
Raelly maek me think
can you please tell me how they can Hack Paper ballots become MI is all paper ballots
This, if the vote is illegitimate, why the fuck are we re-counting it?
>Liberals pre-Trump win:
"WIll Trump accept the results if he loses?"
>Liberals post-Trump win:
We don't have to worry about it or even think about it.
Hillary was the one cheating and she will resist all urges to do a recount by her voters.
She did this to herself.
>Doesn't understand the consequences of mob rule.
Keep the uneducated tears coming, faggot.
>wouldn't do any harm
No harm at all except crashing the markets and the dollar and likely starting another recession not to mention a possible civil war in the US
other than that no harm
But a few BS Computer Science majors got together and said that there was suspicion to be had, because the counties with paper ballots had 7% more votes for Hillary, vs those that had digital machines. Obviously they know what they're talking about.
>without any evidence like trump did
hello, newfriend, and welcome to the internet. it's a magical place where you can find video evidence of democrats committing voter fraud!
Shit guys!
What if.
No guys
What if, it turns out that their was electronic rigging in her favour and Hillary lost anyway.
How the hell is Trump supposed to have rigged this thing?
fucking russian hacked the papper ballot.
I'm a bs in computer science. Does that also make me an authority?
Screw the recount. They're only counting liberal votes. I check on the status of my vote through and it says that they're still tabulating my general vote. How fucking long do they need to arrange it?
This. It's shocking that Trump actually won, because the entire system was rigged against him. They're still counting votes. This is the slowest fucking election ever. I don't recall any of our past elections ever requiring over two weeks of time just to count the damn votes. They're still counting them where I live.
Trump is apparently the Illuminati and Hillary is just an innocent grandma who wanted to make baking great again.
Donald Trump's baseless claims about the election being 'rigged'
By Linda Qiu on Monday, August 15th, 2016 at 3:01 p.m.
While the U.S. Government Accountability Office has acknowledged that it’s difficult to estimate how often voter fraud happens based on reported incidents, the evidence for rampant fraud is lacking.
News 21 found just 150 alleged cases of double voting, 56 cases of noncitizens voting, and 10 cases of voter impersonation across all elections from 2000 to 2011. Many of these never led to charges, while others were acquitted or dismissed. Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School and an expert on voter fraud, found an even smaller number: 31 credible incidents out of more than 1 billion votes cast from 2000 to 2014.
Put it in another way: You’re more likely to get struck by lightning than to find voter fraud.
There is literally nothing wrong with what qt3.14 Stein is doing. She is either:
>praying that the Green Party somehow broke 5% for the sweet gubmint dosh
>crying for more attention for the green party so they can get that sweet gubmint dosh next cycle
>trying to weasel in and work to hijack the democratic party, setting up a run in 2018.
Have faith friends.
I voted in Michigan. I filled out a paper ballot. I was herded toward a gray 1.3 meter-tall cube-shaped machine. They told me to put my ballot into the slot. The machine made a noise. It had a text display with the total ballot count scanned so far. I asked the guy working there what auditing processes were used to ensure the machines worked as expected and who owned the machines etc., but he didn't have any answers, he was just a stupid old man. He said at the end of the day, the machine was locked and brought to city hall, and that's all he knew.
From my understanding, there were only 2 or 3 companies which manufactured and transported all of the electronic voting machines that were used in the entire country (including the ballot scanner I was forced to use), and Soros has a hand in all of those companies. ES&S, Dominion (formerly Diebold), etc. Surely these machines were rigged to ensure Hillary would win, but Trump must have 7D chess'd a few moles into these companies who rose in the ranks and were smart enough to figure out how to sabotage or disable the fraud functions before November 8th.
I just want to see the Green Party split the Dems in blue states.
test 2
Yes. According to the MSM, you're a "Computer Expert".
>shekel shaking intensifies
I wouldn't be surprised if, upon investigating the vote, they find that a few million Trump paper ballots have "mysteriously been burnt and wiped with bleachbit"
>but considering the situation
What situation exactly? That Hillary lost? Hardly seems like a valid reason or evidence of hacking
>mysteriously did worse
Fuck. We gotta look into this. No way Clinton performed poorly. Have you seen her rallies?
To the fucking RAFTERS my colored friends.
Clinton looses in places who are able to use technology to read up on how full of shit she is.
I was assuming it would be a total recount.
This is the only reason Clinton's party isn't pursuing this.
>Oh look, Trump did remarkably better where electronic voting was involved
>Can't be that Clinton was rigging the paper cotes
It's not rigged, you're just losing.
here is alternative way to write the articles
>Someone somewhere has gives information to someone somewhere that "RUSSIAN HACKERS"
Wait a minute, that flag...
I love that liberals assume the 7% discrepancy is due to some Russian espionage conspiracy theory instead of ballot stuffing of paper ballots by hillary's campaign. Just because she performed worse in electronic voting that doesn't mean that is where the issue is coming from. Not to mention it's way easier to manipulate paper ballots in reference to dead people and illegal immigrants voting than electronic voting.
Hillary won't pursue a recount, not because of some level of class but because they will find out she was cheating.
She won in all the states with loose Voter ID laws. I want a fraud investigation for that
>The goys knew not to use my free shekels, I mean free votes machine! This is an outrage!
I have a very big suspicious they are fabricating these votes even know. I think thats why those states took as long as they did, they were forcing in as many extra clinton votes as they could. They want us divided.
Except votes in California are worth more than any other vote because each vote helps determine which candidate gets 55 fucking electoral votes. Meanwhile it doesn't matter how many people vote or dont vote in other states, because they're only putting 3 towards a candidate. Also, how about the always blue/always red states? If you vote opposite of the majority there, your vote is fucking worthless.
How's it fair there's a blue wall and a red wall on the map nearly every election?
How's it fair that citizens who contribute and are self-sufficient get the same say as people who are literally payed by the government (democrats)? How can anyone who is dependent upon the gov/a political party be trusted to vote? Let's not forget that Jorge Gomez came here illegally from Mexico, then had 10 kids who under law are citizens, all on welfare, and each of those 10 kids will have as much say in the United States Government as the people who have had family here for generations. Can't forget that illegal Jorge probably voted too, along with Tyrone, because the dems bus people around.
Holy shit Trump saw this coming. He knew he was in for a landslide victory and that Hillary("she's a fighter") would contest the results so using 10D hyperchess tactics he got them all to come out and claim it was impossible.
If Stein is able to "buy" recounts for the three states, Trump would/should "buy" recounts for the States that have significantly weak ID laws, imo.
>but no one should say it's rigged without any evidence
That's exactly what is happening.
I was not saying it's rigged.
I just said that hacking are not completely impossible and that there should be a proper investigation to remove any doubts about the results of this elections
> I need 2 million to recount!
> Jew gets 2 mil
>Did I say 2 million? I meant 4.5 million, Goy!
Counting the vote is literally just looking at an integer.
Get hit by a stray rocket.
1. Minorities are less likely to have an ID, and states which passed ID laws are mostly republican states
2.You must be a US citizen in order to register to vote.
Kek this could actually happen
That's some 5d chess over here
Even if WI,MI, and PA are recounted and they somehow go to hillary, wouldn't it just result in a tie?
wait, you think people are reading your posts?
dude look at your flag
fucking kikes man. You sure are getting bold.
No, it would be victory for Hillary if those 3 states flip
There are no doubts though