Dailty reminder that Sup Forums is a socialist board.
Dailty reminder that Sup Forums is a socialist board
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National socialist, yeah
>looks at catalog...
yeah right.
Christian board don't you mean?
You seem to have deleted "national" from your post by accident, hang your head in shame
>National Socialism
Natsoc isn't the same as Marxist socialism. Socialism can never work without the nationalism.
Would you be able to satisfy her, Sup Forums?
Fuck off lefty.
Fuck off back to stormfront kiddo
globalists, leftists, and libcucktarians giiiit out
Of the nationalist variety.
Hitler was stupid.
Which is different from Marxist socialism, you twat.
Your picture makes sense. You're all a bunch of cucks who want to give all the power away to a larger authority to skirt the responsibility of being accountable for yourself, said power which you will idealize with benevolence in order to justify and avoid how lazy and stupid you truly are.
>Giant broads lounging on landscapes
Hello, new fetish.
>Literally semantics
Post more of those Greek deity's tho
Sup Forums has always been a libertarian board
is this taytay?
the eternal libertarian strikes again
Reminder that /pol is a natsoc board.
We've been swamped by cuckservative faggots and CTR shills lately.
It is.
Natsocs are too ignorant of economics.
I agree but I don't know why fags get so caught up in that. Regular socialism is no more the enemy than capitalist neo-liberalism like we have today.
Both are degenerate without nationalism.
Ironic since libertarians are jewish pawns who understand nothing about economics.
We can start by socialising your mum's pussy.
She looks like Taytay.
Having some sort of socialized sex market would be the quickest way to stop women from being sluts.
you're retarded bud.
Fuck that, I'm not for open borders or lolbertarianism
Just not a state cuckold
What do Goddesses smell like?
Socialism is for commies
kek has a message to you.
is that taytay??
FFS it's 8-chan, this wasn't a socialist hoard since you fuckers left years ago and Sup Forums has been better off for it. Fuck off back to 8-chan and realize your own irrelevance there.
Sup Forums is a board of National Conservatism
>National Conservatism
I like this designation.
>when the 3 socialists on /pol didn't see this thread
sorry swede go suck on your 12 inch mandingo pacifier
Is that Eris?