ITT: CIA/FBI plants
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I really don't get how a CIA plant could be starting to uncover and draw attention to the international child sex trafficking ring that is in all likelihood maintained by the CIA for blackmail.
That Spencer faggot
Maybe faggopoulos
All of them weasels
Mobile link, sorry
Basically the stuff starting to come out about Pizzagate has all been said/documented before. This former head of the FBI says again and again that it's a covert operation by the CIA to blackmail and control people in the government. So why would an independent, alternative media source who's slowly coming closer and closer to blowing the lid off this thing (like they always do), actually be a plant by the people orchestrating this?
The CIA runs the show, they run all this, and by your logic, they are the only people trying to expose.. Themselves? I know what controlled opposition is but this makes no sense. Retard
There's a supposed power war between lobbies and agencies
Bread and circus as always.
If only you knew how bluepilled Sup Forums really is
Ooooh that's cryptic you must know a lot more than the rest of us huh
The fuck does this even mean?European coastnigger
The CIA doesn't operate domestically
Thanks CIA
You're retarded but KEK has blessed you so I'll reply to you once more.
The answer to your question in your first post is in my reply.
It's cryptic to you because you're retarded stupid.
Top kek lad
Hey that's Bill Hicks!
There is definately a will from somewhere for this pizzagate stuff to come out. Maybe a distraction for stuff Trump might do these days. Gotta watch what he does closely. After all I think he's closer to the Clintons than what some people here are willing to admit.
The CIA responds to the Jesuit Order.
OP is an FBI/CIA plant.
No agency needs to hire anyone if anonymous folks do their work for them unkowingly.
It's the best form of jewery
No just a capitalist goy making a buck. Used to shill insane conspiracy theories like chemtrails and mind reading satellites because there was money in it, now shill alt-lite stuff because there's money in it.
The Clinton's were CIA assets to control domestic threats
Their handler knows one of my mentors
I've heard that Bill Clinton was basically raised by the CIA, please go on?
>jones a cia plant
nice memerino friendino
This guy?
Nice try, Shlomo.
is pizzagate real or is just some crazy eight-chan schizophrenia?
papa bush was head of cia. barbara bush has called the clintons their inlaws or some similar shit. when the cia was toppling regimes in south america and shipping cocaine up north, they flew that shit right into arkansas.
Old news desu
i replied to somebody who asked, you fucktard.
>the CIA responds to the Jesuit order
What's wrong with the Jesuits?
The Jesuits are cool.
Agreed old news, that's like baby's first CIA redpill. I want to know about Bill Clinton's upbringing. I thought you knew something
he was a rhodes scholar whose mentor was carroll quigley. look up that fucker.
look up liberation theology. it's socialism.
Tragedy and Hope is an excellent book though.
I still dont see what's so creepy or wrong about it.
would you like to know more?
hey, if you don't see socialism as a tool for elitists to enslave the entire planet, i can't help you.
actually, read hayek's road to serfdom, that might help.
Enslave and control are not identical, Quigley merely describes factual thruths, not some evil ploy-
People are retarded and the strongest rise to power, as is natural with all living things.
What's so bad about this enslavement? That you're not on top?
>That you're not on top
you're goddamned fucking right.
>People are retarded
this is why all it takes is stepping outside to realize that i'm not a libertarian.
goddamn, these fucking captchas.
Sup Forums
Not being on top and being bothered by it I can understand, but casting morals (memes) aside, the factual truth of the (human) matter is that we're a fucking lot and our world crumbles without order, whatever that is.
Power exercised over oneself can always be seen as bad or evil for obvious natural animalistic reasons, but other than that I'd say its good in the big picture if we consider survival of the group and prevailing in time as what's positive and good.
Fuck you and your elitist mindsets
People are misguided not retarded
it's not that i want to be on top, it's that i'm perfectly capable of governing myself. it's not my fault half the world is retarded and needs an authority.
and fuck you, people are fucking retarded.
You dont understand. Imagine you NOW have ALL the power over everyone
What do you do? You'd probably fuck everything up-
Seriously. What objective measures do you apply on real time to avoid the crumbling of the now global society?
Misguided? Based on what? your own morals? Do you think the memes you have in your head are shared by everyone?
Can you think of any other way of maintaining the human world that doesnt imply control?
Have you even looked at other mammals and their communities?
People are misguided , yes, but they're also retarded. Ultimately it's up to oneself to comply with the brainwash or not, and most comply and even want to.
What i think is everything will eventually solve itself with a fair decentralized currency
Everything else is dysgenic
Power corrupts and people in power start thinking only about themselves
>People are misguided , yes, but they're also retarded. Ultimately it's up to oneself to comply with the brainwash or not, and most comply and even want to.
That assumed equal access to information
Of course state subsidised systems are winning now, because they have more capital do it
>Jesuit are cool
More rats for the stew
But people in power are always replaced, not only by the own system, but by the natural law that applies to it as well.
Money is a meme, a god, a tool. Regardless of currency or financial system, power is power and is / must be enforced.
People are retarded because they allow themselves to be mislead. Nobody can fool you if you dont believe them and most never even doubt authority. They're ultimately the evil ones, not the con artists that scam them.
Pizzagate is sold as real by wikileaks and such, while it is only a way of testing how far will people react to a thin link between people they are electing to power and child traficking rings. It is not news that these elites partake in rituals and black magic involving children and sex à la Bohemian Grove, yet people vote for them without problems. They maybe prepared it to sink Hillary and his campaign with Pedosta and Wiener (notice play on names) because it was Trump that was supposed to win. Now pizzagate is getting mainstream attention when it isn't relevant anymore and less attention goes to Trump.
Take the podesta mccann connection. MM initials for the girl for 33 hoax code. These suspect portraits coming out that late and matching so well gives it away 100%. Pizza also happens to be 33 in numerology. Then pizza has the letter z in it, which is argued to be a crypto jew hoax code (Zionism, naZi, Zyklon B...)
To me, pizzagate is there to take attention off something.
Alex Jones has been doing this for almost 3 decades, I used to watch him and David Icke the lizardman try to jump other walls to get into bilderberg meetings, getting chased and shit by security. This was on Google Video, before jewtube even existed.
If he's a plant, then every public person is a plant.
Could Pizzagate be the organic continuation of BadSelfEater and DAK 16.10.16?
A DoD study of how information flows through "terrorist" networks?
Pizzagate will in fact accustom people to pedophilia to the point when they will accept anything the narrative feeds them regardless of how "brutal" it is
There will be always power, but with a fair currency its going to be meritocratic
And you can't blame a mind control victim for being controlled. Being persuaded isn't correlated with low intelligence
You are one smart goy. I think the whole clown scare thing was also a spearhead for how information moves through networks as well. The "redpilled" truly don't think about this aspect of cointelpro enough
I think you're just imagining utopic ideals, nothing works as you think it does.
Regardless of what you try you always end up with the same system, which seems to be irreductible and that is what is commonly known as the "law of the jungle". Its just that many people seem to prefer chaos to order, and that seems strange to me.
Being persuaded IS in fact correlated with low intelligence.
Well, the redpilled are also on pills, so.....
>People allowing to be mislead are the evil ones
So it's a 5 year old's fault for doing what he's told: to learn what he's teached in school as absolute fact to be like the others and fit in? Go back to siesta Miguel.
It kind of is, because it is factually proven that not all 5 years old are the same and there are always people that see through the lies and can actually gain agency of their own as individuals.
I also think this way because for the control to happen one must first accept the lie, and nobody can "let that lie in" save for yourself.
People take the first step of submission, so yes I think it is first of all their fault.
Also, there's no exact definition of what a "5 year old" is, when in this case we're referring to behaviour and gullibility, and lots of people also went through school fully realizing the shit it was.
ITT: Cynics that can't make room for Divine Providence in their worldview/weltanschauung
Re-reading your post I must comment that YES
ABSOLUTELY it is ONE's fault for obeying an outside source. Obedience comes from the one that obeys, not from the one that tries to enforce
That's definitely possible.
The Hawaii cheesybay stuff was the real deal though.
t. Guy who was there
We're all born children and all children are extremely malleable. You blame it on kids for getting baited by deceivers using mind control and social engineering techniques perfected for a century by the smartest minds that existed.
The rabbit hole you open by going away from this submissive path is made to be extremely scary and opressing. You are labeled a schizo, a Bible nut, a drug addict, whathever to destroy your image. This is why you have homeless people being too woke and millionaires being the perfect goyim.
I'm not saying there arent forces that try to enforce their own agendas
I'm saying the weak fall under the strong and that's how it is wether you like it or not and that's how it is and how it always will be.
Contrarians are not clean minded, they also dwell in memes. schizos, bible nuts, drugg adicts or whatever are as good a slave as the most bluepilled normie.
It's not what you're against. Its the limits by which you live / in which you dwell.
All of the "outcasts" you mention live in the same cage as everyone else.
ALL children would fall for such a perfected system. It's just that those deceiving have their own children they don't send to goyim academy so they have someone to keep their cycle going.
Good for you if you are homeschooled by redpilled parents. Shame on you if you went to public school. Is this how you think?
This is not the strong rising over the weak in the natural order of things at all.
Sounds to me like you're shifting the blame away from you / the "victims"
Everyone is a perpetrator, think of it that way. You have free will, you have agency and you have responsability. Dont ignore those.
Nobody can force you to be inside you, you're the one that lets them in (or doesnt).
Not all people are equal. That's a bunch of BS. There are plenty of sub-100 IQ people, 50% by definition that qualify as effectively retarded. Capacity of 100 or less BUT % utilization of 60-70%. Must be nice to be a functional retard and live in an imaginary world where there is a rainbow on the horizon daily and unicorns exist and they crap skittles.
For those here like me with gifted intelligence and a propensity to use it, (and it does seem that Sup Forums attracts that type of person) then you know what I mean by "the burden of knowing". Fucking sucks ass to be intelligent in a world full of tards'. Goddamn prison sentence.
>live in an imaginary world where there is a rainbow on the horizon daily
Knowledge is only depressing when you do nothing with it.
My problem with the current year culture is that 95% of the population doesn't truly appreciate anything.
Most won't until they're about to die, it's sad.