Well Sup Forums?
>workable socialism
Literally "cold fire".
I have 2 words that have never been used together before
Realistic Communism
>those digits
kek has spoken!
Those words. Is it possible to use them in a sentence together like that?
Just like you can't say "functional democracy"
WTF i hate capitalism now
Ethics don't exist. Morals are a socialist construct. Show me your moral particles OP
>Morals are a socialist construct
>National Socialism is the only form of workable socialism
The american left hates capitalism.
The american right hates socialism/communism.
Its time for a third way.
>finding needs and filing them is bad because then you would actually have to get up in the morning and work
oh fuck, kek really hates commies.
socialism / capitalism is a binary option. there is no third way.
There isn't even an argument.
What am I debating again? A statement?
They are. Morality is social not universal you fucking gnostic
Why so spooked? Jesus has your sword or some other faggot on a Sup Forums?
>ethical rape
So when they forget to wear their burqas in public?
that's where we're headed
Its a spectrum, you turd. There's an infinite amount of options
>it's unethical to own private property
>it's ethical to have you're property taken away from you and given to someone else
On thanksgiving of all days, you would think people would have learned this lesson by now.
Economic illiteracy on social media... what a shock, sage
it does work, the concept just has never been really tried :^)
Ethical systems are a meme.
My personal favorite:
>Democratic Socialism
if it was honest, why not?
>muh no like capitalism
Wow, this really made me think OP.
I don't think people understand capitalism. I don't think people understand that it's possible to do good with non-stolen money, and that the rich do much more good than harm.
Ayn Rand didn't advocate being a selfish prick; she just advocated that everybody should be able to live out their lives with their own sets of morals, and the best way to achieve a society like that is through capitalism.
If those left wing faggots actually gave a shit about saving the world, they'd put their money where their goddamn mouth is rather than stealing the money of people who got a degree in something that wasn't liberal arts.
Straight OP
Crony capitalism? Because that's what the US has. Maybe Trump will fix it, but I doubt it.
I think even /arehitch/ would agree with that, as post-Enlightenment Christian morals are the best system in the world for Western progress, identity, heritage, etc. but they are not innate. Some primal morals that are set in most of our western ways (golden rule, group cooperation) predate christianity but are reinforced in christianity's ethos.
>Maybe Trump will fix it, but I doubt it.
he's more likely to fix it than an establishment candidate, this it why we picked him.
You know that i mean.
Really? Well my ethical system is quite simple. It's a linear function of how much pussy I get.
(Before anyone says it, yes, this would mean my life isn't going too well)
suck a dick and kill yourself tripfag.
Well no shit, but it that doesn't mean it's particularly likely, just more likely. He's got a whole Congress of corrupt politicians to deal with, and if some of his rumoured cabinet are actually being appointed... well, he could be doing better.
Is /moralityman/ dare I say /ourguy/?
>Ethical rape
Imagine a 15 year girl, some sort of genetic abnormality makes it impossible for her to have bear children when she is above 16.
She desperatly want to be a mom - so if that where to be true, she would have to become pregnant while she was 15.
She want an older man to father her child because she is very young and seek one that can provide her with financial stability and a mature stability.
This would be considered statutory rape - because she is a minor.
But the ethical thing to do in this hypothetical scenario, would to perform the rape, in order to give this woman the greatest gift a female can have - a child.
nailed it..
It's about time for another real war, if trump doesn't fix things it'll be a civil war and if he does it could be a new world war.
Are you disagreeing or just being an edgelord?
Either way, you'll get to enjoy a glourious and honourable death.
>consensual sex is rape
See me after class.
Why are people tasking an economic system with solving societal problems? The most "moral" thing to do is for the state to give away all its money to the poor and thereby collapse
you're trip fagging on an anonymous message board, I didn't read your post but you're a huge faggot.
Why do trips exist if you arent allowed to use them? They were programmed for a reason.
He was talking about the legal definition as it's frequently used.
!!xdlNJH/03vS is asking the important [rhetorical] questions.
feels weird man
to out faggots like you who want attention and to be remembered.
>peaceful muslims
>making us refute a meme
You're a retard