Still supported trump though
What do you think?
Other urls found in this thread:
You should be in a camp
fuck off commie
free helicopter rides soon my dude.
commie would be authoritarian left, stop using buzzwords you dont even understand.
>I voted against my beliefs because people on a Mongolian throat singing discussion website told me to do so
i think i'm more to the right. probably right on the line
>left anything
>that close to authoritarian left
Literally belong in a camp
I'm pretty similar, even closer to this guy Voted for Trump, consider myself "New Right"
Not sure how accurate this test is.
not Sup Forumsacks. r/the_donald is that way ---->
Not an argument, statists.
this for you too
New right is leftism pretending not to be
Hail brother
If that is your coords then you only supported Trump for the memes.
I dunno man.
I hate SJWs and feminists, believe in classic family values.
Hate Hillary with a passion, thought Trump was obviously the better candidate.
Pretty good.
Also voted Trump (and Bernie in the primaries).
Commie reporting in.
Anyone that doesn't agree should probably kill theirself
>Muh Classical Family Values
fuck off, that's just as dumb as saying progressive/muslim/christian/jewish values, it's a hallow argument.
>voted bernie in the primaries
>Nearly a libertarian
>Voted for Hernie
You're a special kind of low info retard, aren't ya?
Is that you Hillary?
>so few blue squares
This thread disgusts me.
You don't understand politics or ideology.
Not an argument.
So you are a globalist? What have you said about the corporations?
Commies GTFO
Partially true. I just didn't like how much of a liar hillary is. I also hate left social values like accepting refugees and safe spsces
They don't need to pay more taxes. As long as big corporations are doing good then we'll be okay.
Fellow traveller here.
Comrade Stalin would be proud.
Does Ireland have any viable nationalist parties alive today? Or any nationalist parties at all?
literally every thread like this asking about Sup Forums stats is pure data mining. why do you do this shit? who the fuck cares?
So moving factories to China is doing good?
No they're all leftwing scum.
muh dennidy
muh fukken im spesh & intellectūle
gib attn. pls
>that pic
Sinn Fein are left-wing nationalists
hello comrade
First time trying this
How'd I do?
Wow. You must be above the fray
bottom left is actually rationalist conservative, but that site is biased as fuck and pushes the "right is racist" meme as hard as possible
they're basically saying that if you're a rational person, you should support the left, it's shameless
i would bet that almost everyone here would be in the bottom left if they answered honestly
mio camerata
Voted trump.
I'm a New Yorker.
Only acceptable ones ITT.
Best countries to live in with these political views
5/5 breddy good :--D
How do I save myself from my own shittiness?
Am I even worth my own effort?
Who the fuck made that waste of 29 kilobytes?
>borderline authoritarian
>far left
Vertical scale is on social issues, so bernie would be pretty libertarian there.
yes, i started from here, now look where i am
I believe in the Chicago school of Economics. AMA
the Chicago school is shit, Austrian school is way better
>Austrians think people can handle themselves
the ones who dont just die, darwinism bitch
Nah they just commit crimes E.G niggas
and get shot, physical removal
What am I?
Time to throw your ass out.
>pol triggered.
i'm all for Trump.
i'm so sorry.
i just don't see anything wrong with gays and abortion and drugs. that's what skewed me on the left.
>that's what skewed me on the left.
Nignog, social liberalism would bring you down. Being an idealistic economic illiterate skews you left.
Too authoritarian, otherwise good.
Similarly would've voted Trump if I could've
Both choices were against left-libertarian beliefs.
Hillary represented neoliberal stagnation and was open about it. Trump, while still possessing a neoliberal mindset (though Trade tariff reintroduction would be a wonderful thing.) by proposing to retain businesses via tax cuts instead of using US power to force the world to re-adopt capital controls, did promise some change. (Like hopefully Tariffs becoming economic orthodoxy again.)
Hillary wanted to be the "least bad" option, but she forgot that stagnation is worse than death.
So according to this thing, I'm halfway to being Hitler.
Do I get a free helicopter ride?
The point of that image is a SJW pretending to be alt-right, not that the alt-right is a masquerade for SJWs.
Green-Square is the most likely to include anarchists who outright advocate violence, not "Oh, we should be nicer" speech police.
Most of the blue square is for cuckold status-quo cheerleaders like Hillary.
You're at least interesting since you're mostly Authoritarian and barely right.
Link to test?
what height did they drop you from?
I didn't expect to be towards the left even if slightly.
"human nature" really is the worst meme.
i'm no commie (because lol, fuck trying to implement that.) but human behaviour is fundamentally malleable. That people can be guided to consume more via advertising or that cultural norms around Homosexuality and the like can be altered is proof of this. Desires and opinions can outright be created by advertisement. You could easily make that a desire to give away or swap fairly instead of a desire to consume. (I mean, this is how Charity advertising already works.)
One of the greatest casualties of WW2 was the idea that man can be improved. No, no, no, that's too close to trying to build a master-race.* or at least improved relative to certain pre-set criteria. Of course you can manipulate events to make people more altruistic, or more selfish, or to alter the degree to which they feel part of a wider "society" and a sense of social duty. That such feelings have been on decline since neoliberal economics took over and started cutting families loose from society as a whole is further proof that "human nature" is no barrier.
*not even referring to eugenics here.
The transition from capitalism to communism could be less radical than the transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agriculture. (Assuming various transition issues are glossed over for example purposes, I mean.)
>could be less radical
Awkward wording.
I mean "less radical change in human nature"