Is it redpilled?
So /pol, what's your opinion on this movie?
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>degenerate faggot has the name Hollywood
>is also a pussy
what about Doss religion?
Obviously it's redpilled, it directly mentions the rabbit hole
>what did he mean by this?
seriously lol where did they mentioned this?
looks pretty good for a hollyshit war movie.
The guy did actually save 75 guys and got the MoH
was he courageous or stupid?
was he fighting for the jew?
Also whats with the major's(VV) infinite ammo?
He wasn't fighting at all, he was a pacifist and never even carried a weapon.
Probably going to see it later, Mel Gibsons other ww2 movies where pretty good.
Lol they know putting "MEL GIBSON" on the poster will not sell because "muh shoah" so they put "by the director of MEL GIBSON MOVIE and MEL GIBSON MOVIE"
People remover movie names better then the names of directors and actors.
>Mel Gibsons other ww2 movies where pretty good
wanna see this movie real bad
Yet the mental association stops there...
pfft obviously he's talking about saving private ryan and band of brothers
take this shit to Sup Forums. based mel triggers Sup Forumsedditors anyway so it's worth it
When I saw in the trailer him doing a flip in the air and punching away a grenade it put me off watching it.
it is nothing like that, you should go see it
I post movie that didn't got a lot of attention but was produced/directed or even just touched with a pole by famously known and mainstream directors.
I loved how every time there was a jumpscare they would blast a soundclip of a japanese war cry.
Hollywood isn't degenerate he just liked to be naked because he was swole?
Not gay though and also a goddamn badass.
It *is* redpilled because the white male christian character takes his beliefs to the extreme and acts upon his moral foundation to do something TRULY heroic. Oh and it's VERY WHITE MALE and doesn't demonize the nips but does make them seem ruthless and totally foreign. Favorite quote "The crazy bastard even lowered down some Japs. They didn't make it.."
The kind of selfless heroism that EVADES pussy ass nu-males of today and will never be seen again in combat or out because people hate each other and there is no sense of brotherhood or comraderie in the country today
> Not going to see Allied instead
Except when the director/actor is more famous than their movie. Everyone knows who Mel Gibson is....
Fuck no.
But a fucking good movie senpai
Everything in the movie happened in real life. The guy did some crazy shit
good movie
that's all
btw who is pumped for based Mel's Passion of the Christ 2?
>ww2 movies
? Braveheart? The Patriot? We Were Soldiers? Apocalypto (lol)?
Dude, people did some heroic crazy shit in WW2.
shitted on the dream scene
I love Mel but I just can't get behind the anti war shit.
God is a man of war, as stated in the bible. I can't remember one time he told his people weapons and going to war was a bad thing
cant wait for it
I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was one of the most brutally realistic war movie that I have seen and probably the best war movie in the last 20 years. The only thing that I believe could've been done better is if they had used less cgi. The way it is mixed in with physical special effects doesn't look right.
>He's never hit back an object thrown at him
Jesus get your fucking hand eye coordination up
he wasn't exactly anti-war, otherwise he wouldn't have enlisted
I fucking hated the cannons and the Vaughn's infinite ammo, other than that the fire effects were very good