>Whites built the Pyramids
What did he mean by this?
pyramids and sphinx and stuff were build pre-flood. These people could have been white. who knows, a catastrophe like that tends to move people around.
I know, we've got DNA that proves they have European DNA
I just thought it was funny how they were both going full out with WE
this guy is a white WE WUZ KANGS fuck the alt right
DNA it's because of this and they did differentiate between regular niggers and brown skinned in their paintings
Didn't the Egyptians enslave the Jews to build those pyramids? Did a Nazi just call Jews white?
Most curious.
I'm a black Nubian descendant of ancient Egyptian pyramid builders and it's a well-established historical fact that you melanin-deprived albinoid crackers were still in your caves in Europe during the time of their construction. It's physically and scientifically impossible for a bunch of dumb, uneducated, cave-dwelling pig beasts that couldn't even go out on a sunny day without turning into lobsters to have withstood the scorching heat of the African desert, let alone had the knowledge and intellect to design and build such complex structures. But like crackers always do best, they lie, steal, and cheat the history and accomplishments of others to make themselves feel better.
No, same jig as the holocaust. Put jews in the victim role again.
controlled opposition
sage and out
Ever wondered why these sophisticated strutures are in these lands surrounded by savage simpletons who don't even know what a sewage is? You think this exodus of shitskin simpletons into white nations is the first time this has happened?
Other than the bible, there is no proof that massive amounts of jews were ever enslaved in Egypt
Thing is, I think Egypt was more than Nubians. North Africans are clearly not as black as Nubians and Sub-Saharan Africans. I'm not saying Egyptians were white but they were definetly not black.
Whites use science and research.
He should have said they weren't built by Sub-Saharan Africas.
Is it true this guy dated Asian girls?
kek not enough problems
That's another guy, this one is married to a Turk.
>Is it true this guy dated Asian girls?
He has one nut, is a failed artist, fucked his dog named blondie, is a pedo, etc etc. too!
So I have more banana DNA than King Tut DNA?
Stop pushing this guy and his shitty alt right.
And you faggots stop taking the bait
I thought it was funny - A We Wuz Kangz face off.
I assumed the pyramids were built by Semitic peoples.
Then I get bored and go and google - I see some dubiously sourced websites claiming Tutankhamen was actually European.
I look further - His DNA was sequenced, as was his mother and fathers.
A group of DNA experts watching a documentary on TV about this process claim that from a screengrab, a lab computer has the results on screen that verify that Tuti Fruit is actually a European.
Here's where it gets annoying - The scientists responsible for the test refuse to release the information, because they do not want to cause unnecessary controversy.
This is very reminiscent of a case we had in Australia, where Aboriginals refused to allow further testing of the remains of "Lake Mungo Man, a well preserved corpse that was the oldest found in Australia. Because the initial results suggested he may be from an older, different strain of human than what they belonged to.
But honestly - Why would they NOT release the information on Tutankhamen's DNA.
White people certainly won't give a shit either way.
The black guy claims there were no Jewish slaves in Egypt.
While claiming to be a True Christian.
He's got a very confused outlook on life.
The Egyptian government doesn't want to admit their Pyramids were not built by their people
>shitskin mad that his pappy didn't build the Pyramids
>Egyptians are not African, I'm sorry.
Holy shit, this fag loving nazi larper is even a bigger joke than I previously thought.
Bible never says the Jews built the pyramids
Reading the full article my Medium - It appears there is a whole lot of political craziness surrounding the issue, and one of the only ways to get access to the body is to publish what they will allow you to publish and not to tread on the toes of Egyptian scientists who had done earlier studies. They get the shits about being contradicted it seems.
he's proof that white nationalists are retards
Tutankhamun appears to be European. Cleopatra's line was European.
So he's not...uh...entirely wrong?
He's not retarded though.
I listened to his full speech. There was nothing technically wrong with it. He wasn't "incorrect" in his assertations.
He was just a meme dropping, sperg tard cringe meister.
Whites did not build the pyramids and neither did blacks.
The racial classification of white and black did not exist back then.
Actually no, the Jews were Egyptians who were cast out because they were plagued.
Jesus Christ, I hope that you're kidding, because otherwise I genuinely have to wonder what causes someone to become this unbelievably unintelligent.
No, he's right. Talmudists != Judeans
>the pharoahs built the pyramids
why are you implying this
ayo hol up
I am so sick of these kike Spencer
>Jews were Egyptians who were cast out because they were plagued
Yes, and the Pyramids stored grain.
Its true, the ancient Egyptians wrote about it and so did the ancient Romans.
that we wuz the original pharaonz
we did though
>Whites built the Pyramids
He means white people were poor and enslaved craftsmen forced to sweat their backs off slaving for autocratic pharaos.
>north africans
mediterraneans built modern civilization
>Tutankhamun appears to be European.
Don't you think that it's more probable that his genetic kinsmen spread to Europe rather than came from there. Spencer would be correct if he said that pyramids were built by caucasians, but he's apparently a dumbass and has no idea how to argue his points.
>Cleopatra's line was European.
And when the Egypt was nearing it's collapse there was a line ofnig pharaohs, doesn't mean they were responsible for pyramids.
What about Mesopotamia, Egypt or Carthage?
>Sup Forums talking about ancient history & genetics
Can we just agree the human race were ayylmaos and call it a day?
>greeks economic net increased its technology of the metropoli
>colonization of every corner of the Mediterranean sea
>this was the beginning of the european culture
>"we nordic germins were romans and greesk!"
Keep dreaming, barbarians.
How come you shitskins can't into debt/credit?
Nice to know you admitted it.
You will suffer from the same disease leaf. Socialism is a fatal pill.