Not a shill.
Someone explain this
Not a shill.
Someone explain this
Correlation doesn't equal causation
>a short geography lesson
>democrats take control of councils and ban firearms locally
>firearm violence increases locally
>they do it again, with the same result, in a different place
>and again
>and again
Anyone want to guess what happens next?
False equivalency because the 1928 Republican Party wasn't ideologically the same as the 2016 Republican Party; also this image just screams 'historical illiteracy.'
1. Markets don't work the way you think they do, and the Fed and certain clusters of people have a much deeper amount of power in the timing of recessions than you could understand right now. A certain group of people that control federal reserves in almost every country extremely, extremely, extremely support the democratic party ( i.e. if you can control fixed interest rates, you can control mass populaces. )
2. You could any set of extremely, extremely negative outcomes, and say the exact same thing for Democrats... Literal, actual wars for example ;) ( Democrats, over 100 years, have held power in senate + house twice as long as Republicans, literally. )
3. Recessions take a long time to make lol. Your post literally is destructive to the actual Democratic party... you're saying, under 4 years of a Democratic Presidency + House + Senate, *conditions became extreme and unstable *. A Republican can't take office and then insta-destroy the US stock market lmfao, this takes lots and lots and lots of years and housing bubbles
tl;dr you're a retard
Too many people pulled money out of a system that is dependent on debt.
Bill Clinton relaxed subprime mortgages and people took out higher mortgages, leading to mass defaults when people couldn't pay them off.
The Great Depression was worldwide.
I thought that the parties were switched in the 20s? At least, that's what liberals like telling me whenever I bring up that Republicans ended segregation and slavery.
this... both things ( #1 is eh? ) happened under democratic leadership, but collapsed in republican presidencies.
also, the gov't isn't the market, man.
Even back when I was anti-republican to the extreme (I am still anti-republican, too many christcucks), even I knew that Bush had little directly to do with the GFC. It all started with Bill Clinton doing shit like repealing glass-steagal. The only things of note that Bush is responsible for is a couple of poorly-led wars and spiraling public debt, neither have much to do with recessions.
You think shit like that happens overnight? Both those events were years i the making.
Both cases were known bubbles that were considered at the time to be safe because market agents had to deliberately act against their own interests with the intent of popping the bubble. Both bubbles were popped intentionally in order to cause major depressions and cripple a republican congress.
>1936 - Democrats get reelected as President
>Followed shortly by WW2
really makes you think
What I was meaning to say is that people pulled a lot of money out of their securities that banks couldn't replace.
Of course, there are other reasons like Germany's decline and the huge drop in agricultural product prices
you forgot:
>1863: Republicans pass the emancipation proclamation and free all the slaves in America
republicans are elected into power when the people feel some trouble brewing -- they know something is around the corner.
I wonder what's in store for us.
>happened under democratic leadership, but collapsed in republican presidencies.
>stab some guy
>he dies at the hospital on the operation table
>Why is the hospital killing people like that?
>1968: Republican takes president
>Vietnam war ends
>1980: Republican takes president
>Cold War ends
>1960: Democrat takes president
>World almost blows up
It's because Democrats would be considered an arch-conservative party in any country without fucked up politics, and the Republicans are basically walking self parodies.
You don't have a left wing party, you don't even have a centrist party. You have a right wing party and a frothing lunatic right wing party.
Fun fact: The closest the world came to ending during the Cold War was in 1983, during Reagan's Presidency. However, the closest the world came to ending overall was in 1995 because of fucking Norway.
This dude has no clue what 2008 was... Hurrr hurr ppl just bought expensive houses hurr hurr
Enlighten me, since you know what happened.
>Democrats fuck everything up
>people vote in Republicans to fix it
>things are already too far gone to fix and we get a depression during the Republicans' term
i second that
you are a fucking retard OP kys
Republicans have been an industrialist/corporatist party for a long time, neo-liberalism, started by Henry Kissinger, pushed both parties down the corporatist path. The financial meltdown happened because both parties colluded together to make their business interests richer at everyone else's expense.
This is not true you conspiratorial idiot. The reserve sets interest rates proportional to GDP in accordance with a mathematical formula that the Bank of Japan and the EU/IMF also use.
Your cherry picking and (fpbp)
The dollar reached a 14 year high, the day after the election. The stock market is soaring. Your cherry picked Facebook knowledge is just more "concern trolling".
Let me ask you guys something, if both parties aren't colluding together with each other, why did no CEO from Goldman Sachs go to jail for purposefully orchestrating the financial meltdown? In fact, why did Goldman Sachs fun the Bush administration then turn around and funded Obama? Aren't the dems evil "socialists" hooga booga? Why did Bill Clinton eliminate banking regulations like Glass Steagall? Why did Obama continue the wars in the middle east when most in the Dem party wanted to leave? We all know the Iraq war was started because of a lie and the real perpetrators of 911 were the Saudis, why did Obama not issue an embargo against them or call for regime change?
Because! All the bad things are just white men's decisions! You think any WOMEN or PEOPLE OF COLOR in the democratic party ever wanted the US to fight a war? Psssshh these whitebois baka. Think about the lives of all those poor people! They matter more than the money and the economy! And the Dems LOVE helping people, they don't hate blacks like those ebil republicans!
(Yes most Americans really do subscribe to this level of doublethink)
>America is the greatest country on earth
Is all I gather from this post
> the crisis of 29 started exactly in 28
Heh, no.