>New, vibrant, young, and make-shift political group arises
New movement forms in the vein of resurgent nationalism, one of the main leaders of which was Richard Spencer, primarily through alternativeright.com, Radix. and NPI, and secondarily through AmRen, Counter Currents, Red Ice, and TRS.
>Media spends months trying to make this guy the leader
MSM is also fucking stupid and also called Milo a leader of the Alt-Right.
>of a leaderless group
The brand was made and popularized by Spencer.
The brand was furnished by alternativeright.com, Radix, NPI, AmRen, Counter Currents, Red Ice, and TRS.
The brand was narrowed to exclude alt-Lite Milos, fags, Magic Dirt Nationalists, non-Whites, racemixers, and to a great extent Libertarians
>Nobody takes the media seriously
You're looking at this backwards. We were and are starting to control the MSM narrative. The tail has become the dog.
>Film him doing a Nazi salute
Exactly as intended
>Suddenly everyone disavows or isn't alt-right anymore
Maybe like 10% of people who identified as alt-right in the first place had issue with the Heil.
>Hmm... really makes you think.
Me? Yes. You? Your post doesn't indicate much thought.
>You mean what the media made the term out to be themselves.
>As soon as the media branded the alt-right as neo Nazis, it was time to move along.
Look at Fash The Nation and The Daily Shoah over the past several months, in tandem with various "definitions" and "manifestos" of the alt-right given by various people who claim the label, and you will see that it was centralized as Fascism.
If you were mistaken, or were purity spiraled out of the label, than so be it. I hope the door didn't hit you on the way out.
I'm a Libertarian with a Nationalist bent, and when the Battle Of The Brand happened, realized I couldn't call myself Alt-Right anymore, but could still be a fellow traveler insofar as our goals overlapped.