How fashy are you

Fascism Test
Testing your degree of fascism
You are 56% Fascist, which makes you a

It would appear that there is a significant degree of agreement between your preferred political doctrines and those of fascism. Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in, it is scarcely surprising that most people's political outlook will have quite a few similarities with the doctrines of fascism. However, even after taking these thresholds into account, the most likely interpretation of your answers on the test is that you are someone who is right on the verge of being a fascist proper. Now, maybe you don't think of yourself in that way, but nevertheless research in the social sciences has repeatedly shown that a significant percentage of the population is naturally attracted to authoritarian political doctrines (of which fascism is but one example). In fact, one study even found that in the case of people who are drawn to order and control, these values are more important to them than more mainstream political parameters, such as the traditional left and right. In all likelihood, those values are among the most important ones to you as well.

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You are 41% Fascist, which makes you a
Fascist Fellow-Traveler.

While you are most likely *not* a fascist, the overlap between your preferred society and that of fascism is simply too significant to be pure chance. In all likelihood, you are what one might call a 'Fascist Fellow Traveler': Someone who sees value in some of the immediate societal changes that fascism would bring about, but *not* someone who is an actual fascist. Your ultimate political goal lies elsewhere.

I guess...


You are 49% Fascist, which makes you a
Fascist Fellow-Traveler.

>In your case, it would appear that your political outlook shares more than a few of the core doctrines of fascism. Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in, it is scarcely surprising that most people's political outlook will have quite a few similarities with the doctrines of fascism. Even after adjusting for these parameters, however, it would seem that the commonalities between your political outlook and fascism are not merely incidental, but arise from certain overall themes, concerns, and solutions which your personal outlook has in common with fascism. While you are most likely *not* a fascist, the overlap between your preferred society and that of fascism is simply too significant to be pure chance. In all likelihood, you are what one might call a 'Fascist Fellow Traveler': Someone who sees value in some of the immediate societal changes that fascism would bring about, but *not* someone who is an actual fascist. Your ultimate political goal lies elsewhere.


I want a 0% but I feel like I'm going to get about half way

>You are 72% Fascist, which makes you a
Bona Fide Fascist.

>Well now. While very few people in modern Western democracies would call themselves fascists (and most of the people who are pejoratively called fascists are actually not), it would appear that you are nevertheless a true fascist. Now, whether you actually call yourself that or not we are unable to say, but the fact is that your political opinions are verifiably closer to the doctrines of fascism than they are to those of communism, socialism, conservatism, or liberalism. Among your answers, there is an unmistakable predilection for authoritative and state-centric political initiatives of which variants (or even carbon copies) may be found in the political manifestos of actual fascists. Even adjusting for happenstance and the common ground between fascism and these other political doctrines, the fact remains that you really are quite the fascist. Now whether that's a good or a bad thing we'll leave for others to decide.

I'm 75% fascist apparently. I'm a traditionalist.

65% fashy

>26% Fascist

And I'm a die hard Trump supporter..

I expected this to be geared more towards shaming the right

> Consider myself a Nationalist Classical Liberal

mfw when "You are 55% Fascist, which makes you a Crypto-Fascist."

You are 76% Fascist, which makes you a Bona Fide Fascist.
>Well now. While very few people in modern Western democracies would call themselves fascists (and most of the people who are pejoratively called fascists are actually not), it would appear that you are nevertheless a true fascist. Now, whether you actually call yourself that or not we are unable to say, but the fact is that your political opinions are verifiably closer to the doctrines of fascism than they are to those of communism, socialism, conservatism, or liberalism. Among your answers, there is an unmistakable predilection for authoritative and state-centric political initiatives of which variants (or even carbon copies) may be found in the political manifestos of actual fascists. Even adjusting for happenstance and the common ground between fascism and these other political doctrines, the fact remains that you really are quite the fascist. Now whether that's a good or a bad thing we'll leave for others to decide.

Bretty good
Thanks Sup Forums


>You are 57% Fascist, which makes you a

>It would appear that there is a significant degree of agreement between your preferred political doctrines and those of fascism. Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in, it is scarcely surprising that most people's political outlook will have quite a few similarities with the doctrines of fascism. However, even after taking these thresholds into account, the most likely interpretation of your answers on the test is that you are someone who is right on the verge of being a fascist proper. Now, maybe you don't think of yourself in that way, but nevertheless research in the social sciences has repeatedly shown that a significant percentage of the population is naturally attracted to authoritarian political doctrines (of which fascism is but one example). In fact, one study even found that in the case of people who are drawn to order and control, these values are more important to them than more mainstream political parameters, such as the traditional left and right. In all likelihood, those values are among the most important ones to you as well.

You are 81% Fascist, which makes you a
Bona Fide Fascist.

>Well now. While very few people in modern Western democracies would call themselves fascists (and most of the people who are pejoratively called fascists are actually not), it would appear that you are nevertheless a true fascist. Now, whether you actually call yourself that or not we are unable to say, but the fact is that your political opinions are verifiably closer to the doctrines of fascism than they are to those of communism, socialism, conservatism, or liberalism. Among your answers, there is an unmistakable predilection for authoritative and state-centric political initiatives of which variants (or even carbon copies) may be found in the political manifestos of actual fascists. Even adjusting for happenstance and the common ground between fascism and these other political doctrines, the fact remains that you really are quite the fascist. Now whether that's a good or a bad thing we'll leave for others to decide.

Jesus Christ 81%




71%, Bona Fide Fascist. Feels good

>all these lefties competing who is the most leftie of them all


59% Crypto-fascist


>You are 89% Fascist, which makes you a
Bona Fide Fascist.

>Well now. While very few people in modern Western democracies would call themselves fascists (and most of the people who are pejoratively called fascists are actually not), it would appear that you are nevertheless a true fascist. Now, whether you actually call yourself that or not we are unable to say, but the fact is that your political opinions are verifiably closer to the doctrines of fascism than they are to those of communism, socialism, conservatism, or liberalism. Among your answers, there is an unmistakable predilection for authoritative and state-centric political initiatives of which variants (or even carbon copies) may be found in the political manifestos of actual fascists. Even adjusting for happenstance and the common ground between fascism and these other political doctrines, the fact remains that you really are quite the fascist. Now whether that's a good or a bad thing we'll leave for others to decide.


>65% Crypto-fashy

>be National Socialist
>score high on the Fascist test

Like pottery

62% crypto

54%, crypto facist.

Sounds about right. Though I'm very big on civil rights.


i'm a communist so it makes sense.

You are 51% Fascist, which makes you a

>You are what one might call a 'Fascist Fellow Traveler': Someone who sees value in some of the immediate societal changes that fascism would bring about, but *not* someone who is an actual fascist. Your ultimate political goal lies elsewhere.
Seems like a fair assessment.

I'm a civic nationalist, stop the immigration reeee.

I got the exact same result and also am NatSoc with a touch of paganism/traditionalism

larping faggot, just be an athiest.

Guess how I know you're homosexual?

daily reminder the "f-scale" was designed by (((Theodor Adorno)))

You are 35% Fascist, which makes you a
Fascist Fellow-Traveler.

In your case, it would appear that your political outlook shares more than a few of the core doctrines of fascism. Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in, it is scarcely surprising that most people's political outlook will have quite a few similarities with the doctrines of fascism. Even after adjusting for these parameters, however, it would seem that the commonalities between your political outlook and fascism are not merely incidental, but arise from certain overall themes, concerns, and solutions which your personal outlook has in common with fascism. While you are most likely *not* a fascist, the overlap between your preferred society and that of fascism is simply too significant to be pure chance. In all likelihood, you are what one might call a 'Fascist Fellow Traveler': Someone who sees value in some of the immediate societal changes that fascism would bring about, but *not* someone who is an actual fascist. Your ultimate political goal lies elsewhere.

I was.
You probably had nordic paganism in mind.
I dont pretend to be nordic and Im still learning about Ethnic estonian paganism.
>inb4 your opinions = trash

I scored 62% and my gf scored 50%

>You are 37% Fascist, which makes you a
Fascist Fellow-Traveler.
