Something to ponder on when you fat fucks are stuffing your faces today
I don't care Dances With Faggots.
I'm grateful SHIT skins have always been stupid and easily conquered.
So you're equating the European conquest of the Americas to Mexican immigration?
does anyone really feel bad for the indians? were whites supposed to just pull up in their boats and see some feathered dude covered in shit hootin and hollerin and be like "oh someone already owns this half of the planet let's go back to shit europe"
Obama should cut all welfare to reservation Indians. See how much they care about living on their "sacred" territory then.
>Dances With Faggots
pretty good lesson about refusing new comers actually also fuck those savages
The Indians actually sold their land to us, for the most part. It was not taken from them by any means.
People think thanksgiving is about sharing, but really it's about starvation. A bunch of pilgrims came over in search of a new life, and on the trip over they starved so much they ate their shoes. Then they got to the New World and knew so little about agriculture and hunting they starved some more. Finally though, they did the smart thing and learned from the locals. They assimilated, and in the process, gained the knowledge to farm, hunt, fish and survive. Finally, they had food to live.
And that's why every thanksgiving we stuff our faces, to celebrate the pilgrims wising up and having some fucking food. This is also why every year I fast all day before we eat.
No most of them were godless savages in the worst possible ways. This idea that they all just sat around peacefully singing about nature and shit is a modern fantasy. You can tell by the ways their progeny have chosen to live that they were basically feral niggers.
hey its not our fault that the shits skins didn't fight hard enough
This. It varies by tribe but many fought other tribes constantly, took slaves and ritually tortured prisoners
Liberals suck their dick because "they lived in balance with nature". Nature's a bitch.
Do you unironically believe people walked across the fucking Atlantic ocean?
I find that theory retarded, it's more belivable that the first colonizers came from Asia since most of the natitives have slanted eyes and not blue eyes.
I'm actually working today, so that the niggers can get their free turkey.
Indians had no concept of American nationality. They were Cherokee, Apache, etc. etc.
They weren't by any standard. Indians tragically were extremely susceptible to European, Asian, and African diseases due to the isolation of their continent.
Indians had no bureaucratic system to document them with
>non native language speaking
So how the fuck did they communicate in the first place, then?
>illegal aliens
Incorrect. The Indians had no bureaucratic system to declare people illegal aliens. Furthermore they did not claim the areas which were settled, and freely traded with settlers because... well, wouldn't you?
Then stop bitching that they're invading you, cocksucker.
aren't mexicans basically indians
So if we invite our conquering neighbors in because they "need help", they'll eventually supplant us and overtake our society? That's what I've been saying, glad we agree.
Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble
VT and Keshe take the lead in breaking the most insidious human trafficking gang on the planet
who is invading me?
kek mexicans are indian rape victims
Yes, True natives of the nort continent, we've been here for thousands of years and we will be here once we reclaim the north continent and capture people of the north for sacrifice.
and i was saying that the indians should have fought harder.
Those fuckers are so tasty.
Toothpaste of truth
>"they lived in balance with nature"
Well put.
Hippies just don't understand how brutal nature really is while they are kept safe by police and military while they drive their prius and sip their starbucks.
>Liberals suck their dick because "they lived in balance with nature
>routinely took slaves
>routinely killed women and children of a defeated tribe
>routinely committed blood sacrifices
>routinely tortured captured POWs
I'm with you m8, I really hate modern leftist lies, desu. The least you can do is be honest about history.
not true. Thanksgiving was giving thanks to God and it was the Pilgrims sharing with the Injuns, not the other way around.
Awwwww, someone's family hates them.
Native here, check my numerals
btw i don't care about your bait picture
Did thanksgiving actually happen? Seems contrived.
>part nigger
are you a real indian or are you lyin
nice digits, yes i'm a savage from oklahoma.
Lol yeah the Starvation ridden Stone Age Indians who didnt even know how a wheel works fed the Pilgrims. Read an actual history Book and stop with your Hippie propaganda
Why does the left always have to be so goddamn vindictive about every goddamn thing? Why can't we enjoy a single fucking holiday without them trying to twist it into some sort of devil worship ritual responsible for slavery and genocide? What the fuck is wrong with them?
show skin pics
>implying i'll post a picture of myself on Sup Forums
nah nigga
so do you live in a regular house/apartment or a teepee or wigwam
Eight years of Obama and the youth hate America.
"Give me a generation of children and I'll create a nation of idiots." - Obama
Except they didn't have a concept of land ownership.
Highland clearances of Scotland literally kicks commoners out of their traditional homeland. Literally die of exposure as method of eviction is burning their homes and crops. Survivors sell themselves into indentured servitude for ten years in exchange for a harrowing boatride to the Americas. Survivors of indentured servitude move to the literal wilderness just to have an opportunity to live a life of self determination. Willing to trade with or fight savages to make their living amongst the wilderness. Etc, etc, end up creating USA.
Fucking assholes
There used to be a land bridge m8
But at least he made the blacks happy.
>implying injuns had laws
What the fuck are you on about?
Race relations have never been so strained in the US as they are now.
right. and we all know how well open borders worked out for the indians.
Regular house on tribal land
A) Europeans Feed the dirty Indians
B) There was no national language at the time
C) They were there legally and there was plenty of documents about them. Far more then primitive Indians had.
This really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of serotonin at key moments of sensory input as well as really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.
I don't even know anymore if American posters are pretending to be retarded or if they really are retarded.
Just look at the fucking map, you can clearly see that the path from Europe goes over permanent and seasonal ice.
They were pretty stupid to do that.
No one cares about the stupid Indian-Pilgrim story. Thanksgiving is an excuse to eat decadently, just like all the other holidays.
Yeah and look out how it worked out for the natives.
>Dances With Faggots
Native Americans got conquerd and are one of the most cucked races.
Now put trees
They weren't illegal though. You have to have laws die something to be illegal.
Thankful that the Indians Sold us Manhattan.
That alot of Americans have awokened and are stopping gaming at Indian Casinos. Their odds are worst than the mafia. If you even do business with them you are an Injun lover.
America stop patronizing Indian Casinos. They use the money to influence elections.) l
There were a couple migrations. They used a combination of a land bridge, a pass through the glaciers, and small boats to navigate into America. A lot of people seem ignorant to the fact that they had boats.
The word America itself comes from the name of an european. Without the colonists the continent would be a mass of retarded savages killing each other.