>Americans celebrate the killing of native Americans by filling up their pig bodies with turkey
>Americans celebrate the killing of native Americans by filling up their pig bodies with turkey
No, you retard. We fill up our turkey bodies with bread.
then we pinch off giant turkey turds and masturbate over the graves of dead injuns promptly followed by a giant fart
>Bread in birds
Is there anything Americans won't eat
Does Australia have a national holiday to celebrate the first year survival of the first low-life criminal pilgrims who landed there?
I tend to eat more stuffing, rolls and potatoes than turkey.
You're just jealous because all you have there is fried marsupial and chinese take out.
In Australia the birds eat your women
>Is there anything Americans won't eat
>Is there anything Americans won't eat
yo mommas filthy fucking pussy
You can't into history.
>not celebrating victory
How long until it becomes politically incorrect to celebrate victory over the Nazi?
I bet ur obese too u fat flab
Yeah we eat Chinese, but we also are not fat fucks who can't even see their dick.
Settle down now children.
Native Americans werent Nazis tho. They literally have amerifats food and were nice
I thought thanksgiving was just a holiday in which families gathered to give thanks for what they have? Do people actually celebrate the killing of Native Americans?
You're probably a slant yourself.
Did the white man invent the tradition to remove scalps?
Well, that's bullshit, you fat fuck..
>Do people actually celebrate the killing of Native Americans?
Y.. you don't?
We drain an Indian of his blood every year to put in our gravy. I don't see what the big deal is, we can do what we want in our own country faggot.
29% of Australians are obese, compared to 35% of Americans. Not that big a difference considering the fact that we have a lot of fat niggers in the south who only eat Popeyes and KFC that make it so high.
how else are you supposed to celebrate it? who is davis?
>native Americans
so niggers got rekt thats a good thing
82% of black women in the US are overweight or obese. It's amazing they can get so fat when they're supposedly starving on wages they can't live on.
Damn right we do.
>Yeah we eat Chinese..
I knew Australians where all descendants of felons, but cannibals? good on ya!
That's like their "buffalo wings"..
>genociding aboriginal peoples root and stem
You really should of finished off the abbos, OP. These ugly, lazy, unintelligent sub-human wastes of life deserve the mercy of death at least.
Tfw Australians eat dog
Yeah and how long until the Muslims do it to the whites of Europe
We eat pig too on thanksgiving...
Might wanna start running now sow.
and it's pretty fucking awesome too.
>by the time the Brits arrived 90% of them died of disease
>the Europeans often allied with them to beat other Europeans (see the French and Indian War)
>Americans decide since it appears that the Indians didn't use most of the land, they would just trade for it
>indians can't understand the concept of true land ownership and get cucked because of it
>they all move west and start acting like massive cunts
>we retaliate by being even bigger cunts
>even then though the main reason Indians don't exist is because of disease and Europeans having sex with them
Nice meme
Even the ones with real jobs don't work that hard. Wife leads a team of these great apes. Lot of them have been doing the same job horribly for years. She hired a young asian lady who was promoted in 6 months. Dats raycist do.
Thank you for supporting my concerns of multiculturalism and diversity. I agree, the white man should stand up for his own interests. Europe belongs to us.