Daily reminder on this Thanksgiving Day that meat is murder. If you are eating meat today, you are helping cause insufferable pain to millions of animals. You are also greatly contributing to global warming because certain farm animals, such as cattle, release vast amounts of methane into the atmosphere.
Meat is Murder
An atheist, a vegan, and a pothead walk into a bar.
Everyone in the bar knew it, because none of those insufferable cunts ever shut the fuck up about it.
yeah meat is murder and ill personaly murder this years food. so?
consider this. if every family hunted their own turkey every year for thanksgiving, turkeys would go extinct in approximately 15 years.
OP ive got my tofurkey.
Animals kill each other all the time.
How can anyone "shut the fuck up" about the barbarity of eating meat? If you believe that it's morally wrong then you must act on it.
All it takes for evil to succeed in this world is for good men to do nothing.
do you see my flag? we dont have turkeys over here
Daily reminder
Not eating meat makes you a green pussy cuck.
That is why we have farms retard.
Tofurky is GARBAGE
I'm going to destroy a couple of animals tonight just for you OP thanks for reminding me
is that real
every time a vegan talks to me about being vegan i pick a new species to eat
i think i'll try geo duck because of this thread. maybe veal?
yes goy, are not vegans so annoying, eat your juicy bacon and cheese burger, so delicious
Murder is delicious.
please show me where in the Bible it says you cant kill animals
We are not animals. We were made in God's image.
We're part of the food chain brah
We eat meat, so do other animals. I don't understand why vegans get so upset about it because no matter how hard they cry they're never going to convince the general population to stop eating meat. I mean, people still smoke cigarettes 50 years after they were found out to be cancerous. Most people will cater to their own desires above everything else.
daily reminder:
if meat is murder, veganism is genocide
>If you are eating meat today
we eat meat everyday, almost every meal
>has never eaten beef or duck before
underage b& detected
what?! what do you eat? ducks? Legit, what is your thanksgiving fowl?
and that is precisely OPs...did you even... oh, canada. Nevermind.
Both good. Depends on how you prep it. Gonna kill a couple of animals for OP. Make sure to bring your rifles user.
Why do you care about what ancient Jews had to say? By that logic, stop eating ham and carnitas! Not kosher!
I've actually tried tofurkey once. Memes aside, it's actually a decent turkey imitation. "Meat" is a little on the dry side but if I served you a slice without telling you, you wouldn't know the difference.
Murder is good so long as it isn't someone from our own tribe. It is testosteronous and masculine. Global warming is a kike lie.
Killing plants is murder.They scream every time you kill and eat them. I actually saw a carrot cry,but I didn't give a fuck,because it was coated with meat gravy.
Deutschland... Thanksgiving... does not compute.
holy shit, my vegetarian senses are tingling. I have to save the black angus cow. must eat burger.
One day the hunters will be the hunted.
You mean to say you wouldnt indulge in a dogsoup?
Give me your tears user. Have some cream made from cow milk
I am not Jewish
Plants don't have pain receptors, smarty pants.
>i saw a carrot cry
Muh sides
I agree with you OP, however you're wrong about "global warming". Carbon has nothing to do with the weather changing, intentional weather modification (chemtrails, HAARP and GWEN towers) is what's changing the weather, nothing else.
Very real
Turkey is plain enough for it to work
Sorry forgot pic
eat shit then, plant killer
The term murder only pertains to humans
Bullshit. Pull a head of lettuce apart and tell me you don't hear the screams. Vegans are the most brutal people on Earth. Plants have feelings too,man.
Exactly! What excuse then do we have for not ditching flesh as a main staple in our diet?
Fuck off Jianjun Hwong.
On this thanksgiving we murder a turkey, a pig, several crabs, abort a dozen chickens and steal milk from a calf.
And I'd have thought nothing of it if I wasn't compelled to itemize it so I could irritate you.
Now it amuses me, and after dinner I'll wonder aloud in jest what the vegans are doing today.
Barbaric would be eating you, faggot. Civilization has nothing to do with humans being omnivores, it didn't cancel it out and never will.
>vegan here
Why the fuck would I eat that shit?
If people want to eat meat, let them and shut the fuck up about it.
Soy is the fifth most common food intolerance, gives a lot of people apocalyptic diarrhea.
Animals are dumb,and they eat vegetation. People are smart and they eat animals. What does that make vegans? Drooling retards?
I used to eat meat. Then I realized that precious animals die in order for me to consume meat. So then I became a vegan.
But then I learned that millions of insects and thousands of small mammals are killed in the process of growing and harvesting the vegetables I ate. So I started to grow my own food.
Then I realized that nothing that lives wants to die and for me to live other things must perish. So now I dont eat food of any kind.
Once you realize you only need water to live your possibilities in life are endless.
op is faggot
If this is not troll, which I hope it's not. What kind of water do you drink? Distilled?
Knowing all that,what are your thoughts on Hatian mud cookies?
You don't even need water. Try breathairinism bro! You just need to stare into the sun for 30 min at dawn and dusk.
I collect rain and filter it through charcoal and sand.
Most of those cookies are made with vegetable starch which is murder. Also dirt contains microbes and to eat them is murder.
>you make millions of poor cute animals suffer
It makes me want to switch to full meat desu.
Opposable thumb master race , fuck those primitive bastards, their kind is weak and deserves nothing more than serve superior muktocelullar organisms.
I'm going to try this. I feel like I might be killing microscopic life with my water consumption.
Breatharianism requires water
Do you ever charge your water in the sun?
The water is filtered outside so sunlight touches the water in the process but I don't have a step where I charge the water with the sun.
I do activate my water though.
What is more pathetic? The vegan that loudly announces that they don't like eating meat...
...or the flood of responses like "uhhhm you murdered your lettuce" or "I personally murdered 18 steers today what so I can have a tasty meal"?
All of you faggots are faggots. All of you.
This whole fucking thread is one of the best things on Sup Forums in a while.