/ewo/ - Eyes Wide Open

Welcome to /ewo/, Eyes Wide Open, the investigation into the pedophile ring operated by the wealthy, corrupt elite of America and countries abroad.

>What the fuck is going on?
To find out the basics of what's been happening, we suggest you watch these videos and read this site.

-Eyes Wide Open /EWO/ True DeKEKtives Season 1 in 3 Minutes:
-Infowars video:
-Jumping into the rabbit hole:
-What we know so far:
-Pizzagate Primer:

This is the thing that FBIanon and Assange were talking about. If we can break this story, it will be big. The Clinton Foundation is almost certainly part of it along with most governments in the world.

>Alright I've watched the videos and read the site, what can I do to help?
You can do many things. We are always looking for diggers and detectives to uncover new leads and bring us one step closer to justice. Trawl through wikileaks, archives, social media, maps, news reports, tax returns and anything you deem relevant for more info that can be useful to us. We also need talented memers to get the things we find and distill them into potent memes that can be spread on social media. We have touched a nerve with this investigation and the MSM is going full shill to discredit us and push the Fake News meme. We need you to help us fight back.

Standard Operating Procedure pastebin:
Coming soon™

Related meta thread:
Eyes Wide Shut (not).

Other urls found in this thread:




You can stop making these, Trump won.



Is here were the fools are?


Where's Edward Snowden?







>D-daddy are we playing again tonight?

me giggle
shiggy diggy a giggle



you guys are grapsing, go and dig into the clinton foundation and their financial corruption, but seriously this pizzagate thing is fucking retarded, literally on a level with tulpas



You are a child. You cannot find the courage to deal with reality. Kys

>check out my trophy gf
>oh wait, it's my 14yo daughter!

Shoo shoo joo


Holy shit they actually changed it



No-one cares about financial corruption. Not that much, at least.

But kids? Pedophiles?
That, gets everyone spooked, fast.

Besides, there is more than enough proof of indications, which point at this being true. Real mass of indications. No "hard" proof just yet, but that isn't our job.

Someone saw this?
Pedophilia in english football


over on the voat pizzagate board they found some links concerning abromavich and podesta to some confirmed australian pedos, tried to post a link earlier, but the system flagged it as spam


tulpas are real tho


I just went to check, and they actually did.
Holy shit.


Reddit archive (hawaii)

Hopefully in a prison cell

Do you ever do anything else on these threads other than post infographics and circlejerk how scared "the elite" must be right now?



The shills can't dispute the evidence. There's simply too much and it's straight from the horses mouth.
Ad-hominem won't get you far, CTR
PS Dominos on cheese or pasta?



>France demeaning anyone with rumors of pedophilia

Who is Serge Gainsbourg? (((berg)))


who could be behind this post.

What's wrong with this? Am I dumb?



>Cum panda
Also the panda as a symbol means pleasure.

It's a perfectly fine place for children to eat. In Brazil.


once again- and this is something that can not be disputed:

THE MAIN "EVIDENCE" which is really just CONJECTURE at this point is the "pizza terminology". the pizza terminology, "cheese pizza" referring to child pornography, originated on Sup Forums in the late 2000s. there is NO indication that it is used outside of chans

it has never been mentioned in news stories, nor does it come up in any of the numerous documentaries about pedophile rings. THE REASON THAT THE CONNECTION ABOUT PIZZA WAS MADE WAS BECAUSE PEOPLE FROM CHANS ASSOCIATE CHEESE PIZZA WITH KIDDY PORN AND SO SOMEONE MADE AN OFF-HAND COMMENT AND SCHIZOS RAN WITH IT

NOBODY ELSE DOES, and certainly not international child traffickers

there is no indication anywhere that anyone outside of the chans has ever referred to child pornography as "cheese pizza". so this entire conspiracy theory hinges on chan culture and the idea that a bunch of people who can barely figure out memes are familiar with an old meme from 2008


I hope you get these cunts
But were do we go from here?

did anyone check out the house with the barred windows? anyone been to the pizza place?

hes right you know

Google image "masonic floor"

You'll know why

Kys faggot. This is much more important

Notice how everyone responding to this has no argument other than "jew" or "shill."

I do believe there are high level pedo rings but pizzagaters are retarded and grasping at straws.



still fucking relevant.

this shit is not new, these sick fucks have been around for a while.

remember the old "satanic panic?" how much you want to bet that was a prior situation where people got close to the truth and the media swept it under as the wild imaginations of busybody housewives. i bet the whole way that it became a witchhunt of DnD players and such at the time was purely a misdirection by the media, one that could later be satirezed and thus diffused of meaning

Two newmale Jew operatives went and got thrown out.


Being proud of your extremely beautiful daughter and showing her off automatically makes you a pedophile to all the angry fat ugly liberals who think anyone else is actually interested in their opinions.

Does anyone have PNG version of:

Fight pedos and shills who defend them.
Now git.

Notice how it has no argument to dispute
Wow it's like you're retarded

>wanna see my edit?

Cheese Pizza is a commonly, widely used and understood term for child pornography among pedophiles. You need to lurk a bit more before opening your mout and waving it all away based on your obvious ignorance.

send me examples of this being true in the wild. the only people who use it are channers because it is a play on "CP", which was a way to circumvent moderator intervention

newfags be newfagging

That leaf is ignorant Mr. Fish Stein. I only wish he'd known about our Pizzerias before November.



>send me examples
>thinks pedos discuss their filthy hobbies on pages that Google will link

Srsly man. You are a fucking idiot and at least half of Sup Forums knows exactly why


You stupid Goy. Cheese Pizza got to the Chans because of us.

i'm pretty spooked desu lads



>Implying Trump didn't grab Ivanka by the cunny.

Twitter is censoring the hashtag #PizzaGate from the trends list.
Dump your best related memes so we can make a pastebin or something.

I'd expect him to make an OC sooner or later, if he didn't already make some (I don't really follow him).


lol then go on tor and screenshot a discussion pre-2010 where it was used . you can't because it was first used on Sup Forums and it was not used outside of it, there were plenty of widely-used and known terms if you've ever done any actual investigation on child trafficking rings


These people are evil theyre going down


Slightly unrelated but take note:

After I reported the CP on twitter my account has been visited by some odd people. I only have two unrelated comments and these people would like my comment. When I looked at their accounts:
1 They were new but had friends that did porn.
2. They did porn.
I am being targeted for some reason but so far they have picked the wrong type of girls to tempt me.

Doesnt that table form Hillary logo ?

Reminder that the music industry is in on it



Sums up Sup Forums right about now


good observation kek.

To be honest the changed logo could be explained as normal reaction of a business owner who doesn´t want his business get hurt.

>Besta Pizza owner hires company to design logo
>everything is fine
>suddenly owner is lectured by internet neets that his logo looks a lot like some pedo symbol on an FBI-List.
> Let´s change that logo asap!!


lol when Sup Forums starts acting like mothers in 1990s when magic the gathering and dungeons and dragons got really popular . ITS SATANIC OMG THE DEVIL IS IN THAT GAME!!

Way to prove people right by changing it


Did Kanye actually mention pizzagate in his rant on tour? Can't find actual video evidence of him saying "pizzagate"