>Times reports that Farage has told friends he is getting ready to emigrate to the US with his wife Kirsten.

>The newspaper said Farage is reportedly concerned about life in Britain. He has not appeared in public with his family for more than 18 months after anti-UKIP protesters chased his wife and daughters out of a pub in Kent, and that he would feel “freer” from public attention living abroad.


Other urls found in this thread:


>destroy britain
>move out

>cuckolded protesters

Off to commit new pranks

Blimey is all I can say

Well that's just pathetic. Was the mastermind behind brexit and instead of leading UK into brighter future, fucking abandons the ship. I was an american, i wouldn't want this cunt in my county.


The man fears for his family. You're goddamn right I would fucking leave that atmosphere.

To stay and risk your family is complete ego.

The man has already done more in the last few years than you have in your entire life, let him enjoy time with his fucking family.

Doesn't surprise me, I'd go if I could too, The U.K is finished, It's a 3rd world shithole and no one seems to give a shit.

He's passing into the West to undying lands of America.

>The man fears for his family. You're goddamn right I would fucking leave that atmosphere.
You really believe that?

Good luck Sir Nige, and Great Britain.

That and he wants to be an American like every sane British person.


he is loki, the trickster god.

>mfw Farage becomes Trump's ambassador to the EU
>mfw Brexit is initiated and Britain no longer goes to EU meetings
>mfw Farage strolls into the EU smugly and says "I'M BACK GENTLEMAN" on behalf of American

2016 man

He's been beyond the Golden Doors. There's no going back.

Whatever Nige decides to go I'll respect him for it, this man loves his country and has already done more than most for it.

He'll probably dispute this claim, and rightfully so. I wouldn't be surprised if he were just trying to send his family to higher ground.


He's coming to america so he can work in a Trump administration

wtf isn't he going to be pm
ukip is on the rise

They crashed his plane you cunt, and loosened the wheels of his car.

The pilot was MK ultra and after the crash was completely insane. He obsessed with Nige and wanted to kill him, living with his mother and spouting nonsense. He then died at 48 under 'no suspicious circumstances'.

Are Nige is literally James Bond and he's done all he can. The entirety of UK politics is refusing to acknowledge him as a serious politician after creating a more influential change than a head of state could. From this point he'll be able to do more to bring down the EU advising Trump on shadiness inside EU and UK.



People forget that leftists are approaching literal Nazi tier. Especially Anti-'''''''''''fa'''''''' who use established nazi brown shirt tactics.

I love the idea of Nigel immigrating to the United States. He is a great man. But I can't help but feel there so much more work left to be done in Britain, that his jump is a little premature...

Would this be seen by his Ukip followers as a surrender and giving up on Britain??

What? UKIP is in utter chaos.

>Loves his country
>Leaves it because things are getting hard

To be fair, he's been fighting for nearly 20 years and they tried to kill him twice.

the timeline where you teach nigel farage how to use guns in your backyard is slowly becoming more likely, little by little.

This, nige deserves to become an honorary citizen in USA.
I bet he wants to have guns or the legal ability to defend himself and his familia.
Trump and nige best friends now.
Nige will make EU purge with help of Donald his good mate.

>Ukip followers as a surrender and giving up on Britain??
Yes, that is what he is doing.

>Nige portends flood of mass-British immigrants
>Works in Trump adminitration
>American-British alliance creates the Lion Party

Every uncucked European is welcome to the New Great America


The EU is Globalist central. They'll most definitely kill him. They've tried to multiple times already.

Lest we forget?

We'll love to have him.
It's a damn shame that the UK is in such shit shape.
Your entire government is compromised though. Only thing you can do is get violent but you've already let in the jihadis and allowed them to be arrogant.

>Only thing you can do is get violent
Sharpen the butter knives lads.

>Is scared of getting killed
>Moves to a country full of guns that will put some of the blame on him/Brexit for Trump winning

Makes sense.


>hate immigrants
>immigrate yourself
every fucking time

At least he'll be able to defend himself in the country full of guns.

Eternal Anglo strikes again?


>Loves his country
>Nonstop death threats and plots to kill him and his family
>after years of such horrors escalating
>decide it's best to leave for a better, friendlier neighbourhood
>get scolded by some artist on a japkraut image board for the kamikrieg inclined

Can't make this shit up

So youd sit pretty in front of your computer if a mob of angry hoodlums come to beat you to death over something that wont affect them and cannot be reasoned with?

What are you a coward?

Fuck off, we're full

I don't know how citezenry factors into that, but he should be able to get one himself legally.

I'm British and I empathise with Farage completely. Leftists despise him in Britain and so do cuckservatives. He can't win. Plus let's be honest the UK is now just a dreary, rainy, socialist island with no free speech and a future of growing Islamism. I'd move to the land of liberty if I could as well.

>car mysteriously breaks down and wheels fall off
>in a plane crash, after, pilot wants to murder you then commits suicide
>family chased out of a public bar
>hated by millions of rabid leftists

Can't blame him. This guy definitely has security on deck.

there must be a way we can help him be safe, Sup Forums
Maybe if we bring attention to how fragile his position is, people would question his eventual death if it should occur, raising the stakes for whoever wants him dead

I bet he won't live on welfare faggot and brings EU expertise that no American has.
So mr.Mongoloid stfu and go back to drinking koskenkorva and wallow in your depression.

"Personally, I feel if you're British, you've won the first prize at the lottery of life. But I worked for an American company, and I enjoy travelling."

By the way, fuck off OP. You know what he actually said.

Imagine if Trump not only gave him instant amnesty and citizenship, but also gave him a whitehouse job, let him be the US ambassador to EU so he could troll them more, AND let him live in the Trump tower living the ultimate high life.

Imagine the EU rage.

if they suceeded maybe no brexit, no trump

I'm sure he is going to be a secret adviser or something for Trump

You forgot that Trump will absolutely give him a SS detail and my nigga Farrage will buy multiple guns and have plenty of additional security where needed faggot.

Funny how you forget that part you fucking tool.

all the politicians live on tax money and just plan the destruction of their countries, fuck them all.

This is pretty much James Bond coming over to America asking for help from Bruce Willis in Die Hard.

He tried to fix it; it's been destroyed for a decade

UK is a shit hole

If the Queen had any nuts she'd have out an end to this Paki nigger Islamization years ago.

That being said these countries in Europe are critical strongholds of our history and heritage that need to be fought for, not abandoned.

Kek, they literally won't know what to do.
Biggest shit eating grin in history from our nige.

Will he make the US leave the UN, Nato and Nafta now?

America is rightful British clay anyway

Gun owners in America are safer than sitting ducks in Britain.

If you were an American, you wouldn't be a subhuman wigger
Opinion discarded

a. he's earned the right to do whatever he wants
b. he's been right so far, I'll have some faith in that unerring judgement of his

>Doesn't surprise me, I'd go if I could too, The U.K is finished, It's a 3rd world shithole and no one seems to give a shit.
Gosh its sad m90.

Trump will liberate the UK in due time.

I think after those two guys in powdered wigs overturned the immigration circumstances of Brexit old Nigel couldnt stomach the Zog takeover.

Nige just wants to live in a white town. Nantucket island or Marthas Vineyard would be perfect for him

>the people who hated trump are also the people who hate guns


Career politicians, which neither trump or Nigel are.
Nigel wouldn't be campaining against losing his job in Brussels if he was a career politicians.
Trump doesn't need the tax money, because it's chump change.

Ukip can't really do much now. It's years until the next general election.

Well we can't blame him.
The UK aswell as Sweden is a scary place for active right-wing politicians without body guards 24/7. Do what you like based Nigel.

He can't be bothered with the hard work of making Brexit viable, or actually having to win an election on his own (has he ever won an election against other candidates? other than a UKIP leadership election?)

All he wants is a TV or radio show, or some other easy gig, in London or the USA

>anti-UKIP protesters chased his wife and daughters out of a pub in Kent

i wonder how quickly he'll buy a gun. but i highly doubt any normie will know who he is.

five-dimensional pranks, bro

This, why doesn't the queen give a shit that her country has paki rape gangs and Sharia courts.
Sweden's monarchy is French, so it explains itself, but British monarchy has actual authority.

UKIP can't help, it should be able to but it can't.

Our voting sytem is probably extremely fraudulent. UKIP got something like 4 million votes in the last PM election but they only have a single reprasentative in parliament. UKIP should be well on it's way to being a major part of UK politics yet has less influence that the green party, which is a total meme, and got a quarter of UKIPs votes in the last election.

The green party has control of Brighton which is the lefty drugs and LGBT asscancer captial of the UK and I can tell you for a fact it struggles to collect it's trash in some places. It has loads of marathons, marches, bike rides and other nonsense to raise awareness for stupid causes, and the planning of these things is so bad that it blocks access to Brighton hospital.

UKIPs potential new leaders quit very quickly after being threatened and assualted.

I doubt anyone even recognizes this guy in America.

>shit all over your country
>move to another one

right wing faggots in a nutshell

Brits are too dense, strong man trump can change Britain by showing the way out of the darkness.

haha he destroyed europe and now he is coming here

watch him promote the texas secessionist movement or something. this guy has to be on the pay roll of a country that wants to weaken western nations.


I'm surprised you even got the 1 MP seat without coalition partners. Watch AfD get 15-20% and 0 seats

>Here on the shores of the sea, comes the end of our Fellowship
>I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are evil
>We set out to save the United Kingdom, Lad and it has been saved. But not for me
You don't mean that, you can't leave!
>The last pages, are for you lads.

No he's quite popular here

>why doesn't the queen give a shit

Because she lives in this.

>Shit all over yourself and rub it in
>Applaud yourself for being so shitty that niggers don't even want to live there for free
Poland in a nutshell

>this is what people across the pond actually believe

>promote California succession
>he's been trying to weaken liberal places all along


kys senpai

And Brits bitch about the Electoral system and the two party majority in the US lol

That would be breddy based. UK seems to be a nightmare of its former self.

They royals and palirment are also part of those pedo rings

Please let this happen

i wonder what the value of windsor castle is?

I love Nigel.
I'd be proud to see him as an addition to my country.
Come on over Nige and all you other good native British folks.

what you said is true but its because right wing faggots IN POLAND

if we didn't have them we'd be like you Sweden, I'd really like that youre a great country

>shit all over your country
>try to kill the ones who try to fix it

left wing faggots in a nutshell

>anti-UKIP protesters chased his wife and daughters out of a pub in Kent,

So tolerant.