>women are economically disadvantaged
nice meme
Women are economically disadvantaged
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Who would pay for something like that?
A lot of people, apparently.
This is why I don't understand the "women do porn for money" meme. Women have no shortage of opportunities in western society. Not only that, but they can literally just ask for money without doing ANYTHING. I've seen it. And men give them lots of money too.
Women go into porn so they can show the world what sluts they are by getting fucked by Chad or numerous Chads. They lack access to Chad so they go where they know they can be sure to find him.
Betas and cucks.
they got bitches that sit on chaturbate all day, talking, cooking, playing videogames etc, that probably make 10's of thousands of dollars a day
being a woman is ez-mode
>being a woman is ez-mode
and yet some complain about >muh inequality
I would
Then they realize that they threw their lives away and spend the rest of their lives "retiring."
Bree Olson is upset she's called a slut and wants the same respect as a nurse.
Women have cheaper insurance.
If I file as a woman, its literally $100 cheaper per month..
Also they dont need asmuch food as men to live, and on the job they burn no claories because they dont lift shit and stand around talking, then at the end of the day men have to do their job too.. so men need more food to simply live AND to work.
Yet they claim they arnt paid enough even when they get the same amount.
Then cuck agencies actually give them money just for being leaches.. I mean having an axe wound.. I mean for being female.
I know about that whole phenomenon. And the Bree video. Nobody wants to talk about this, but western society absolutely expects men to date sluts, ESPECIALLY after the sluts have fucked around and now want to "find a good guy" and "settle down". And the internet is filled to the brim with people whining about how horrible men are, especially young white guys, because we don't want to date sluts.
I worry for the future and I often spend time existing in despair at how degenerate western civilization is.
She doesn't even look that cuddly.
6/10 would cuddle with, but I wouldn't pay for it
[spoiler] Then again, I can just cuddle with my gf [/spoiler]
wait, does Sup Forums not have spoiler?
now I feel like an idiot
I would
if i had the money..
More like an austrian newfag
Why dont these people get a fucking dog or a nice pillow to cuddle.
Fucking pathetic. PAYING A WOMAN TO CUDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT EVEN A HANDJOB!
3/4 of the Sup Forums population
the other 1/4 are women or fags
You are
You have to be literally a 1 when you're a woman to not be able to use the system for your gain. And for the love of me, I have never in my life seen a 1. At least not in the real life. I don't believe there are many.
When you're a 2 you can post pics on Sup Forums and you will still get more attention than you could ever handle.
So I'm not gonna go fully with that "ugly ones have it harder", because there isn't just many truly ugly girls. You can be fat, have three tits, one leg and a lazy eye. Yet still if you start selling some softcore porn vids on the internet there will be a queue of guys begging you to meet with them and let them drink your piss.
That's the other thing BTW, you can literally sell your own piss and poo on the internet and there will be buyers.
Women are the most privileged group to ever walk the earth (granted, the only other major group is men and animals... but still)
Do you think i could get people to pay to cuddle me? I'm 5'6 and 170lbs
I kind of meant IRL
chads only go after 8-10/10's
If I have the money, and I get to know her, can we fug?
>cuddles with up to 30 men a week
These shamefully weak males need to get Yebbed the fuck out 60 minutes a day until they grow a spine:
They don't, they give pity fuck to every woman. A lot of women have "sex backup plan" who is a chad and they see him once in a while when "nice boys" are not around
what if I get a boner while we spoon?
Post girls you would cuddle with
I doubt it. You'd have to have shit ton of cash. Those girls who found out that one easy thing they can do to get money from men without selling their pussy, usually earn so much that they will only settle now for some loaded, powerful guy. No matter how much you'd offer her for sex, she won't do it because she know her pussy is now worth even more.
surprise, surprise
Don't tell me you people really belive this, she's a goddamn whore.
Then you put in in her, stupid!
I would pay for a cuddle once in a while for like $20 lol. $260??? You can fuckpretty much any girl on backpage for that and still get the cuddle after.
female Streamers only make money because of people like that
It's not a measure of "health" to be well adjusted to a "sick" society.
My country only has internet since 2014.
At least I'm white
100 dollars extra for a happy ending
If she was really ugly I wouldn't, but with her looks. Easily.
It's like saying that you don't believe there are strip clubs where there isn't any nudity. Guess what, they exist and they do well.
In today's world beta faggots are so cucked that they will settle just for a hug with the girl of their dreams (ie. a normal, decent looking girl)
is she ... little people?
it's true. i'm a 3 with saggy tits and i have a comfortable life, unemployed husband who never cleans the fuck up but at least i have a companion, and a kid that managed to beat our genes and has turned out half-decent looking
and i did get a pity fuck from a chad once it was pretty good
if i was a man i'd be up shit creek though, no doubt.
Sup Forumsacks would
She can cuddle my dick if you know what I mean
A few days ago, I would.
>Im f..fine now, tnx
This better be some b8r because if this is a real person writing it unironically it is one of the most disgusting things I've seen in a while. How a man can be that pathetic, I don't even.
Begging to cuddle is in itself just about as ridiculous as paying for it. It is the female who begs to cuddle, and that is the natural order.
Good point. That explains this midget's popularity. It's pedos who hire her and imagine they're cuddling with a child.
Like Gavin McInnes says, men will go for any woman.
You see women in the streets that are so round that you can only see her shoes and the top of her head, yet she is still pushing a stroller with a couple of kids.
I don't know how truthful you are being, but I surly can believe it, that's why, good for you. Genuinely. I wish I could have a life where I'm a prize to many women out there.
I've got a very nice pillow to cuddle with at night
That "news" site sees a smart woman making money offering a service, but all I see is a dumb whore taking advantage of men who clearly suffer from some kind of clinical depression. Think about it, who would stoop so low to pay for cuddling. Not even sex. Just cuddling. Those are sad me seeking some kind of emotional relief. They should be properly cared for not taken advantage of for a quick easy dollar.
poor and incredibly desperate men
I actually hate that this """"service"""" is a fucking thing. fucking depravity and degeneracy. better make an effort and find a gf and cuddle that girl for free.
Pretty obvious cuddling is a euphemism for the oldest profession in this case.
Don't you get it yet?
No one cares.
but those services will always be a "thing". Just like prostitution is a thing, even when it's made illegal in many places, men are still the ones who get in bigger trouble than the prostitutes when they use their services. The law is actively trying to set up stings for men soliciting prostitutes but very rarely they do stings on prostitutes themselves.
>believing she doesn't offer side services
>believing loser beta cucks wouldn't get frustrated and force themselves on her
i'd cuddle her right in the cuddlebox if you know what i mean
That makes my blood boil, not because of the woman, she's being smart taking advantage of these losers, no, what makes me mad is the betas that pay for these things, they make everyones life worse, it's because of them that we can't have nice things.
You life in a world that emasculated men and where cuck porn is a pretty big thing, yet you still maintain that those betas are not really that pathetic? They pay gurl gamers... they are actively destroying their own hobby just so they can watch a girl acting dumb and smile without taking her clothes off. You are overestimating the betas of today's world, I'm afraid.
It would be unnatural and make you feel even more lonely. No thanks
That guy is chris chan teir
>Begging to cuddle is in itself just about as ridiculous as paying for it. It is the female who begs to cuddle, and that is the natural order.
Wanting to cuddle with a girl is know if just fine if youre a guy. Go jack off to WWE, closet fag.
Thank you. Exactly my point. I'm not mad for her. She is doing what I'd be doing if I had such power. It's the men's fault for driving themselves into a corner.
Post saggy tits. Liar.
The cuddle is your penis right?
I hate both.
Yeah. Lies.
I make that much a day not being a whore.
do you get to fuck her?
man this video makes me so angry. Like she brags about how she was making $50k/month in porn but then also wants her past to be completely forgotten and disregarded and that she deserves the same respect as a married, wholesome, registered nurse who made all the right life choices.
Bottom line: your life choices have consequences, if you do something stupid you might end up paying for it for the rest of your life and that's completely fair. Just like if you make really good choices you'll likely get really good treatment.
Her entitlement makes me sick. Plus if she really cared so much she could go make some more of that $50k/month money and then buy major facial reconstructive surgery and move to another country, no one would ever recognize her again.
I don't think I could pay somebody to cuddle with me...
Boy, and I thought I had very little self-respect.
I think less of males that do this than I do ones that use sex dolls. Beta and pathetic.
Is 260 a day supposed to be impressive in the US?
>anime fags
>paying $350 to cuddle with a 3D whore that doesn't even do what you paid her to do
Yeah no, fuck you.
You gotta keep in mind there are people with more money than they even need, like fuck you money.
To these people, they can pay for some tart to cuddle them for no reason. Just to keep them warm. As I say, you're dealing with people with fuck you money here.
Nobody that would miss the money would do this unless they are fucking off the wall, and she would most likely not deal with these losers anyway.
>this woman is one hour away from me
Whoa. Should I fuck with her, lads?
I agree with you that the double standard and slut-defence stuff is very unfair to men.
But don't you agree that many people DO unfairly judge women like this, and many men feel free to judge her and call her a slut, even though most men have or do consume porn in the past?
>how much more for a cuddling with happy ending?
What is a spoiler?
>war veterans
>paying $425 for the overnight
>not even a handjob
How cucked would u have to be?
Why are people looking down on the men that pay for this. I'd probably do it. I've never cuddled with a girl before so why shouldn't I?
>of course it's france
>Wanting to cuddle with a girl is know if just fine if youre a guy. Go jack off to WWE, closet fag.
Wew, your cognitively impaired brainlet just cannot into understanding. Never mind the mess that is the above quote. Let me just point out I didn't say cuddling is bad. I said it is ridiculous for a man to beg and/or pay to cuddle. Do you understand what begging is? Females are always looking to cuddle with their man. Hence there is literally no point at which a self-respecting male would ever be begging for a cuddle.
>Go jack off to WWE, closet fag.
Just wanted to quote that again as a testament to your remarkable stupidity.
because girls cuddle for free? You stupid retard.
Fuck bitches, just marry a fat chick that cooks and does dishes.
>he thinks the overnight doesn't include full service
come on, la
Correction: girls cuddle normies for free
Actually in most of my relationships most women aren't cuddlers. I enjoy it but it does make me seem needier and less masculine for wanting it. I wouldn't pay for cuddling however.
I hope it doesn't , I don't want the sex part
Someone who wants an aftertrear after visiting an escort.
>better make an effort and find a gf
for some of us (me) the effort required simply never has a good return on investment, and it's even worse when you can obviously see the level of effort required is different from man to man and at the end of the day, anything you get is ephemeral and fleeting
or this
10/10 would cuddle with
>"I'm a special snow flake and I call people Normie, plz pay attention to me"
You're as cancerous as the cancer on tumblr.
Western society is unfair to men in every single aspect. It is despicable that men are treated like this. Men, also, don't want to date sluts. That's not going to change. It's despicable that we are attacked for this as well.
Being judged is a part of life. Sluts are never judged unfairly. They deserve to be judged. Porn is very degenerate, men that consume porn have a duty to stop their degeneracy and strive to be better.
>h-he has an opinion I don't like
consider suicide