realy make you think.
Realy make you think
my car's japanese
But my vodka is Swedish
Products = / = people
Your car is German.
And you complain about the Holocaust?
see how that logic works?
First off, Arabic numerals come from India.
Secondly, any Italian would tell you that the pizza they make in the Western world is not Italian pizza.
And thirdly, if my kabab is Turkish then this (
why the fuck would you have/want any of these?
Not an arguement
Where's the "Your Kosovo is Serbian" edit
Well, no shit Chris. Any retard can make that observation. How do we fix it?
neither my pizza nor my numbers have ever threatened me. and i dont have any oil you bastard
You forgot one.
>your rivers are Syrians.
My job is gone
That I do blame on immigrants
OP's wife's boyfriend is Syrian
> comparing objects to human beings
Only leftards can do that.
Everything is wrong except the movies numbers and letters b8/10. Saged
Nobody wants to be cucked like you.
Fuck off Fagmany.
Those are all things we freely *chose* to import and pay for.
There is nothing wrong with share other cultures, is how humanity move foward, but is different to share your country. Every people deserve country, and if you are of a people you not should go to other people's country. Is like difference between being friend to you are neighbor and invade you are neighbor home.
All Haram
>lawyers destroy justice
Maybe in your country, but my chambers uphold the Rule of Law.
>your movies are American
Wow you got one thing right
>Your shirt is Indian
Exactly. That's the point of trade.
Yeah and I want to keep it that way, have them stay home and make these nice products for us, instead of leeching us off producing nothing!
I don't give a fuck.
Deutschland den Deutschen!
OP = faggot
All those things are traded goods. You can't trade or buy people anymore.
Unless you're part of the elite club.
>my car is a Ford F150
>Russians make good vodka
>American pizza is not Italian
>I don't even know what kebab is
>America is a republic not a democracy
>I don't drink coffee
>Well no shit Sherlock
>I don't drink tea
My shirt is made by Pakis thank you very much
>Most oil uses in USA is American
> English= Latin
Shitty strawman, just because we trade with other countries don't mean we should let in millions of immigrants
>How do we fix it?
Invalid argument.
We bought that shit because it's cheap and/or because they're good at making it.
Just because I enjoy living with electricity doesn't mean I want a coal burning powerplant next door.
>Your culture is destroyed completely
You missed one
>My Car is Japanese
>I don't mind Russia
>My Pizza is from New York, an is very much not Italian
>My Republic is English
>I don't care for coffee
>Hollywood is shit
>I don't care for Tamils
>Actually, I think it's from Vietnam
>No, my oil is from North Dakota, you fuck
>...because they're shit
>In their current form, they're actually a North African development adapted by an Italian
>Motherfucking Rome, bitch.
>Yes. I also complain that you don't know what a non-sequitur is.
My cars are Swedish (Saab 9-3 vert) and Japanese (Lexus LS460 AWD). My pizza is authentic Italian-American fare, since I'm half Italian and live in NJ. Other than that, you're damn right.
Oh so people are objects now?
Can I start treating women like the sex dolls they are?
>i don't have a neighbor
take you shiity maymay and gtfo Ahmed
Leftists just can't grasp the idea that we hate people for what they DO, not for what the ARE
And we're the bigots
Yes, and while we import that good things from other nations, we don't need all of the bad things to come with them. They also don't need us to migrate to their countries.
People are stronger within their own cultures. Multiculturalism is proven, over and over again, to destroy a group of people. People with the same cultural values and goals will outlast the others every time.
>Your kebab is Turkish
Wew what a fucking accomplishment
My coffee isn't going to stab me and rape my family
bad image
>Your car is German.
Yes it is.
>You vodka is Russian.
I don't drink vodka but it's Polish.
>Your pizza is Italian.
I think my deep fried pizza is such a bastardisation of the original that it shouldn't even be called pizza.
>Your kebab is Turkish.
Don't eat kebab because the only place is 5 miles into town.
>Your democracy is Greek.
My constitutional Monarchy is British.
>Ypur coffee is Brazilian.
Don't drink coffee. Even if I did, it's from shitholes we colonised.
>Your movies are American.
Another ex colony.
>You tea is Tamil.
The tea I drink is grown in Scotland (somehow).
>Your shirt is Indian.
Shithole the Queen still owns.
>Your oil is Saudi Arabian.
It's from the North Sea off out coat but that might change in coming years.
>Your electronics are chinese.
Western designed and chink made.
>Your numbers are Arabic.
Why create a new system when a good one already exists.
>Your letters are Latin.
Why create a new system when a good one already exists.
Tbh your engine is Scottish, your computer is English, your monitor is Scottish, your phone is Scottish, the SF keeping you safe from the timebomb which is the neighbor is founded by a Scot.
Mmm no. My parents are American, my wife is American and my kid is American.
Using coffee and cars as examples of why I should care about immigrants is exactly like saying Europeans shouldn't eat tomatoes if they hate mudslimes. Or did you forget tomatoes are American too?
No, Ahmed, I complain because my neighbors are illegal immigrants that sell drugs.
Their nationality is Mexican, and their product is Columbian, and they pay zero taxes.
That's why I hate them.
stoopid. you should post it on FB instead.
This made me think too.
>trading with other people means you have to indiscriminately allow them to live in your country
My coffee doesn't make my walls shake with it's music and leave garbage on its lawn.
This is why we get along with honorary aryan Japanese
>My coffee isn't going to stab me and rape my family
This guy's coffee is low-test lmao
>"oh you have a german car? WELL HERE'S 4000 SYRIANS, YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF!"
Typical authoritarian Britcuck desu. How are those Muslim rape gangs?
Top kek
how do they keep missing the point that it 's about LEGAL immigration vs illegal immigration? Holy fuck, how can people be this stupid?
Poo in loo made my tshirt.
He is now entitled to squat in my home.
Alright, let me own my immigrant neighbor and I'll think about it.
fuck off anarcho cuck
>He is now entitled to squat in my home.
That's ok, you'll be busy squatting at Walmart anyway.
>Your car is German
Korean, but assembled in the United States.
>Your vodka is Russian
My vodka is American.
>Your pizza is Italian
I don't eat kebab.
>Your democracy is Greek
I don't have a democracy and my Republic is definitively American.
>Your coffee is Brazilian
Hawaiian and thus American
No shit.
Uh, well... I don't actually know where my tea is grown. Probably not Sri Lanka though. The style is American though.
Made in America with AMERICAN cotton.
>Your oil is Saudi Arabian
Unlikely. It's probably American. Assuming it's not American then it's Canadian or Mexican.
Depends. My PC was mostly made in the U.S.
Well, you're not wrong.
>I purchased those things to enjoy for myself.
>I never purchased illegal immigrants nor can I enjoy them.
And Sup Forums says women aren't funny.
My republic is roman
my car is latvian
my vodka is latvian
my pizza is latvian
my kebab is latvian
my democracy is latvian
my coffee is latvian
my movies are latvian
my tea is latvian
my shirt is latvian
my oil is latvian
my electronics are latvian
my numbers are latvian
my letters are latvian
now go fuck youself
KIA or Hyundai? How is it holding up?
Your mom's a whore
KIA, 2005. It's holding up pretty good actually. Hit 100k miles on it and never had to do any major work on it outside of a few car accidents. The only real bad thing that happened to it was I had a spark plug literally explode which took out the wire harness. Not really the vehicles fault as I was driving through the Mojave in the middle of fucking summer and it was overheating a bit because I hadn't done much maintenance on it that year. Everyone always tells me that they're piece of shit vehicles, but I have literally no complaints about mine.
The fuck? A tea sipper is complaining about tea?
You realize we're in favor of protectionism exactly cebause we DON'T want our products built outside the US right?
I want my neighbors to be from here.
I want my chemicals made here
I want my cars made here.
consider legal immigration impossible in some cases or damn near it, to the point where you're waiting 15+ years and you're still "in process". Put yourself in any person whose trying to put food in their kids mouths, you'd already be packing your bags for just a chance at a better life. Stop being so fuckin dense and try putting yourself in the persons shoes who you're going to fuck over with legislation, because that person could of easily been you if your daddy had decided to plant one in your mom at the exact time God decided the earth needed another 3rd world sob story of a life
And even if that were the case, we are paying money earned through our work in our successful nation and buy their bullshit. If they dont sell cheap you can interchange every country with another on that list.
Now that said if my "(((neighbour)))" rapes and kills my kids this is a cultural problem and has nothing to do where products come from.
Typical kikery facebook baits
Maybe those people should improve their own living conditions instead of running away from their problems, but I guess that would take actual work wouldn't it?
I have never seen my german car raping a 12 year old. OP is Obviously retarded
Fuck off mate
I'm an immigrant myself (well, my parents are) and complain about immigration all day. Fuck you, Achmed and sage.
>I have never seen my german car raping a 12 year old
I'm sure we could find some photos of that from the summer and fall of '41.
>Everyone always tells me that they're piece of shit vehicles
Everybody praises them here. There are a lot of them. Hyundai not so much. I'm asking because I'm interested in those Hyundai small cars.
>Vehicle made in America
>Vodka made in America
>Pizza made in America
>Remove Kebab
>The United States is a Constitutional Federal Republic
>Implying I drink coffee
>Ok, got one right
>Tea from Japan
>Made in Vietnam, good job on making me check, outsourced because cheap sweatshops
>Not much we can do about giving Saudis money sadly
>Sure, people outsource manufacturing because American companies can't compete with the low cost of Chinese labor
>Why should we make a new system for letters and numbers instead of just sticking with what works?
>human beings
What did he mean by this?
Ah. Touche
Hyundai is to Kia as Lincoln is to Ford if you know what that means. My mom has one and outside of a few parts recalls it's done fine for her. Honestly, though, it's just an overpriced version of my vehicle with a little more "luxury" to it.
>>Implying I drink coffee
>Your car is German
Top kek. By cost-quality, even Spain makes better cars than you now. Maybe it's because nobody German works at the factories anymore.
So when you buy that kirby vacuum you let that salesman fuck the wife right?
>your shirt is indian
>your electronics are chinese
yeah, thank god for globalism and asian workers slaving for a dollar a day and stealing american jobs while CEOs pocket the millions in profits
I thought leftists were against capitalism
I'm not really looking into those high price luxury stuff. I was thinking those i10,i20 or i30 models. So would you recommend smaller KIA instead?
Actually the numbers are Persian .
Actually my vodka is Ukrainian
Actually a lot of this just isn't true. I drive a north american car and I'm wearing an American-made shirt today. I love American beer and I'm not the only one who thinks we could do without all these electronics and all this oil.
None of it makes a difference, though, to the fact that neighbours are not commodities. It is very easy to assimilate foreign food into our culture. It is far more difficult to assimilate foreign attitudes and foreign religions.
>liberals objectifying people
Shouldn't they be against that?
I mean, I don't really know much about car so I can't say anything about specific models, but in general, if you're not getting the bells and whistles, you might as well get the KIA because it's the exact same shit without the bells and whistles but cheaper.
Bring back slavery and I'll concede their point.