New, vibrant, young, and make-shift political group arises

>New, vibrant, young, and make-shift political group arises

>Media spends months trying to make this guy the leader of a leaderless group

>Nobody takes the media seriously

>Film him doing a Nazi salute

>Suddenly everyone disavows or isn't alt-right anymore

Hmm... really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

>people had already distanced themselves or had been distanced from the alt-right when it became more clear to people what the term actually meant
>you didn't pick up on that and thought this re declaration after this misreported event was the first time on their parts

Really makes you think

>what the term actually meant
You mean what the media made the term out to be themselves.

Because thats how powerful being labeled a neo nazi is, the media and establishment knows the alt right is gaining traction so they send plants to make the group look bad
>milo tries hard to be leader of alt right for months
>media doesnt give it notice
>some random shit says hes leader

Nazi salute... Jews.

That PJW meme is forced and stinks of CIA seeing as they need to legitimize infowars. But they fucking can't so they just drumf it

I consider myself pretty well informed on political matters and what is happening with the right/alt right and I honestly didn't know who this was until a few days ago.

Really making me think.

>>Media spends months trying to make this guy the leader of a leaderless group
>>Nobody takes the media seriously
>>Suddenly everyone disavows or isn't alt-right anymore

Are you sure it made you think, because from here it looks like you didn't think at all. Look at what you wrote, you intellectually deficient piece of shit.


This. This guy is a nobody with a podcast, he didn't organize or start anything. Sure, he may have coined the term alt-right that the media loves right now, but the media only lives it so they can put that label on us and define it themselves, just like they like to define or redefine every other fucking word.

They are trying to make him into a leader he is not so thathe can go and do and say stupid shit to ffuck up everything that those of us who have actually put in work for.

Do you mean to tell me you can't figure out why it's a bad idea to listen to any of the media's bullshit?

>This guy is a nobody with a podcast, he didn't organize or start anything.

This isn't really true, but labeling him leader of the anti-SJWs and others who have been associated with the alt-right is obviously incorrect. The funny thing about all of this is that everyone said that we were overcoming political correctness, but a few guys make a politically incorrect joke and suddenly everyone loses their shit.

I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that it was something which offends the Jews that was the line that still can't be crossed.

You faggot OP. Go watch the video he raises his drink saying heil victory. He didn't nazi salute. The audience members did.

For someone who probably claims to not fall for MSM tricks, you fell for MSM tricks.

If you only learned who Spencer is a couple days ago, you have either not been paying attention or you're a total newfag.

>kikes and david brock spam this stupid shit everywhere
>nobody cares still

you fags will always care more than anyone of this board.

You guys are just newfags or maybe you just never saw a radix link.

People like Spencer, Taylor, Brimelow, Derbyshire, MacDonald, Woes, Johnson, Murray, etc.

Have all been saying basically the ideology of Sup Forums in their blogs, think tanks, podcasts, lectures, and books.

Their work is very influential and should be respected and not written off as "nobodies". They focus on race realism, white genocide, the jewish question, far right politics, NRx, and so forth.

I'd be happy to supplement some reading so you guys can learn some more about where a lot of this new form of politics is coming from.

>Heil Victory
>Not a clear Nazi salute

>raising glass
>nazi salute

why does it fucking matter you pearl clutching faggot?

hitler was the last mother fucker to stand up to the jewish masonic new world order you dumb fucking cuckold, why are you punching right?

This guy sucks at public speaking. Only low IQ storm weenies are impressed by him.

Like it or not Milo is the best we got.

anyone calling themselves alt-right is a shill

>Like it or not Milo is the best we got.

but milo sucks dicks...

The far right is much better off if they don't let Jews give them a label. That's why there is no alt-right and there never was -- Jews and controlled opposition not withstanding.

I'm not particularly fond of National Socialism, but I see there is a clear reason our education demonizes National Socialism to the point where every other class in high school is about Nazi's and the Holocaust. I watched carefully how they taught us in school. Every world history class would be very brief up until WW2, and from there we would get sucked into the blackhole of the holocaust and Nazi's. Every single time. 6th grade, 8th grade, 10th grade, 12th grade. Holocaust-Nazi time. I must've watched the move "The Wave" a dozen or more times. If you haven't seen "The Wave", it's a complete propaganda movie. Its about a teacher who uses "pride in group" mentality (nationalism) to control his classroom to the point where they become a gang of sorts and end up hurting other people, At the end the teacher shows them all a movie with Hitler in it to show who they've become and they all start crying and whatnot. The movie essentially relates National Socialism to JUST nationalism, and "proves" they were wrong because the holocaust and all of its exaggerated glory is equated to Nazis. Keep in mind they don't even teach you what "Nazi" stands for in schools, They label it as a Fascist ideology and move on. They never tell you the socialist part, and they never go in depth about Russia, Stalin, The gulag, or any other genocide (many of which have much more concrete evidence), it would kill their indoctrination agenda.

This is why National Socialism cannot be taken objectively by the current generations of people. Once again, I have my own reasons against National Socialism, but at least they are objective and not from brain washed roots.

No, Hitler was just another destroyer of Western society, as many Germans have been before him.

>This isn't really true,
its 100% true

there's a reason why spencerfag threads keep using the same 3 publicity stills and never link to anything but youtubes of the guy making a fool of himself for the msm. he hasn't said or wrote anything of value.

hes from nowhere and contributes nothing. everyone with 2 brain cells sees the obvious sinking ship and msm trickery and has pivoted.

so what? dicks are delicious.


That's correct. As soon as the media branded the alt-right as neo Nazis, it was time to move along. Trump won because the center thought that the left was crazy for calling the right Nazis. So now we have a choice. We can either
1) continue to promote the image that the left is crazy by not fucking associating with Neo Nazis
2) start defending autistic Nazi fetishists, and convince the center that we're actually the crazy ones

as much as i would like nazi vibes to spread more frequemtly throughout daily life. this is pretty spot on senpai

You seem to be under the impression that we have a duty to focus our energy on defending ourselves from the character assassinations of the establishment media. The current year's events should have told you otherwise.

>New, vibrant, young, and make-shift political group arises
New movement forms in the vein of resurgent nationalism, one of the main leaders of which was Richard Spencer, primarily through, Radix. and NPI, and secondarily through AmRen, Counter Currents, Red Ice, and TRS.

>Media spends months trying to make this guy the leader

MSM is also fucking stupid and also called Milo a leader of the Alt-Right.

>of a leaderless group
The brand was made and popularized by Spencer.
The brand was furnished by, Radix, NPI, AmRen, Counter Currents, Red Ice, and TRS.
The brand was narrowed to exclude alt-Lite Milos, fags, Magic Dirt Nationalists, non-Whites, racemixers, and to a great extent Libertarians

>Nobody takes the media seriously
You're looking at this backwards. We were and are starting to control the MSM narrative. The tail has become the dog.

>Film him doing a Nazi salute
Exactly as intended

>Suddenly everyone disavows or isn't alt-right anymore
Maybe like 10% of people who identified as alt-right in the first place had issue with the Heil.

>Hmm... really makes you think.
Me? Yes. You? Your post doesn't indicate much thought.

>You mean what the media made the term out to be themselves.
>As soon as the media branded the alt-right as neo Nazis, it was time to move along.

Look at Fash The Nation and The Daily Shoah over the past several months, in tandem with various "definitions" and "manifestos" of the alt-right given by various people who claim the label, and you will see that it was centralized as Fascism.

If you were mistaken, or were purity spiraled out of the label, than so be it. I hope the door didn't hit you on the way out.

I'm a Libertarian with a Nationalist bent, and when the Battle Of The Brand happened, realized I couldn't call myself Alt-Right anymore, but could still be a fellow traveler insofar as our goals overlapped.

>They never tell you the socialist part,
They do. They just display the socialist part as totalitarian moves.
Like for communism during the cold war.

Post please, I could use some good reading material.

>You seem to be under the impression that we have a duty to focus our energy on defending ourselves from the character assassinations of the establishment media. The current year's events should have told you otherwise.

This. Listen to the latest episode of Radio Aryan Roundtable next time you go to the gym or have to drive.

The extreme Right gets people mobilized. The Left has to infiltrate the Right and concern troll them to take the Moderate position to win.

The extreme Left turns people off. The Right has to infiltrate the Left and concern troll them to take the extreme position to win.

No they explicitly never told us about the socialist part, ever. They never even told us what Nazi was short for.

They also teach us jack shit about Mao and Stalin.

The most digestible stuff is on blog platform.

Its an eclectic mix of people from all areas of belief and non-belief, but generally runs with Ethno Nationalism.

Lawrence Murray and Tharru I would say are the most prolific writers.
is great for hatefacts
will get you familiarized with higher quality posts

Mencius Moldbug and Nick Land provide the general philosophical underpinnings of the alt-right.

Beginner's guide
As for books

Culture of Critique is a must for the JQ.

>tfw I never met anyone who listens to radio aryan



Everything above a certain line is Alt-Right.

Take a guess as to which is which.

I find time to listen to Darwin, Aryan, TDS and FTN throughout the week.

KulturKampf and Intersectional when in the mood.

The rest are sort of "meh".

>Nazi's, which, phoneticized, is "Nazissies"

Really makes you think.

Your a fucking idiot

>I'm not particularly fond of National Socialism,
Agreed. I am for Nationalism, can be a proponent of a form or mode or aspects of Socialism, such that workers are protected and market failures avoided, and don't believe that "official story" of AH&co 100%.
That said, the way they functioned was probably not sustainable.

>but I see there is a clear reason our education demonizes National Socialism
Aye. They want a multicultural shopping mall tax base of a country.

> Every world history class would be very brief up until WW2, and from there we would get sucked into the blackhole of the holocaust and Nazi's
Exactly! And it's strange. Our parents and grandparents, who were closer to the supposed Holocaust than we are, actually learned about strategy, tactics, and operations of major battles. We got

>I must've watched the move "The Wave" a dozen or more times.
Schildler's List and Life is Beautiful for us

>At the end the teacher shows them all a movie with Hitler in it to show who they've become and they all start crying and whatnot.
Oi! Did they also try to equate the Milgram Experiment to the KnotZeez?

>they don't even teach you what "Nazi" stands for in schools, They label it as a Fascist ideology and move on. They never tell you the socialist part,

Yeah, it's too difficult to explain how the differences between Fascist parties, or how Mussolini's First Fascist Platform included full suffrage for women and wealth redistribution, how Franco was more of a Capitalist, how Hitler was a midway between free market Goering and a socialistic Himmler, and how the US ended up supporting a very Franco-esque Pinochet.

>and they never go in depth about Russia, Stalin, The gulag, or any other genocide

Bit of a different experience here. From NYC, and a lot of my teachers were former-USSR Jews or their children. Instead of focusing on the USSR's liberation of the Jews in Poland and Germany, interestingly, they doubled down on the anti-semetism narrative instead
>Oi! Anti-semitism under German rule
>Vey! Ant-semetism under Soviet rule
>Hitler was just another destroyer of Western society,
Not Stalin, who threatened to plunge the world into Communism.

Not the British elite, who have been playing the European powers against each other for centuries.

Not the French, who were satisfied to live fat and happy over the Germans' demise when they could have joined forces and industrialize instead.

The British and French fought each other for centuries, and embroiled other European powers into war each time.

Germany gets bullied into action twice, and they are somehow the eternal enemy? Bullshit.

Germany was the center of philosophy, science, and engineering during both wars.

>>Media spends months trying to make this guy the leader of a leaderless group
>Film him doing a Nazi salute

>Suddenly everyone disavows or isn't alt-right anymore

Yes, finally people realized that the reason media has been pushing the alt right meme is so they could then decide to make someone a leader and have him screaming FUCK THE JEWS SIEG HEIL on camera.

Thus implicating every fucking retard that said they were alt right earlier.

Anyone who bought the fucking alt right meme deserved to get fucked by this, because we've been saying it here for more than a year.

It's a trap, it got less traction than they wanted, but they sprung the trap anyway. Anyone caught deserves it.

The end.

how about this u fking shill

>Trump disowns alt-right autism
>shillstorm on Sup Forums over this literally who
>1000 threads lamenting the state of the alt-right
>still don't know who this autistic faggot is