Well Sup Forums?
Is he /ourguy/?
Literally who
He's the embodiment of edge. I cringe every time I look at him.
I like his videos
kys u romanian faggot
Looks like he's balding lmao
He's just retarded so sure why not
Spiderman threads belong on >>Sup Forums
>embodiment of edge
That would be filthyfrank
They don't even manage to do that right
BTW filthy Frank stole from fucking MDE recently, pimp my wheelchair
>I'm generation Z fucktard and youtube is my life *holds up spork* srsly tho I have no original thoughts in my head and sway in the wind politically
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>embodiment of edge
Just like Sup Forums
>lol im a nazi, whit powur
made me chuckle, pasta or OC?
Bruh, that pasta is so old it's developed more culture than western civilization. (bacterial culture)
pasta. just edited it. Much deserved for the underage faggot OP who made the thread though
you're underage, Zoran
yes who is this
He's gay