who is Anita Sarkeesian?
why would she want a recount?
she doesnt care, she supports trump over hillary
she wants free dosh
The far left is about to get swindled by two ((())) this election cycle. Fuck this is hilarious.
>6-7 million dollars to recount votes
it cost that much to recount the votes?!?? WTF
Jill stein.......... ohhhh carry on.
>it's a "jew scams dumb liberals" episode
>redpilled WaPo
never thought I'd see the day
Jills stock keep going up. Keks prophecy may be true. She is bleeding liberals dry and feigning outrage. She is picking up future rep and Dem voted now
>ohhhh carry on.
she's getting a condo next to Bernie Sanders, sponsored by the enraged feminists supporting Hillary.
Hillary supporters will keep giving (((Stein))) increasing amounts of money
It's almost criminal how easy it is make money off these fools.
lol I was reading the roundtable discussion about this on R/Hillaryclinton where shills were dividing themselves over this.
Trump told me I'd be sick of winning, I didn't expect it to come so soon lol
>libtards didn't learn the first time
How can Liberals be so fucking stupid? Aren't they the ones who boast about being "educated"? Nigga if you're so educated then stop getting scammed by (())'s
>Being scammed by Bernie "Your donation go to the establishment" Sanders
>Being scammed by Jill "No refunds" Stein
Fool me once...
>whoops looks like it was legit your money goes to the establishment to try again in 2 years
>vote for the establishment
Watch Jill Stein donate the monies to the Dakota Sioux protestors, and tweet "Well, we weren't able to fight for a recount, so we're going to help the natives instead! Happy Thanksgiving!"
and the smug liberals will actually be pissed about it
Just like a communist, throw more money at it.
libfags getting robbed
She doesn't.
She is just positioning herself for the next election
She think many of their votes lost to Hillary fraud so she want a recount.
Although ask for recount in WI, MA and PA are one the biggest bail ever.
>Jill (((Stein)))
showing the true colours at last, huh
really makes me think...
>go on redbubble
>write DRUMPF IS NOT MY PRESIDENT or some other liberal nonsense in block letters on a t shirt
>post the link on leddit or tweet it with a trending hashtag
>wait a few days
They should honestly be ashamed of their stupidity
>7 million to maybe get some vote recounts
i'm speechless
>Communist/Socialist retards give Sanders $300,000,000+ in gibs
>Stein sees how blatantly retarded the average American is when given false hope
>starts a GoGibsMe account to rake in the libtard buxx
Works every time.
They confuse education with indoctrination.
The harsh reality is most don't learn anything at college anymore, just new opinion taught to them, but use it as a certificate to say they're input is more valuable than anyone else. The next generation sees this. And the cycle continues.
>Stein hates Hillary
>Makes a Kickstarter for recount
>Get money from Hillary supporters
>Lel I can't do recount, no refunds btw
She's just using her inner jewish manners to get free cash for 2020, based Stein trolling Democrats.
t. predictive text phonefag
Wait isn't recounting "free" because it is part of the election process?
She is going to KILL the democratic party permanently by revealing their massive vote fraud and thereby establishing her party as the main opponent against the republican party in 2020.
The democrats are weak and corrupted and Jill is going for the jugular.
I believe it needs to be within 2,000 votes for potential errors to be checked for.
No, that would be communism you dumb yuropoor
She doesn't. She just wants $$$$$
I fucking love this woman
Jill is CUTE. CUTE!
What the fuck did anyone expect?
I just donated $10,000 MATCH ME
That's a good move
Jill Stein may be a jew but she's a much better opposition than Hillary
>recount shows hillary had less votes
>she ends up losing the popular vote too
Pls happen
>6-7 million dollars
>6-7 million
Jill (((STEIN)))
it already happened.
3 Million illegals voted for her in CA, remove that and you have your winner
I really wish it was something like this, in reality she is going to pull a bernie
Sup Forumss favorite Jewess gmilf is at it again!
if she wants to fuck hillary or dems up why doesnt she try to get florida recounted?
recounts are only free when it's in a reasonable margin of error (1,000 votes).
this stops people from constantly demanding recounts for every state when it's clear they lost.
even if stein pays for the recount (she won't), trump stomped killary by so much that it's clear he won
kek people are actually sending money to this fucking shyster.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
The government increases the amount needed for a recount based on percentages to avoid having to do dumb shit. They'll most likely keep Stein in legal battles to get more money requiring more money from liberals.
Which they will press on with because Trump is literally Hitler and they'll keep on the hope that he can be impeached.
Because libtard don't care about Florida.
>Sup Forums still doesn't realize Hillary is going to rig the recount and have Trump thrown out of office
God, they could get 100 mil if they keep requesting it to "fight on"
she wants financial aid for her party
Pa literally impossible for recount now.
So if Hillary even success win recount for Mi and Wi, there still Pa.
(Also if Hillary does flip some state though recount, Trump probably ask recount in NV, NM, CO, CA).
>if she wants to fuck hillary or dems up why doesnt she try to get florida recounted?
Because the Trump is leading by to much there. She is focusing on states where Trump didn't win by that much and by doing that she can get angry libtards to fund the recount that will destroy their own party.
Why a recount? She's scared they overlooked 2 votes for her?
broward county is like the main one that was trying to rig
(((No Refunds)))
They're not going to find wrongdoing. They're going to "find" that Hillary is the winner. How do you not understand this? Just like they buried pizzagate.
That's why libtard "try" doesn't care about Florida.
I mean, if you are a Hillary supporter, why you want Trump, win more votes though recount?
Her end game it to generate campaign funds. She will take probably $20 million. Go to state elections board, fill out paper work, get denied, then tweet "lol no refunds"
Its genius. I may rub one out to that diabolical gilf later
Hillary bribed her to ask for a recount after her campaign spend 2 weeks rigging the votes
t. Drumpfkin in denial about the fact that Hillary is about to jew him out of an election
and truth appears with numerals to match.
"they" will not find any wrondgoing
Hillary will not face charges
nothing will change.
God Bless America.
>Dems think trump hacked the election
>Give all their cash to (((stein))) for recount
>Uncovers Hillary's voter fraud
>Half dems move to green partyh
>Half eat up whatever puppet dems put in 2020
>Trump supporters stay loyal to Trump
>Trump wins popular vote + electoral college in 2020
she wants a new house
Nevada needs an audit and a recount.
>Him fall 6 million$ for recount meme although Hillary have more than 100 million$
>varies by state
For automatic recounts in certain states it's a number, others its a percent, some don't do automatic recounts no matter what.
All states will recount if you foot the bill no matter the difference.
Green is the colour of $$$.
I hope you have Stein your shekels you good little goy!
> diabolical gilf
They are, my numbers says so.
Ahh, now I understand why she ran as the green party candidate
Kek, never change jews
I want to smash that senior citizen, silver-haired pussy
Mi already have a recount before Jill Stein even start ask for donating.
Although Hillary closing votes grip about 2500, it literally already end.
>ask for donations
>cannot guarantee a recount will happen
Jill Stein doesn't know how elections work OR she's counting on idiots to make her rich
>6 million
oy vey!
Jill has gone on record saying she was more concerned with Hillary winning over Trump
She knows what she is doing and its great
>$3,231,187.60 raised
What. The. Fuck
Jill Stein believe that Hillary rigged vote.
Jew Stein and Bernie Shekels cashing in on America's desperation and retardation
Can Michigan be recounted again?
She's really fuckable for a granny.
She is pulling a Bernie Sanders.
reminds me of The Wire, when the politician convinces the clever thug drug dealer with political ambitions to give a large sum of money to get on the ballot. "No promises". It's a good con.